Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1237: Starting

Swipe! !!

At this moment, the entire chaotic world of Pangu, whether it ’s the chaos or the flood, even some of the world ’s thousands of creatures suddenly felt an irresistible power that came to themselves, and some people did n’t even know what was happening. May be still in the cultivation or dreaming, followed by a whirlwind, when you open your eyes, you have already changed the world, and you do n’t know you thought you were kidnapped.

Although there are hundreds of thousands of spectator seats, there are too few creatures compared to the entire chaotic world.

For this reason, candidates who want to enter the internal spectator need to think about it.

However, the candidate who entered the ring this time was not decided by Xiu Wei. It is a comprehensive consideration of all aspects.

Potential, background, cultivation, luck, merit ...

If you cultivate to reach the late stage of quasi-sage, but the potential is exhausted, the luck is flat, while the other one is only golden fairy, but the luck is huge, the potential is huge.

So there is no doubt that the enlightenment of Yantai will only choose the latter and not the former.

After all, there are not many such opportunities, and naturally it is necessary to maximize benefits.

Su Ning bullies Baishou Weng, and does not bully young people into poverty.

This is the truth that is universal.

Although some people say that geniuses must grow up, at least the opportunities are much greater.

Investment requires the greatest benefit at the least cost.

This is why everyone is willing to accept genius disciples, and even to paste them, and to be good friends with genius. Doesn't raising eyebrows just because Fang Qingshan has an eternal sky boat?

Although the ring is not a person, not a creature, but it is the balanced road that controls the ring.

The world is full of benefits, the world is full of benefits.

Pu Avenue is no exception.

Although he doesn't know what benefits he can get from it, obviously in the long run, he can get more from genius.

So, the selection rules are very clear.

选中 The nature of being selected is joyous, and I ca n’t wait to let everyone in the world know his joy. Those who have n’t been chosen are naturally a funeral test. After all, this is a chance, and it ’s really regrettable to miss such a big scene.

No matter what other people do, Fang Qingshan also felt that he had suddenly and irresistibly a mighty power while he was shooting divine light on the platform, and he took the whole body out of nowhere.

Unlike other people, Fang Qingshan is not unable to resist.

Because before Shenguang had fallen on him, Fang Qingshan's several treasures, eternal sky boat, reincarnation mirror, the heavens chessboard rioted in unison, trying to isolate the fall that led to Shenguang.

He is not just him, raising eyebrows, mosquitoes, Luo Yan, Hou Tu, Hong Jun, San Qing and others. Even those who have attained the highest treasure in their hands in order to reach the quasi-holy peak are the same.

Of course, in the end I can say otherwise.

Qi Fang Qingshan knew that this was the enlightenment of Yantai, so he did not refuse to stop the resistance in the body.

Xu only felt a sudden dizziness. When he opened his eyes, Fang Qingshan appeared in the ring like many lucky people.

I was just other, thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of lucky people entered the ring, and all fell into the lower three floors of the spectator seats. Fang Qingshan was directly at the top.

"Good guy, good luck!"

Fang Qingshan didn't rush into observing carefully when he entered the platform. He only glanced roughly. Everyone who was a little excited because of entering the platform suddenly blinked.

Because from these people, Fang Qingshan sees boundless luck. Although there are only hundreds of thousands of people here, not to mention being placed in the flood, even if it is placed in the small thousand worlds, it is just a drop in the ocean, not to mention.

However, the richness of their fortunes together is simply shocking.

Because even if they exclude the masters who are above a few mixed yuan, the luck of other people is not worse than the humanitarian luck of Qi Sheng who was just because of the return of the three emperors and emperors. Win.

"I don't know how Yantai picked out so many lucky children in the first time."

Qi Fang Qingshan was very puzzled about this, and could only be sighed by the boundless power of the avenue.

After all, many people who want to investigate a person's luck are not an easy task, and casually sniffing is more likely to cause backlash.

And if it is a person who cultivates high, he is usually covered by a treasure, and a person who cultivates low does not have luck.

Some of the lucky children are covered by their own heavenly ways.

Therefore, in such a short time, summoning so many people with great luck had to shock Fang Qingshan.

After a sigh of emotion, Fang Qingshan cast his eyes on the entire Colosseum.

"Good guy, this should be a treasure, and I am not inferior to the chaotic treasure."

由 A sincere marvel, sounded again in Fang Qingshan's heart.

Standing on the position, down-to-earth, and then felt a little space stability and a strong restraining force, Fang Qingshan contrasted, not to mention the Zixiao Palace, even in the Pangu Hall, can not In contrast, an excitement suddenly rose in his heart. After all, this was the first time he had seen it, and he felt such a powerful treasure in his own hands, and could not help expressing his emotions.

Indeed, Chaos Treasure, looking at the entire Pangu Chaos world, there are only four pieces on the bright side, the creation of Qinglian, the created jade, open axe and chaotic beads. As for whether there are hidden hidden treasures, this is unclear , But there are definitely not many, even two slaps can be counted.

But now, it's just a martial arts teaching technique that can only get one Chaos Treasure, you say it's not a big deal.

In fact, this is not a trivial matter. After all, we must first suppress the cultivation of the participants. The weaker magic weapon cannot be done at all.

Moreover, Hong Jun and others have Chaos Lingbao in their hands, and the grade is not low. Otherwise, it is better to not set up a chaotic treasure-level ring, so as not to break your heart.

"The Battle of Taiwan ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The first game, the first battle under the mixed Yuan began."

I didn't give everyone much time to adapt. After all the seats were full, the familiar voice sounded again.

I followed, and I saw Hong Huang's side, or the poisonous prince's side. Each of them was ingested directly by an invisible force towards a platform.

On the side of Wu Honghuang, the first person to fight was not the other, it was Emperor Shura.

There was a master named Wrong-number Chasing the Soul who was selected by the poisonous God Hou.

In the first game, everyone wanted to make a start, and all of them sent out a relatively powerful presence among ten people.

The people who fought on both sides had the cultivation of Yasheng. Other magical powers and Lingbao had not yet seen it, but just looking at the momentum of the two people was different from ordinary people, and they did not fall into the pit. Ps: My friends, I'm a bachelor, and I recommend a free novel app that supports novel download, listening, zero advertising, and multiple reading modes. Please pay attention to WeChat public account: dazhuzaiyuedu (long press and hold for three seconds to copy) Book friends, pay attention!

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