Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1224: Each means

"A good Hongjun, sure enough."

Seeing that the eternal sky boat and green willow stick were suppressed, Yang Mei and Fang Qingshan did not show the slightest difference.

After all, the eternal sky boat is extraordinary, but now it is just the highest level, and it has not reached the highest peak.

The green willow stick is just a spiritual treasure that is raised and raised with its own branches, just like the seven treasures of Zhunti. Although it is mysterious, it is at the same level as Zixiao Palace. Compared with the good fortune jade dish, it is already a little worse, not to mention the two Lingbao fit together.

Xi Hongjun is Hong Jun. There are endless ways to do it. He has n’t started directly. Just by letting the two Lingbaos merge, he has issued such a great power. Sure enough, you are making progress, and your progress is not slower than you.

Fortunately, this is the case. If Hong Jun did not have such a method, they were really easily suppressed by them, and then they directly agreed with him. Fang Qingshan might be shocked and consider whether this is He showed weakness to the enemy and conspired in secret.

Although I did not expect that the Zixiao Palace and the forged jade dish could be combined into one, and the power is so great, the momentum alone has made the eternal sky boat and green willow stick feel like facing the chaos.

But raising eyebrows and Fang Qingshan did not panic.

You have Optimus Baiyuzhu, and I have Zijinliang driving the sea.

Xun Hongjun can combine the forged jade dish and the Zixiao Palace into one, and an unprecedented power has erupted. Do they have no means to dare to operate in the Zixiao Palace?

If you dare to go to Liangshan, would n’t there be two or three?


But when I saw my eyebrows changed, it turned into a tall willow tree that looked like a green willow stick.

Given the size of this tree, looking at the entire flood and even chaos, I am afraid that it will be difficult to find a second tree comparable to it.

This is the body of the raised eyebrow, the root of chaos, the hollow willow.

Compared with that year, the body of raised eyebrows is not only that no obvious scars can be seen on the surface, but also the internal and external traumas of the roads are much better. It is almost impossible to check, which means that the injury of raising eyebrows has been improved, and the remaining point is irrelevant. You only need to take good care of it.

In addition, the raised eyebrow was lingering secretly, a faint, almost eternal breath.

This breath is exactly the same as the eternal Qinglian breath.

This matter, we have to talk to the Lich First World War.

Tong Yangmei and Fang Qingshan joined forces to kill the majesty of killing Hongjun.

I can't raise my eyebrow, but my injury has returned because of blocking Hongjun.

In order to thank her for raising her eyebrows and helping herself, Fang Qingshan withheld an eternal blessing and presented it to Yangmei, hoping that he could learn something from it and speed up the recovery of his injuries.

Although the amount of eternal blessings given by You is not much, but the things are not so much, the most important thing is to understand the mysteries.

Raising his eyebrows is indeed the top chaos demon. Looking at the whole chaos, no one can dare to say that he can overpower him except Pangu.

It is a twelve-storey mixed master, and even a half-step immortal master. It is also a horrible disaster. Although it is not a decline of heaven and man, but anyway, if it survives, it is naturally unbreakable. There have been qualitative breakthroughs.

Sure enough, the enlightenment that lived up to the expectations came out with a eternal breath. So, although he did not let his practice break through, he restored the injury to the same level. Now I can start using at least nine layers and five. You do n’t even have to worry about repeated injuries.

Originally thought that successfully crossing the calamity, breaking up and standing up, the difficulty of raising an eyebrow in the future will be greatly reduced. Now it is because of the eternal breath. Raising an eyebrow is faster and easier than Hongjun.

In this regard, Hong Jun is also well aware, so he once wanted to drive his eyebrows out of the flood, not only because he was lying on the side of the couch and could not allow others to sleep. He had hesitated before, and did not want Yangmei and Fang Qingshan to join Come in.

The most important reason is that he can subdue Luo Yan, subduing the yin, yang and the five elements.

After all, raising an eyebrow is the only antique of the three thousand devil who survived, even Pangu died. He is still alive. This alone can highlight his uniqueness and make people look high.

After raising his eyebrows to show the original hollow willow, Fang Qingshan was not idle, and he also showed his hole cards.

But I saw a chessboard flying like a star moving Fangshan's eyebrows, and it took a moment to change from small to large and from virtual to real.

方 This square chessboard is said to be a chessboard, but it doesn't seem to look like the star pattern of Zhou Tian, ​​it seems that it is more similar to a square starmap. It even said that it was a narrowed down version of the infinite void, the heavens and the world.

Against the background of immense void, as a chessboard, a thick virtue, and the heavens and the world as chess pieces, the star turns.

Of course, this square board can't do this now, and now it is just a chaos board with floods, big thousand, medium thousand, and small thousand worlds as chess pieces.

However, one day, the chessboard of the heavens evolved to that realm. I am afraid that it is better than Eternal Qinglian.

Alas, even if this is not the case now, it is still shocking enough.

Because this is simply a reduced version of Pangu's chaotic world.

As soon as this square chessboard became apparent, it was an act for Hongjun to sacrifice a forged jade dish. It did not directly compete with the Zixiao Palace, but appeared instantly in the core control room of the origin of the eternal sky boat, which is the place where the eternal sacred furnace and eternal thunder pond are located.

After I entered it, I didn't hesitate. I saw that the chessboard of the heavens merged into the eternal thunder pool ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~

At the moment when the chessboards of the heavens and the eternal sky merge. As if there is no trace of separation, it seems that they are one, and the water and milk are combined together, and an invisible silk thread spreads like a spider web in an instant, covering and penetrating the entire sky boat.

If the power of Jureta and the Eternal Thunderpool were not slow before the fusion, they must both train the sky boat and provide power. Once they start to work, the reserve power can only operate normally and burst out.

After the fusion, the situation is very different. Thousands of different ways, but with a strong sense of the power of the origins, have continuously gathered from the void, and Jureta devours the power of chaos and transforms. The speed of Thunder Gas has more than ten times.

It is as if the previous Reiki was only turning rain, now the Reiki has solidified and crystallized. Once it erupts, the power is completely incomparable. Ps: My friends, I'm a bachelor, and I recommend a free novel app that supports novel download, listening, zero advertising, and multiple reading modes. Please pay attention to WeChat public account: dazhuzaiyuedu (long press and hold for three seconds to copy) Book friends, pay attention!

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