Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1228: Di Gaoyang

Cangjie made the words, and it wasn't just himself who completed, but also perfected humanity, and benefited a lot.

At the same time, he also completed a person, this person is Gao Yang's.

Compared with the three emperors, Gao Yang's emperor came a little easier, but the environment he faced was more complicated.

Not only the mess left by the son of Shennong, but also the bereavement dog left by Xuanyuan, and the proud soldiers of the Jiuli tribe, the most important thing is that he is still descended from Xuanyuan.

Fuxi and Shennong testified that the emperor was serving the public, and that the emperor Chiyou was played.

Although Gao Yang's Emperor Tianding has Xuanyuan behind him, Xuanyuan itself is a loser. Therefore, his position as an emperor can be unstable, especially the Jiuli Eighty-one Tribe who followed the world with Chi You. Don't listen.

Moreover, because of the lessons learned from Xuanyuan and Chiyou, everyone understands the truth that the position of the emperor is not an end to end, it is not impossible to compete, but there is a place to live.

Therefore, it is not only some people who violate the order of Gao Yang's order, Yang Fengyin, but also the existence of some children like Shennong, always thinking about how to drive him down and become the emperor himself.

Fortunately, there is only one Chi You, and Gao Yang's is not a fuel-saving lamp.

Especially with Cangjie making characters, as if the destiny had returned to normal, Gao Yang's prestige among the human race greatly increased.

After all, this was what happened during his reign, and it was naturally his credit. And this great achievement has affected the entire development of the Tao people.

Therefore, with this general trend, Gao Yang's foothold was completely firm.

This person is worthy of being the Emperor of Heaven, who has all the means, mentality, and meticulous guidance from Duobao. Acting like an antelope's horns, it is unpredictable, but it is just right, and it spreads its glory throughout the people.

Yes, there is Emperor Shura behind Fuxi and Chiyou, Master Xuandu behind Shennong, and Guangchengzi behind Xuanyuan.

There are naturally people behind Gao Yang's head as the five emperors.

Although Duobao and others were previously attracted by Tianlu Chance, they were just Da Luo Jinxian's cultivation, and they failed in a short time.

Seeing this, Duobao naturally knew that it could not be forced, and even when he turned around to assist Gao Yang's.

In the end, it was the benefit that Tongtian managed to fight for him. He naturally couldn't waste it, and lived up to his teacher's painstaking efforts.

Secondly, assisting Gao Yang's is conducive to the development of truncation.

In addition, assisting an emperor is merit-worthy. Although the opportunity of the road is regrettable, if he can obtain the emperor's merit, it can be regarded as a loss.

Suffice it to say, he can take this, just like Master Xuandu, to sacrifice the sacred saint, of course, Guang Chengzi's is simply unlucky.

Besides Gao Yangshi, after standing firmly, he is naturally a bold start to govern the people.

In order to reconcile the conflict between Jiuli and other tribes, it is also to soothe.

Therefore, the Gao Yangs carried out an important religious reform.

In the past, the human race worshipped various totems in addition to their ancestors. The twelfth yuan was one of them. The only people who worshiped together or were able to board the Daya Hall were the human mother and daughter-in-law. As well as the three ancestors of the human race, there are the Chaos, Shanren, and Yiyi. Later, with the testimony of the three emperors, Fuxi, Shennong and Chiyou were added. In addition, many ethnic tribe can not be included.

At this time, Gao Yang's two new personnel, one is the ancestor of the just sermon, Cangjie, and the other is the emperor's emperor's emperor, which is actually the emperor's ancestor witch.

Cangjie has nothing to say. After all, he is the ancestor of the word. Although his achievements are inferior to the three ancestors and the three emperors and five emperors, with the development of humanity, the more prosperous he is, the greater his achievements will be, and the more benefits he will get.

As for the Houtu, it is not abrupt, after all, the Houtu is a saint, and incarnation, there is great compassion in the world, palm yin and yang, education of all things, and one of the six imperial courts.

Although this was only a small move, it greatly pleased the Jiuli Group and eased the internal contradictions of the human race. It is really beneficial but not wasteful.

Of course, this is for Gao Yang, or now Gao Yang, but it is not good news for Lao Tzu and others.

After all, worshipping the earth is not so simple. It will also share luck.

Fortunately, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages in general.

After controlling the human race and reconciling the contradictions left by Xuanyuan and Chiyou, Gao Yang's first step was to make the calendar.

Having won the Jiuli One, naturally, the bear tribe cannot be chilled.

He founded the twenty-four solar terms based on the twelve yuan.

This method not only appeases the old part of Xuanyuan, but also draws in the twelve Yuanchen beasts who guard the human race.

Xuanyuan and Chiyou competed for the deer, ending with Chiyou's final victory.

Twelve Yuanchen defeated, but if they were not humane guardian beasts, I would have died dead.

But even so, they want to recover, without tens of thousands of years, or even hundreds of thousands of years is simply impossible.

Fortunately, with the twenty-four solar terms formulated by the Gao Yangs, they were able to gain luck and speed up the recovery of their injuries. They can even use this to improve their cultivation in the future. So, how can they not care about the Gao Yangs?

The appearance of twenty-four solar terms is not just that. He also systematically summarized the changes in seasonality, climate, phenology and other aspects throughout the year, but had a great effect on the production of crops. From then on, the human race is You don't need to gossip or gossip, you will be aware of ordinary celestial climate change.

In addition to the calendar, Gao Yang's great contribution was the division of Kyushu.

Yes, the division of Jiuzhou, Ji, Ji, Qing, Xu, Yu, Jing, Yang, Yong, and Liang was done by Gaoyang, not Dayu.

Although Dayu refined Jiuding Ding, Kyushu did not divide him.

Of course, some people say that it is divided by Xuanyuan. Eight families are one well, Mitsui is one neighbor, three neighbors are one friend, three friends are one mile, five miles are one eup, ten eups are capitals, and ten are one divisions. The ten divisions are prefectures ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The country is divided into nine states.

But now that Xuanyuan is defeated by Chi You, this matter naturally goes away. It is reasonable to change to Gao Yang's.

After Gao Yang's division of Kyushu, it was considered that there was a true unification of the Jiulian and Youxiong ethnic groups.

I don't know if it is to imitate the ancestors, or because music is an indispensable thing, because of Fu Xiqin, Fu Xi invented Thur and created the music. Shennong followed closely by cutting Tong as a harp, knotting silk as a string, and making a banjo for the people.

In his original trajectory, Gao Zuxuanyuan also took the bamboo of the valley as a flute tube, and set the five-tone twelve rhythms, which are combined today.

Therefore, Gao Yang's is also good for its sound, it is to make the flying dragon, follow the sound of the eight winds, and the fate is called Cheng Yun, in order to sacrifice God.

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