Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1235: Victory over

Edge, absolute edge, unstoppable edge.

Panguyu is indeed a top-level congenital treasure evolved from one-third of Chaos Arcana.

It has the power to tear through the chaos of Hongmeng and chaos, crush the heavens and space, and control the powers of the ten thousand methods, and open up the world's power.

Chaos Lingbao can't be found, it can be called the first treasure of the flood attack.

What chaotic clocks, stun guns, and Hongmeng scales are far worse.

This is the same even if the Divine Spear has been transformed into a superior congenital treasure.

In particular, this treasure was unfolded in the hands of the mixed-yuan sage of descendants of Pangu. There was really a majesty that was unique to me.

A sword fell, and its light was as practising and astonishingly fast. In the early days of ordinary mixed Yuan, I didn't even have the time to react. Wherever I went, the void and chaos were easily torn apart like paper.

Although the world's Supreme Seal of the World is extraordinary, it still seems to be a bit under-appreciated by the Yuangu Tianzun's all-out effort to display Pangu.

However, it is seen that the mixed sword sword is cut on the Supreme Seal. Although the Supreme Seal carries the majesty of a flooded world, it is not an entity, and the power is absolutely incredible. However, under Pangu, almost the collision caused the mixed sword sword to be mixed. In the middle of the day, the Kaitian Uprising passed to the traumatism, and there was a burst of clicking sounds on the spot. It seemed overwhelming. On the Supreme Seal, a clear sword mark was directly imprinted on the core, and centered on it, it was dense like a spider. The cracks seem to be spreading with lightning.

In this regard, it is not surprising that the world tree clone is the descendant of Panshi, who is the descendant of Pangu. He holds the Tiankai treasure in his hand. If he can't even connect his own magical power, it is really a waste of money.

Therefore, the magical power was broken and Huanyu didn't panic. But at the same time, he also saw clearly where the bottom line of Yuanshi Tianzun was.

Three levels of mixed Yuan, less than the peak of the repair, there is a peerless supernatural power of 10,000 gold lamps, comparable to the defense of the treasure, Pangu 幡 attack unparalleled, put in the general early period of mixed Yuan is already considered good, and even face some Even if you ca n’t win the title, it ’s easy to go.

However, unfortunately, this is a battle between Taiwan and Taiwan. You ca n’t escape if you flee. Although Huanyu is just the early stage of the mixed Yuan, it also happens to be the title of the mixed Yuan. Not to mention the early stage of the mixed Yuan. He pleased.

Heaven is like a knife.

Huanyu gave a light sigh, and the Three Thousand Avenues instantly converged into an invincible sky-knife, which was thousands of feet long, dark as ink, like agate, flashing glazed light. Incomparably sharp breath spreads, full of an indomitable will. One glance is trembling, as if the soul is being pulled from the body.

Providence knife!

Both son-in-law and Hong Jun have performed.

However, the son-in-law's use of the power of the heavens is completely worthless, and although Huanyu is not as good as the heavenly sword in Hongjun's hands, it also has his own characteristics, which is enough to make people amazing.

A knife fell, stunning time and space.

With three years of time driving the Three Thousand Avenues, heaven is like a knife. The knife and knife urge people to grow old and cut a knife. It can cut away the life of the Yuan and obliterate the Yangshou. It is always cut off and cannot be repaired.

As for how much Shou Yuan can be cut by each knife, it depends on the person. If the person is not good enough, it will be enough to kill him, even if it is above the Yuan. In the early period of mixed Yuan Dynasty, it was severely damaged. In the middle period of mixed Yuan Dynasty, there was no special method and it could only be avoided.

The most important thing is that this knife is invisible, ordinary defense, defense is difficult to resist.

Yuan Shi Tianzun shakes Pan Guzheng and continuously shoots mixed sword sword energy, but it has little effect. Seeing this scene, in addition to Fang Qingshan, Yang Mei, Hong Jun and Mosquito Taoist, the others including Luo Yan and Houtu, all have complexions. I could not help but think for a while, if I put myself in the position, if there is a way to deal with it? However, everyone's face is not so good-looking, especially Zhun Ti and son-in-law, especially Zhun Ti, this knife is enough to make him hit hard. As for the son-in-law, the merit golden wheel is a good thing.

Thousands of golden lights!

With Yuan Shitianzun slamming, tens of thousands of acres of golden Qingyun rose from the top of his head, and there were thousands of golden flowers and thousands of golden lights outside. The ignition heart dripped, forming a puppet, protecting the whole body, such as that eaves In front of the water, there is a continuous stream, and the inner world is more visible, and the sun, moon, and stars shine in the meantime.

Qingyun Golden Lantern is indeed the destiny of Yuanshi Tianzun, transferred to defense, and has a specialization in the art industry. Even the Pantian Sword ca n’t help but the heavenly sword falls on it, as if it has fallen into the mud, blocked by death. Out there.

However, Yuanshi Tianzun is not very comfortable, because although the heavenly sword is not cut on his body, the thousands of golden lamps in Qingyun are always off, and once the golden lamps are gone, This is when he perishes.

Okay, this game was lost.

At this moment, a sound sounded and followed, and then saw a golden bridge fall, hold the Heavenly Sword, a pagoda flew out, hung above the head of Yuanshi Tianzun, and resisted the invasion of Heavenly Sword with 10,000 golden lamps.

Naturally, I shot Lao Tzu. He knew Yuanshi Tianzun. He had a good face. He would not surrender until he had reached the limit.

However, it is not necessary, and once the golden lanterns are really broken, the backlash of the supernatural power is enough to make him drink a pot.

Seeing Lao Tzu intervening, Huanyu didn't get angry, glanced at the unevenness and looked gloomy, but didn't continue to use the intention of Yuan Shi Tianzun, smiled slightly, and recovered the magical power with a wave.

Well, this time the Taoists win.

Both sides stopped and there was no objection, Hong Jun announced the result directly, and then he turned his head to look at and asked,

Are you still challenging?

Following the introduction, there was a bitter smile and challenge? He didn't even have much confidence to challenge Yuanshi Tianzun, but Yuanshi Tianzun had no power to fight back in the hands of Huanyu. How could he challenge him? Is it a shame? She then shook her head. As for Laozi, Tongtian, Houtu ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The mosquitoes and the five Luo Luo, there was no chance of winning.

Stop, Daozu, disciples give up.

Although regretful in his heart, the lead was anticipated for this scene. As he had persuaded Zhun Ti, he was fortunate and lost his life and could not be forced. Moreover, even if he went to participate in the war, he may not be necessary. If the grasp of victory is defeated, it is a fatal blow to the entire West, so he shakes his head and gives up directly.

it is good!

Hong Jun nodded, looking around for a week, said,

In this case, under the name, I, Yang Mei, Fang Qingshan played in the middle of the Yuan Dynasty, Houtu, Luo Yan, Mosquito Taoist, Huanyu Taoist, Lao Tzu and Tongtian played in the early Yuan Dynasty, and Xiu Luohuang and others played in the Yuan Dynasty.

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