Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1225: Intimidate


A terrifying sound erupted.

With the integration of the chessboards of the heavens, the eternal sky boat seemed to be hit with chicken blood, and its volume instantly met the wind. Between the beards, it caught up with the hollow willow. The space in the entire Zixiao Palace creaked like it was about to break The sound, I do n’t know, thought it was the eternal skyboat that once again attracted metamorphosis, breaking from the supreme level to the supreme level.

Good guy, but in the eternal thunder pool, the stored energy increases at a rate that is visible to the naked eye. And the quality has improved significantly.

If the eternal thunder pond used to be as large as the ocean, but the inner seawater was only filled by one third, then at this moment, almost two thirds have accumulated, and it has not stopped yet. It continues to increase.

In terms of quality, I dare not say that there is a gap between acquired aura and congenital aura, congenital aura and chaotic aura.

But the gap between them is like the gap between ordinary innate aura and innate attribute aura.

Spiritual power has quantity, more quality, blessing, and operation of the sky boat, will the entire sky boat not change from day to day?

The volume is getting bigger, the towers are getting taller, the decks are getting wider, the masts are getting more solid, thicker, stronger, the world is getting bigger among the sails, and the speed of the sky boat is increasing ...

Although it is not as big as the change to the supreme level, in general, the power of the eternal sky boat has been improved by more than five layers.

Don't underestimate that it is only five floors, and it has not even doubled, but you must also look at the original power of others.

Qi Fang Qingshan used to rely on the eternal sky boat to run through the late Yuan Dynasty, competing against the tenth and even the eleventh.

Now, after Tianzhou has improved the strength of the five layers, it is not necessarily impossible to run at the peak of the mixed Yuan. It is not possible to defeat the twelve layers of the mixed Yuan, but there will be no fight back.

In other words, if Hong Jun did not borrow the power of heaven, Fang Qingshan could join him alone.

Xi Hongjun combined the good fortune jade dish and the Zixiao Palace into one to enhance the combat effectiveness.

Qi Fang Qingshan has learned to blend the heavens chessboard with the eternal sky boat.

Fortunately, these two spiritual treasures are his destiny, the source of which is figured out, and the integration is almost natural.

If Xunfei was not willing, or Fang Qingshan's ambition was relatively large, and the fish and bear's paw wanted to get it together, he would have thoroughly integrated the heavens board and the eternal sky boat.

However, the eternal sky boat can grow to the point of the eternal **** lotus, and each progress can be eternally blessed. Not only can it promote one's cultivation to the realm, but also he can illuminate one's own progress like the indicator lamp on the path The way.

As long as the chessboard of the heavens has enough air fortune, it can evolve into the other heavens and heavens just like the previous ideal state.

In the past, you can easily cross the world of Xiaoqian, Zhongqian, and Daqian, and floods. Now you can cross between the two chaos. If you really reach the ideal state in the future, Fang Qingshan even You can leave the infinite void of your own side and enter the world of Hongmeng, which even disappeared in the legend, or even the world of origin.

You know, the more advanced worlds of these two sides are the places where many **** kings, emperors, and dreams ca n’t but reach.

And Fang Qingshan has basically got an admission ticket in advance now.

Once people know, I am afraid that he will really be the enemy of the world, and there is no way to heaven.

This can be regarded as a lack of human heart, and ordinary people have such a treasure, but Fang Qingshan has two.

Fortunately, the resources consumed by the two Lingbao upgrades are different.

The eternal sky boat ca n’t refuse to come and give a glance to the mosquitoes, but because the bottom of the sky boat can not be reduced, the quality of the integrated things needs to be improved with the sky boat, and it also needs to have a special purpose.

So, although Fang Qingshan had all kinds of treasures in his hands, he didn't integrate into the sky boat.

But the heavens board is just as lucky as luck. As long as you have enough luck, the heavens board can not only advance, and cross any world you want to cross.

怎么 "Why, are two Taoists really going to break the net with me?"

Xi Hongjun combined the good fortune jade and the Zixiao Palace together. He did not want to tear his face and rolled up his sleeves to do a fight. He just wanted to deter both of them.

But they didn't want to seem to intensify the contradiction, or the two raised their eyebrows and saw the details of their inferiority and indignation. They actually used violent violence and once again exerted powerful means to counteract themselves. Hong Jun's face was so dull that he wanted to drip water .

"It's not that we want to break the net with you, but that you don't give us a way to live and drive us to nowhere."

Qi Fang Qingshan sneered,

"I know that you still remember that when I used the eternal sky boat to calculate you, it caused you to die, and the heavens were badly damaged. This is probably the biggest loss you have ever suffered in your life. It will never be destroyed in my heart. Some are worried that we will leave Honghuang, leave Pangu's chaos, leak news, and attract immortal strongmen, causing you heavy losses and even death. "

"The previous one, regardless of the cause and effect, is human. If you change me, I will probably do the same thing as you. If you want to do it, I will accompany you to the end. Although I am not as good as you, even, You ca n’t even use blessings from heaven, but honestly, I ’m not scared at all. Although you are great, you want to defeat me easily, you want to stay with me, hum! ”

Qi Fang Qingshan snorted with pride, and then said,

"As for the latter, do you think you will be fine if you leave us in the floods, as long as you have cooked the poison gods and others, and then we will have no peace ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~?"

"Stupid person talking about dreams!"

"You can avoid even raising the eyebrows when you raise your eyebrows. Do you think he really doesn't have a backseat? Do you think that you can really leave him completely? You won't die of snakes, but you will be blamed. If there is room for manoeuvre, if that step is really reached, even the slightest leak of news can completely knock you down.

"As for me, I do n’t know if you remember what I said before. My understanding of the infinite void is done through the market. Since I can collect relevant information through the market, I can also spread the news through the market. As long as you can't destroy me in the first place and destroy the market in the first place, do you think it's difficult for me to leak the news? "

Listening to Fang Qingshan's gun-like bullet rain, the more embarrassed Hong Jun's face became.

Because Fang Qingshan said that he was in the middle of his weakness, many things he didn't think of, or thought of, but ignored the next meaning.

But now she was naked, and she had to think about it, even if she didn't want to think about it. ) Book friends, pay attention!

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