Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1216: Actual combat

Experience, especially experience.

This is a crucial thing.

Without the experience of casting, even if you are high in cultivation, you can only talk about it on the paper. In the face of people who come out of the battlefield, even if they are lower than you, and lower than a lot, you may still lose.

Suppressing people by force, it is good to drop ten times, but only if you know how to apply.

The first few levels, whether it is Jingqi God or Lingbao, the test of magical powers,

Why are there applications for the power of the physical body, the power of the aura, the power of the primordial spirit, the supernatural power, and the spiritual treasure?

This is actually the truth.

Although things are good, only flexible applications can be used as an arm to command, and give out greater effects and power.

And with powerful experience, especially after having a wealth of experience against the enemy, you can use one point of force to produce a very powerful effect, and win the greatest result at the least cost.

Why are many modern masters of national arts so vulnerable in front of any fighting master?

In addition to the existence of a number of sources, a large part of the reason is that there is no actual combat experience.

These, not to mention, say that there are nine levels in the heavenly road. The first three levels test are the most basic human treasures, the essence of spirit, the foundation and the foundation.

The three treasures are not strong, or one piece is missing. In the early stage, you may not see anything, and may even make rapid progress because of the specialization, but later the disadvantages will appear.

This is like a barrel effect. How much water a bucket can hold depends on the shortest board. How far a monk can go is also constrained by the flesh, the practice of qi, or the spirit of the gods that he neglected.

The first three levels are the foundation, but the middle three levels test the fighting power, the magic power, the spiritual treasure and the experience.

As for the test of the last three stages, the rules, luck, and actual combat.

The level of the law can actually be attributed to the level of combat effectiveness.

The test here is the degree of understanding of the rules, the level of understanding of the rules, and even the application of the rules.

After all, after Da Luo Jinxian, cultivation is the way of the law, and the realm of the mixed Yuan is actually constantly consolidating and perfecting the law.

At this stage, ordinary magical powers have not been used much. Unless it is a great magical power or a supreme magical power, the peerless magical power can improve the host's combat power.

Of course, if it is used to stimulate magical powers, it will naturally do more with less, and the power will increase by more than five layers.

After all, supernatural powers are, in the final analysis, just a reappearance of the law, but just how much.

If you use it more, it means that the great **** leads to the top, and if you use less, it means that the little **** leads to the bottom.

The degree of comprehension of the rules is very good. For the same level of rules, the comprehension of the fifth layer is definitely better than the comprehension of the sixth layer. Of course, this refers to the same situation.

If the person who understands the fifth floor has a magical power that fits the law, and the person who understands the sixth floor does not, the situation will change.

As for the height of the rules, it naturally refers to the difference between top-level rules, high-level rules, intermediate-level rules, and low-level rules. What is learned is reincarnation. At the same level, the rules of time and space must be stronger than those of high-level rules.

Of course, there are exceptions, such as those top-level advanced rules, which are not necessarily worse than ordinary top-level rules.

As for the application of the rules, this is exactly the same as the previous application of Lingbao.

The eighth pass is very easy to say that the so-called world is from time to time, and the heroes are not free.

Why does everyone want to be the protagonist?

In fact, it is because the protagonist is born with luck.

With good luck, you can turn your luck into something bad, and you can become a disaster.

You can meet Dongtianfudi and Tianmadibao when jumping cliffs.

And every death robbery will turn into an opportunity for the host to make great progress.

The enemy is nothing more than a sharpening stone for them.

With bad luck, people sit at home, woe comes from the sky, and drinks cold water to grit their teeth.

The so-called magical power is not worth the number of days, in fact, it is the number of qi, luck.

The magical power is immeasurable, and the cultivation is as high as possible. If the number of qi is corrupted and the qi is lost, then the intention is to kill the thief and be unable to return to heaven.

This can be clearly seen from the battle of the gods of God and the Master of Heaven.

Although the strength of the Tongtian leader is not as good as Lao Tzu, it is definitely not weaker than the original and the lead.

In addition, he practiced swordsmanship, his combat effectiveness was astonishing, and he had the swordsman sword array, which was not broken by the four saints. Excluding the hidden means of Lao Tzu, he was the first among saints.

But what about in the end?

It wasn't the end of a tree falling apart, and the gigantic Wanxian dynasty's censorship instantly vanished. Perch!

As for actual combat, it is actually a test of combat effectiveness, but it is completely different from the previous assessment of Zhongsanguan. This is a comprehensive test. It is not limited to supernatural powers, spiritual treasures, or other things.

There are no restrictions here, you can play as much as you like.

Some people, born to fight the king, are getting stronger and stronger, just like the Witches and Shuras.

Some people can make breakthroughs.

Therefore, this level is different from the others. It is a real battle, not evaluated by Hongjun, but by letting Shura Emperor and others fight each other.

Through the decisive battle, the ten strongest kings are determined.

This also convinces others to take it orally.

After all, what luck, what magical power, what spiritual treasure ... These can only be treated as foreign objects, there will be no harm without comparison.

Only by playing a game can we see the difference between each other.

Nine levels, although the first eight levels are difficult, but it is good for Emperor Xiuluo, even because he was born with blood, and was born to be suppressed by three points. But it still maintains a scorching attitude.

go ahead!

go ahead!

go ahead!

There is nothing to stop his footsteps, just like Baichuandong to the sea.

Although these assessments are very difficult for most people, at least 99% of them were brushed down, they are nothing to the Emperor Shura.

Why are sage disciples so proud? In fact, they are basically superior everywhere.

This is true of other saints and disciples, especially the Shura Emperor carefully cultivated by Fang Qingshan.

What he cultivates is the Blood Sea True Scripture which refers to the immortal realm ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, and will not talk about the cultivation of spirit and spirit.

In terms of magical power, mosquitoes have evolved their sting mosquito stinging magical power and simplified it into two magical powers. One is devoured and the second is defense-proof. More to say, there is no top-level innate defense Lingbao, one puncture one.

In terms of Lingbao, not to mention the top-level congenital Lingbao such as the Scarlet Shura Banner, the Soul of Evil, the Devil's Castle, the Bloodthirsty Jade Seal, etc., he still has thirteen pure white lotuses.

As for experience, in terms of combat experience, looking at the whole flood, except for the Wu tribe, Shura dared to say the second, who dare to say the first.

For luck, Emperor Shura is the chief of the Shura tribe, the emperor, adhering to the blood of the sea of ​​blood, although now he is not the master of the sea of ​​blood.

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