Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1214: Clearance

This time, because of the rare opportunity of Tianlu, it is a mixed matter. Therefore, the people who rushed to Tiantian gathered almost all the people in Honghuang and secretly.

There are Hongyun, Haotian, Yaochi, the Queen Mother of the West, Dragon Mother, Shiqilin, Wangshu, Baihu, the patriarch of the Xuanwu family, His Majesty the Lord of the Heavens, Dou Yuanjun ...

The situation of these people breaking the sky is almost the same as that of Emperor Shura.

Except for them, there are similar, even better ones.

There is Xuanhuang who is famous for Hongjun at the time of opening, Luo Xuan, the nine-day ancestor, the remaining four evil worlds of the fierce beast family, the candle dragon of the dragon and phoenix family, the first dragon, the sky phoenix, the guest of Zixiao Palace, Zhenyuan Zi, Xun Peng, Bai Ze of the Lich, Xing Tian, ​​the three ancestors of the clan, Fuxi, Shennong, Chiyou ...

These are still the top wave of people.

Don't say that Jinxian is not as good as a dog, and Da Luo is walking away. Now it is simply that Da Luo is not as good as a dog.

Like Emperor Shura, these people are basically saints, standing on the top of the pyramids. Basically, every aspect counts as a first-class existence.

Although Taiyi is known as the first person under the Yuan Dynasty, if he is placed in the crowd, he may not dare to say that he is invincible.

Even if some of them are not walking the refinement, but the coercion here has not caused them much difficulty.

After all, they can cultivate to the point where they are, the quasi-sacred peak, the Yasheng, the most human, and the half-step mixed element, all know the importance of the physical body, and even if you do n’t focus on the physical body, you will also take care of practicing qi and God. .

And the chance of the road this day is not the strongest physical existence, he chose the strong in all aspects, there are no obvious flaws.

It is not required that you have to specialize in the flesh like a witch, so as to reach the point of proving, but as long as you do n’t hinder you.

Therefore, after entering Tianlu, their degrees were not affected at all.

You know, when Fang Qingshan was just the peak of Da Luo, they were able to climb to the top of Zhoushan desperately, and the coercion here was just like the difference. How can they be stumped by Xiuluo and others?

One by one, all open, like a breakthrough, it seems that there is no pressure at all. Soon, many of the first people to enter are soon overtaken, and they are first in the front, and constantly distance themselves from the people behind them.

This prominent move naturally naturally drove the later people. You chase after me, and even some people who have reached the limit, have been a few steps further, and even passed the customs because of this.

It is a pity that in the end here, you can't go to the end by relying on the blood of one cavity. It is said that the strength is the most important.

Therefore, with the exception of a limited number of good luck, other people who forcibly climbed not only did not get benefits, but were severely damaged because of it. Fortunately, they did not hurt the root.

Besides, Emperor Shura and other refiners or the group of quasi-sacred peaks, and even Yasheng, the most savvy, quickly passed the refinement level and crossed the first floor of Tianlu.

It was said earlier that because the number of poles is nine, and the return of one to nine is considered complete, the road is divided into nine layers. Each layer is an independent level. Each level is divided into nine stages. One stage is Nine steps, ninety-eight steps, and one step passed the test of this layer.

Then there was a large platform with thousands of futons on it.

This is a reward that passes the first level of testing. You can ask for it. Lingbao, luck, merit, merit, and even understanding, root bones, etc. are all right, as long as it is not too outrageous, you want innate treasure, you want The merits of the emperor can basically be realized.

It is also a place to rest for a while.

When breaking the sky, you must continue to advance, advance, and advance at the fastest rate.

Because once you stop and want to catch your breath, it's just the rhythm of death.

Because the pressure on the road does not change because you stop, nor does it mean that what kind of pressure is at any height.

Obstacles on the road, even if you do not climb and stand in place, he will increase over time.

Only by passing this level completely will there be time to rest on such a platform.

At the same time, this platform is also a help to pass the next level.

If it is your request, the opportunity you get can help you pass the next level, then you can form a virtuous circle.

Break through the barriers, get the chance, continue to break through, and use the chance to make it easier.

Of course, the chance is not invincible, only if you happen to get stuck in the front door.

Therefore, the iron needs to be hard.

These, not to mention, said that after the Emperor Shura and others passed the first floor, there was no delay on the platform, and they did not receive the so-called reward opportunities. Instead, they went straight to the second floor.

The reason for this is naturally that they did not spend much effort to pass the first pass assessment and did not use rest adjustment.

As for the chance reward, it is completely dispensable for them. They can cultivate to their realm. Ordinary spiritual treasures, spiritual roots, and natural treasures do not enter their eyes. Generally speaking, at least they must be top quality. Among them, the best Jialingbao can make them a little bit emotional, otherwise, even if they get it, it is only a shelving.

After all, in the flood, unlucky things like Kun Peng are really rare, but even Kun Peng, they are now sitting on two superb treasures, the top merit Lingbao demon master palace, the top congenital Lingbao Jiutianfeng whip.

Although Hong Jun aims to train the descendants of Honghuang, it is impossible to reward top-level congenital spirit treasures at the first level.

Therefore, Emperor Shura and others did not even pay attention to those so-called opportunities.

Of course, they don't bother, some people naturally pick it up.

After all, not everyone can be like them. Being able to pass through the customs easily without panting, the tyrants were completely unaware of these opportunities.

These, not to mention, after passing through the refining level, after entering the next level, Emperor Shura and others suddenly felt a completely different feeling rushing forward.

Changing the soup does not change the medicine. Here, like the refining level, it is also suppressing other abilities, only showing that one abilities are used.

But ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ this time is not physical strength, but strength training.

This time, when Emperor Shura stepped into the second level, there was an extremely condensed one. It surpassed the ordinary innate aura, similar to the innate yin and yang, and the power of the innate five elements. The aura poured into the body violently and utterly. Outside the country, I can only watch Reiki enter the body.

Feeling this violent aura that seemed to tear his body.

There is only one way to resolve them, and that is to destroy them with their own mana and qigong exercises, and then take them for their own use.

This is a test and a chance.

Just like the previous refining level.

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