Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1238: Fight

Slap! !!

Down to earth, Emperor Shura stepped directly on a platform.


The two eyes looked out like two sharp blades, and shot directly at the opponent.

Ding Ding Ding Ding! !!

At the same time, however, it is seen that Emperor Shura stepped on the 13th pure white lotus, with the **** Shura flag on his head, holding a bloodthirsty jade seal, and a halberd of evil. with full force. There was a strong coercion and a terrifying look.

The lion beats the rabbit, also with full strength.

What's more, on such occasions, facing such an opponent. Tolerance is sloppy.

Once you lose the game because of your negligence, things will be a big deal for Emperor Shura.

First of all, this is not the hello and hello, everyone, although it is not a life-and-death battle, but it also needs to pay the price, treasure, luck, merit, mystery ...

Although you win, you can get the nightmare in order to break through the secret method of the mixed element, but if you lose, you will pay the corresponding price.

What if the other party asked for thirteen pure white lotuses? Either he asked for half of his luck, or he was asked to be the master of the six reincarnation Shura Taos, or he asked for the Sutra of Blood ...

But that Shura Emperor was a big loss.

Secondly, if he fails, he will not only have to pay the price, but he will not be rewarded, let alone the spoils. As a result, his best opportunity to break through the Yuan will be lost.

Although in the immense amount of void, the hybrid element is nothing, but it says a dividing line. If you do n’t even reach the hybrid element, it really is a cannon fodder.

Even if Fang Qingshan and others win in the end and get the corresponding secret method, tell him, but because of failure, luck is broken, and it is not easy to want to break through.

There is face again. This time, I'm going to fight on my own. This represents not only myself, but also the famine, the sea of ​​blood, and the ancestor. If it fails, how others think of himself is not important, and his loss is not important. The ancestor was ashamed, but his sin was immeasurable.

Especially if the ancestors and Daozu didn't deal with it.

For this reason, as soon as he entered the field, the Emperor Shura did his best, not only showing a few treasures including the congenital treasure of Jingshi Bailian, but also showing the bleeding sea and immortal, and fully operating the blood sea scripture.

Just standing on the ring platform, he gave people a sword like a war sword, a peerless war sword about to reveal its sharp edge. Not weaker than the killing power of the evil halberd in his hand.

No temptation, because there is no need at all, it must be the fastest and most aggressive attack to win the victory, so as to avoid night long dreams.

After all, the personnel of the poisonous princes are compared with the flood, and they are strong in various magical secrets. Once they have time to unfold, let alone fall behind, at least it is not so easy to solve. Therefore, it is necessary to use The autumn wind sweeps the leaves, leaving no chance to the other party.

Emperor Shura had already shot when he was competing for the opportunity of Tianlu. Although it seemed to have improved compared with the last time, he was still in a range acceptable to the crowd and did not appear too surprised.

Hesitant and immensely empty, the poisonous **** Hou and others looked at Shura Emperor solemnly.

"It's a chaotic world in Pangu. Although it has encountered great difficulties and is vulnerable in the top masters, this does not mean that they are provoked."

"Yeah, you can see the whole leopard at a glance. Just a Shura emperor has such strength, let alone other people. I hope this is only an individual strength. If the overall strength is so, we may be difficult."

"Yeah, look at this person's cultivation has reached a half-step mixed element, and he has a variety of treasures in his hands. He has a solid foundation, especially in the form of fighting. The combat experience seems to be quite rich."

"Now everything is said, I can only hope that the soul chasing can win!"

Uh ...

Seeing the performance of Shura Emperor, he immediately caused a bad feeling to the poisonous gods and others.

However, no matter what they think or worry about, everything is too late. At the beginning of the Taiwan war, no one can step in, only to see the two sides of the belligerent play on their own.

He said that at the same time as Emperor Shura appeared, a figure opposite him also appeared at the same time. .

This is a man, his body looks very burly, his muscles are entangled, and he is full of explosive power.

As far as momentum is concerned, it is like the difference between Shura Emperor and Emperor. The body is filled with a long-term battlefield of iron blood.

In fact, He is not only similar in his manner to Emperor Shura, but most of his poisonous gods are the same.

After all, they are vacant thieves, licking blood every year with swords and swords.

He wore a **** cloak, holding a frosty spear.

The gun is dark and red, and it seems to be infected with blood, engraved with an ancient texture, like a dark poisonous snake.

The whole person is like a placekeeper.

Like Emperor Shura, as soon as this person appeared, he entered a combat state, his body was tense, and he seemed to be able to send a thunder strike at any time.

In fact, this is not unexpected. After all, as far as their profession and experience are concerned, only in this way can they get longer.

"Chasing the soul!"

男子 The man spit out two words directly.


Emperor Shura also returned two words.


Since reporting to the family, the two yelled at the same time and shot together.

There was a stop-drink in Chasing the Soul, the dark red spear in his hand trembled, and the whole spear appeared like a viper out of the cave. It shot out quickly, especially the flash of the red cloak behind him. Instantly appeared in front of Emperor Shura.

Obviously, this red cloak is not a decoration, it is also a treasure. Other abilities have not yet been seen, but the assistance and blessing speed are wonderful.

Quick, as fast as shocked, as fast as lightning, as fast as your eyes, Yuan Shen can't see, and you can't react to your consciousness.

武 The world martial arts, all invincible, but fast.

Chasing the soul lives up to its name.

The trembling of a long gun is like chasing a soul and killing it, almost in a fraction of a million ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The continuous blast of gun power from the mountains.

This is not because one shot came, the tide followed, but in a short moment of effort, the long gun shook tens of thousands of times, just because it was too fast to be seen, combined into one shot, showing endless follow-up. Just the power.

有人 If someone can see the speed of chasing the soul, they can find that it is actually similar to Jiuxing Lianzhu. One shot has not yet fallen, and the other one is already close behind. And the attack points are all in the same place, and the power of breaking defense is naturally greatly increased.

Although he went all out, although he did not underestimate the other person, when he saw the pursuit of the soul, the Emperor Shura was a little surprised.

After all, his speed is a little too fast.

He wants to end the battle at the fastest speed. People also have the same thoughts as him, and chasing souls and chasing souls, only with the wrong name and no wrong nickname. From this nickname, we can see that soul chasing is a speed player. Ps: My friends, I'm a bachelor, and I recommend a free novel app that supports novel download, listening, zero advertising, and multiple reading modes. Please pay attention to WeChat public account: dazhuzaiyuedu (long press and hold for three seconds to copy) Book friends, pay attention!

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