Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1234: Oneworld

Wu Dayu returned, and it was almost time for the battle between Taihu and the poisonous gods and others.

Before that, one more thing needs to be done.

That's about candidates.

Under the mixed Yuan, there is naturally nothing to say. Ten people have selected ten people, including Shura Emperor, Zhen Yuanzi, Haotian, Jiutian, Doum Yuanjun, Xuanhuang ancestor, candle dragon, Chiyou, Fu Xi and chaos.

There was no objection to the candidates in the middle of the mixed Yuan Dynasty, with Fang Qingshan, Yang Mei and Hong Jun playing.

Xun Wei was in the early days of this mixed Yuan, but it was not completely settled yet.

Originally, there were only three Qings. The six sons-in-law were just right, but because Fang Qingshan made a cross, Houtu, Luo Yan, and Mosquitoes entered the ranks of the early mixed Yuan war, and the situation became a little different. It's the same.

when! when! when! !!

I was shortly after Dayu returned to power. Suddenly, in the whole flood, there was a clear ringing chime sound without warning. The ringing chime sounded very clear and resounded in everyone's mind.

"Time is coming. The battle between Taiwan and Taiwan will begin soon."

All those who were immersed in the avenue were awakened. First, they followed, and a message appeared directly in their minds. It was immediately known that this was the time when the war between the two realms was about to officially begin. The candidates are determined.

Wu Sanqing, pick up, Zhun Ti, son-in-law, mosquito enthusiast, Hou Tu, Luo Yan, World Tree avatars, etc. have left their nests and came to Zixiao Palace.

"Hmm? Who is this person?"

"In the floods, when did you get another junior master?"

"It seems to be inseparable from the sea of ​​blood."

"Fortunately, it's just the early days of Yuanyuan. Fortunately, fortunately!"

Uh ...

Everyone gathered together, and was surprised when they saw the avatars of the world tree beside Fang Qingshan.

It wasn't just them. Even Hongjun was shocked. As for Houtu, he knew it before he came.

"Who is this?"

I looked at the World Tree avatar, and Zhun Ti was the first to ask.

Because he felt a similar breath from the world tree avatar.

"Under the world, it is a building made of wood!"

World Tree avatar smiled slightly,

"Listen to Fang Qingshan's Taoist friends about the battle between Taiwan and Taiwan.

As for the world tree avatar, everyone secretly said yes. Fortunately, he was only in the early stage of the mixed Yuan, and the cultivation of the first layer of the mixed Yuan gave some people a little peace of mind.

"There are only six places to participate in the Taiwan war. There are now Houtu, Luo Yan, Mosquito Taoist, Sanqing, Zunzi, Nuwa and Huanyu. I will designate six people first. Others can challenge if they are not satisfied. Replace the loser. "

Tong Hongjun's eyes turned on the avatars of Fang Qingshan and World Tree. Without saying much, he simply announced,

"Mosquito Taoist, Hou Tu, Luo Yi, San Qing."

He paused, Hong Jun asked.

"Guided, mentioned, son-in-law, Huanyu, do you four disagree? If so, who do you want to challenge?"

"No objections underneath!"

I was silent for a moment, and Zhun Ti said first.

He argues that he is the weakest of the saints, and so is Lingbao, which is worse than the son-in-law. Therefore, instead of going up to shame, it is better to give up now.

In this regard, Hong Jun nodded his head clearly, his eyes fell on the lead, son-in-law, especially the world tree avatar.

My son-in-law struggled, closed her eyes, and sighed.

"I will give up!"

The only thing left was the connection with the world tree, and the two of them looked at each other and said at the same time,

"I want to challenge!"

For everyone's decision, there were not many surprises. Instead, the world tree was split. Except for Fang Qingshan and Mosquito Taoist, everyone was surprised. After all, he only had a mixed practice at the first level.

"Well, who are you going to challenge?"

Although I was surprised in my heart, Hong Jun's face was not obvious, but she asked lightly.

"I challenge the primitive!"

Hearing Hongjun's question, World Tree's avatar and lead again said in unison.

Although this is unexpected, it is reasonable.

After all, compared to the later soil, Mosquito and Luo Yan, Sanqing is suspected of some soft persimmons.

Among the three Qings, Lao Tzu was the most mysterious, and there were two treasures in his hands, and the heavenly swordsmen of the Xianxian sword were not unbreakable.

In comparison, although Yuan Shi Tianzun had Pangu 幡, he said that it was best to break the barriers.

Therefore, it is reasonable to pick up both the world tree and him at the same time.

However, for Yuanshi Tianzun, Hao Xuan was not spit out by the old blood.

He was the person with the best face at the moment, but at this moment, he was challenged in public, and he was a soft persimmon, especially the world tree clone.

"Okay, let me teach you, not everyone can challenge casually."

Qi Yuanzun was in the beginning, and his eyes flashed coldly. I decided secretly, wait a minute, we must give the world tree a big lesson.

"Who are you coming first?"

Wu Hongjun looked at Citing and asked World Tree separately.

"Just come first!"

The two had not spoken yet, and Yuan Shitianzun took the lead and pointed at the world tree.


Neither of them disputed this.

"Go ahead, otherwise, don't say I didn't give you a chance when I lose."

In the chaos, the two confronted each other for a while, Yuan Shi Tianzun said.

"Really? I hope Daoyou will not regret it!"

World Tree avatar smiled lightly, without excuse,

"Daoyou be careful."

I reminded that the World Tree avatar took the lead.

As soon as his voice fell, he saw that the world tree was holding out his right hand, and the huge handprints were shot directly towards Yuanshi Tianzun.

Da Yin covers the sky, 恍惚, this is not a one-to-one handprint ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ but a world of one side, but also not the ordinary world, not Xiao Qian, not Da Qian, but the flood world.

Daqianhuanyu, mountains and rivers, light and strangeness, sun and moon, stars, flowers and trees, birds and beasts, mountains and rivers ... One by one, the imaginary shadows of Sen Luo Vientiane appeared.

He is vast, majestic, and unstoppable.

Supreme Seal of the World!

With a single palm falling, Huanyu seems to have turned into a Buddha like Buddha, and Yuanshi Tianzun became a sun monkey.

The mosquito mosquito has a mosquito sting, Fang Qingshan has a five-element bracelet, and the avatar of the world tree naturally has his destiny.

至 The Supreme Seal of the world is one of them. Once the seal is dropped, it is a world that is flooded by one side. The power is unmatched.

He doesn't seem to use Arcana, but it's not worse than the inborn Arcana.

When I saw this scene, everyone was one of them. Obviously everyone underestimated the world tree clone.

Especially the original deity facing the Supreme Seal of the World is even better.

However, although the supernatural power is extremely powerful, it is obviously wishful thinking to let him retreat from a supernatural power.


Yuan Yuanshi Tianzun gave a light sigh, an extremely powerful, extremely violent momentum broke out from his body, swept the audience, took out Pan Guzheng, and shook it heavily.

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