Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1229: 5 emperor rule

After seventy-eight years of Gao Yang's reign, his merits were fulfilled and his merits were reduced to heaven. However, compared to Fuxi, Shennong, and Chiyou, the emperor's merits are obviously much worse.

In fact, this is also normal. After all, the three emperors and five emperors, the three emperors are in front, and the five emperors are behind. The three emperors have opened up the situation. As long as Xiao Gui and Cao Sui follow, there is not much problem.

It's also because the predecessors planted trees and later enjoyed the cool.

Then there is his contribution. Compared with Fuxi ’s people ’s race to avoid natural disasters, Shennong ’s people ’s race has gone into farming and is no longer subject to the mountains and rivers, and Chiyou ’s people are unified and cohesive.

Gao Yang's is obviously not as good as the first three of them, not that he did not contribute, nor that his contribution is small, but compared to the decisive contribution of the other three, his contribution seems a bit ordinary.

Therefore, although Gao Yangshi achieved the emperor's Taoism, but because the advent of merit and luck was only about the sixth floor of the third emperor, this is still because of Cangjie's word making, and his contribution is counted, otherwise, I am afraid there will be less.

Therefore, Gao Yang's cultivation only broke through to the late stage of quasi-sanity, and then he became weak.

Although Gao Yangshi was unwilling to accept this, he had no choice but to accept it, and compared with his ancestor Xuanyuan, he was already pretty good.

At least he also testified that the emperor's Taoism fruit, Xiu to reach the late stage of quasi-holy, is more than inferior.

Xuanyuan failed to compete for the Emperor. Without status, cultivation is also a problem. No one has imperial power and merit. Now let ’s not say quasi-sacred, even Da Luo Jinxian has not achieved.

Like Gao Yang's, there is also a bit of regret.

As the emperor, Gao Yang's merit is not as good as the three emperors, and Duobao is the emperor's master. The corresponding merit is naturally not comparable to that of Emperor Shura and Master Xuandu.

However, there is no harm without comparison.

Although compared with Emperor Shura and Master Xuandu, Duobao is more regrettable, but compared to Guang Chengzi, he should be grateful.

Happiness is based on the pain of others. Thinking of Guang Chengzi, Duobao has a lot of peace of mind.

After all, Guang Chengzi not only did not get the emperor's merit, but caused a lot of sorrow and contaminated a lot of karma. Although the fuse that sealed the battle of the gods in the future was a complaint by Haotian, the reason was precisely because of the ten under the gate of Yuanshi Tianzun. The two disciples committed the crime of red dust, and there was a killing penalty. The main reason for this is because of the battle against the deer, and karma increased by cause and effect.

And Duobao absorbed the merits of the Emperor's Master. Although it did not break through the quasi-saint, Xiuwei also reached the peak of Da Luo. I believe that as long as it takes another millennia to break through the quasi-saint, it is only a natural thing, at least compared to the original In the trajectory, it has been much better to have not broken through the quasi-sage by the time of Fengshen.

As the head of the Five Emperors, after the sermon, like the Three Emperors, he went to Fengqi Mountain to retreat, suppressing the people ’s luck, and the commonwealth of the people was passed on to the Emperor.

I don't know if it is Gao Yang's selfishness or humanity to compensate Xuanyuan.

First, the five emperors of the Gaoyang family preached. Now the Gaoyang family abdicates, and the new human-common emperor Ji is also theirs.

The emperor's concubine, Gaoxin's also, the great-grandson of Huangdi.

Sima Qian's "Historical Records": "Gao Xin was born with a **** and declared his name. Pu Shiliwu was not his body. Cong Zhizhi knows far, Ming knows micro-scrutiny. The righteousness of heaven, the urgency of knowing the people. But faith, self-cultivation and world service. Take the wealth of the land and use it sparingly, teach the people and benefit from it, receive it over the days, months, and months, and honor and worship. Its color is gloomy and its virtue. When it moves, it is also a serviceman. The emperor is in charge and travels all over the world. The sun and the moon shine, and the wind and rain come, no one obeys. "

Of course, as the emperor of Gao Xinshi, naturally the emperor's teacher will also teach it. After all, teaching the emperor has the merit of the emperor's teacher and can also enjoy the luck of the human race.

I want to teach the emperor only a hundred years. For a practitioner, but for a short time, the cultivation may not improve in the slightest, but teaching the emperor will get the education merit. Many treasures, small progress, many like the Master Xuandu and Emperor Shura, directly breakthrough the realm.

This time teaching Gao Xin's was still in the tragedy, but Duobao was replaced with the Virgin Mary.

The three emperors and five emperors, the three emperors are in front, the five emperors are behind, the others do not say, look at the three emperors, each of the sermons, cultivation has reached the peak of quasi-holy, and even Yasheng.

And the head of the five emperors, Gao Yang, is only a quasi-san period.

Therefore, San Qing and others had already said it when they were dividing up the emperor's division.

The three emperors and five emperors, the three emperors' divisions, and the Xuanmen three religions each have one person, the five emperor's divisions, one person teaches one, cuts teachings, and two teaches each.

Unfortunately, the plan cannot keep up with the changes.

At the beginning, something went wrong and he was boarded by Fang Qingshan's swift foot to obtain the Emperor Fuxi's master for Emperor Xiuluo.

In this way, Master Xuandu chose Shennong and Guang Chengzi assisted Xuanyuan. In order to compensate for the interception, Lao Tzu gave the Emperor's Master in his name to the interception.

And because people teach and explain the teachings is assisted by the three emperors, so the troop teaching that assisted the five emperors chose the first three emperors.

Although there is one more emperor's teacher, it is even more difficult for the Tongtian leader.

After all, there are four inner disciples of Duocai, Duobao, Wudang, Jinling, and Guiling.

You said that if there were only two, fortunately, you did not become the master of the emperor, and at least one companion who did not get the chance.

Now there are three of them, everyone else has got it, but only one has n’t got it, and it ’s not good for them to suffer from unevenness.

Fortunately, it is not the same as hermeneutics. Do n’t say that she chose three of the four and one of the four. The other three have already complained. Regarding Yuan Shitianzun's selection of Guangcheng Zi, the root of the evil has been laid.

In the end, censorship is the most united. Duobao, Wudang, Jinling, and Guiling are all humble.

In the end, the sky clappers let Duobao, Jinling and Guiling become the masters of the emperor.

Duobao will not say it. As a disciple of disciples, naturally he needs a higher level of cultivation. This is not the time to be modest.

The reason why Jin Ling and Gui Ling were chosen instead of undue, it was because Tongtian secretly calculated that they would have a life and death calamity in the future. If they are not well planned, they may even fall. Www.wuxiaspot.com .

Therefore, Tongtian is going to let them collect the imperial merit and see if they can change their fate. As for Wudang, it is a deep blessing, and Tongtian also compensates her, giving her already the top congenital spirit treasure.

However, I have to say that Tongtian Daoxing is still okay.

In the original trajectory, Jin Ling was on the list and became the leader of Kumung Doum. He was the head of the stars. He commanded all the disciples of the heavenly courts, and the turtle spirit was even worse.

However, the virgin is not a god, after experiencing the immortal, Wanxian, actually withdrew from the battle of Fengshen.

After assisting Gao Xin's family, Lady Jinling received the merit of the Emperor, and she was weaker than Dobola.

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