Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1215: 9 levels

The reikis in the practice level are not ordinary innate auras, but rare rare attributes of innate auras. These innate auras contain extremely rare innate rhymes, rule fragments, and refining, which can greatly enhance the practice. Qi cultivation promotes the quality of Qi, and even comprehends the Tao.

Others don't say, that the battle of the gods shined in the future. Is it possible that Kong Xuan, the prince of the phoenix family of the peacock Daming, who came to be a Buddha, will be born in the spirit of the Five Elements?

Sanqing is also a combination of Pangu Yuanshen's three-point combination and Kaitianqing's gasification form, and the ancestral witch is a combination of Pangu's essence and blood combined with the evil spirit.

These innate auras, especially auras with special attributes, are extraordinary.

Except for being able to see it at the beginning of the day, it is not easy to see it later, because they either came out of shape, or evolved into a side of heaven and earth, or a spiritual treasure.

Of course, the aura in the practice level may not be the most primitive and infinite, but it is definitely above the ordinary innate aura.

It's just that these innate auras are extremely violent, just like the chaos air, they cannot directly absorb refining like ordinary innate auras, and they also need to annihilate their will before refining.

In the first step of the practice level, a special innate aura hits, the second step has two, the three steps are four, and so on. At the ninth step, there are 256 auras.

And after the ninth step, when entering the tenth level, it was repeating the previous thing.

However, although the amount of Reiki has not increased, the quality has been greatly improved.

For example, if the first nine steps are the innate gas from the fire, after ten steps, it may be the innate air from the Nanming, or the congenial solitary qi, or you can use the principle of the five elements of Shengke to become two properties of fire and wood Reiki, or wind fire, congenital aura of thunderfire attributes.

This is from ten steps to eighteen steps. Naturally after that, the quantity remains the same, but the quality soars.

This is the second hurdle, practicing qi hurdle.

However, it is still difficult to beat Xiuluo and others, or this level should be the simplest level for today's flood and shortage people.

After all, since Dao Zu Hongjun got the word and started teaching at the Zixiao Palace, the practice of qi practice has become very popular, and everyone's achievements in qi practice are much stronger than the practice of qi.

Although Hong Jun stayed a hand, he only talked about before the mixed Yuan, after the mixed Yuan, only to Sanqing, son-in-law, then cited the small stove.

But which one of these people who can practice to the quasi-holy peak is simple?

Most of them have the inheritance of the open sky or the devil and the mixed Yuan.

Even if there is no way to practice after the mixed Yuan, before the mixed Yuan, they have not been much worse than Sanqing and others.

And like the previous exercises, the test of practicing Qi is not the strongest one, but it ca n’t have obvious shortcomings in practicing Qi.

The first level is refining the body, the second level is practicing qi, and the third level is naturally refining the gods.

The test of this level is the strength and application of Yuanshen.

Strong and weak represent the fundamentals and the details, and the applications represent the arts and the end.

This level is the same as the previous two levels, except that Yuan Shen Xiu can not use anything.

The pressure borrowed by the refining body is borrowed from the reiki, the reiki is borrowed from the aura, and the refining **** is borrowed from the illusion.

Entering this level, you seem to fall into the red dust, and you will fall into various illusions, which are lifelike and wonderful.

Although you always think that this is false, you will also be caught in it without knowing it.

He may evolve the wealth and wealth, give you a top-level cave heaven like Kunlun Mountain, a congenital treasure like Qiankunding, a teacher like Hongjun, and the same skills and methods in the heavens.

It may evoke the emotions and desires in your heart, such as the calculation of the three dragons and the phoenixes, the suppression of Kun Peng, and even the deepest obsessions, such as the sermon that most people are attached to.

Anyway, like a demon, what you are most unwilling to face, here will be a corresponding picture.

Of course, this level still cannot pose any threat to Emperor Shura and others.

After all, in the case of Emperor Shura, the practice of the blood sea is the true scripture of the people. It is an immortal deity that points to the mixed Yuan. It is all-encompassing. There is an article about the body of the blood that is immortal. , Refining God Chapter, Blood God Dominates the Primal God ...

There is naturally a corresponding response.

Essence of spirit is the foundation of a person, but also the most basic.

After these three levels, the next few levels are the test of combat effectiveness.

As for combat effectiveness, the realm is only the most basic measure. If it is not too large, it is generally not compared.

The most direct factors that can affect combat effectiveness are supernatural powers, spiritual treasures, and experience.

Therefore, the fourth test is the power of magical powers, not only the power of magical powers, but also the issue of consumption and the speed of performance.

In fact, this is very easy to explain. I do n’t want to talk about the power of magical powers. If you practice all the magical powers in the palm of your hand, then it ’s really a war slag. Let you attack, I am afraid that in the end the enemy will not be in trouble, but you will be exhausted to death.

As for the issue of consumption, this is also the key. It requires the least mana and the greatest power.

Otherwise, if you have a magical power, if you do n’t hit the opponent, you will be dead. What should you do?

As for the speed of the Fa, it is also very important. You are too slow to cast your magical powers, and you will be killed while you are still casting. What can you do?

The fifth level is the test of Lingbao.

This test is not only a test of the quality of the Lingbao, but also a test of the degree of refining the Lingbao, and a test of the use and fit of the Lingbao.

The test of Lingbao grade is very simple. In the early stage of quasi-sacred, one hand holds the top-level congenital Lingbao, and the other holds the congenital Lingbao. If there is no special situation, the former must win.

The degree of fit is about whether Lingbao can exert the greatest power in the hands of the host.

For example, if you practice the water attribute method, you will get the magic treasure of the fire attribute ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ This obviously does not work well. Very powerful can only give out seven points.

As for the degree of refining of Lingbao, it ’s even better to say that for a Lingbao, if you want to fully exert its due power, you should first refine the restraint inside him. other?

As for the application, it is the same as the previous application of the magic power.

Some people get Lingbao, and they can't fully exert their power. Some people can wield the full power of Lingbao, while others can wield 200% power.

The sixth test is experience, combat experience.

Here, Jingqi God, Lingbao magical power, all are gone. You can only fight by instinct, like the same mortal.

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