Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1239: defeat

Although the speed of the Emperor Shura was not slow, the blood of the sea, the blood of the blood is definitely not weaker than any method of turning the rainbow, shaking the body, vertical golden light, somersault clouds, and so on.

And if you cultivate to break through the mixed element, or have a deeper understanding of the way of blood, it is easy to surpass several other speed methods.

After all, this blood cricket method is itself a top-notch escape method. After the improvement of the mosquitoes, it not only eliminates some disadvantages, side effects, the law of integration into the blood, but also essentially increases his speed and becomes A mixed-level method.

Although the doubling somersault cloud was created by Zhunti, the golden light of the land was created by Yuanshi Tianzun.

But the two must not be compared to mosquitoes.

More importantly, they do not incorporate the law of fit. So it is essentially lower.

And even if it is integrated, it depends on the person who shows it to realize that there are no similar laws.

Apart from this, it is said that although the speed of Emperor Shura is not slow, in the end he is not practicing speed laws, and the combat mode does not go fast and slow.

For some reason, it was understandable to be caught off guard by the chasing soul.

Looking at the 狰狞 gun's head, Shura Emperor stood upright with sweaty hair, and her heart seemed to be pinched heavily, and her pupils shrank into a pinhole.

Fortunately, he is also a battlefield man, although he is not surprised.

Almost as the soul-hunting spear fell, the evil halberd in the hands of Emperor Shura also waved out.

In a flash of time, a sea of ​​blood and blood stood out of nowhere, crouching between the two.

there is always a solution to a problem.

At this moment, the Shura Emperor has played a policy of constant change to prevent attack. Keep it dripping.

Dang Dang Dang Dang! !! !!

There was a sound of gold and iron throbbing. Because the speed is too fast, just like the thousands of gunfires merged into one, these golden iron and iron symphony also converged into one, as if the chaotic clock was struck by a master of mixed yuan.

Although there is the guardian of Yantai, observing everyone, even the sentient beings outside of Yantai, turned to the lower eyes and turned white, and fainted, and the higher ones also appeared dizzy with Venus.

"It is indeed a man of immense void, and indeed there are two brushes."

I said earlier that although the Shura Emperor did not follow the speed line, it was not bad in speed. Although he was caught off guard by the chasing soul at first, he quickly adjusted.

Now that he's adapted, it's time for him to fight back, and Shura Emperor's eyes are frozen, while his eyes are flashing with an astonishing sense of war.


Emperor Shura Emperor's eyes closed, the halberd of evil in his hand was still wide open and swept across the wasteland, and he was urged to the extreme, like a round of god's day blooming on the earth. But the bloodthirsty jade in the other hand was urged at the same time, and flew out.

Da Yin turned the sky, the bloodthirsty jade seal flew out of the hands of Emperor Xiuluo, and instantly stood up to the wind. It had to be turned into a party that was not Zhoushan, not inferior to Fan Tianyin.

Suddenly, one side saw an infinite amount of sea of ​​blood forming, and then turned over, the seas overturned, the bead curtain rolled up, rolled over, unstoppable. Wherever they go, they can destroy everything and drown everything. In particular, it also contains a force of corrosion and erosion unique to the sea of ​​blood.

Above the sea of ​​blood, there is an emperor figure wearing a scarlet emperor's robe, standing on the sea of ​​blood, driving the sea of ​​blood.

In the face of the falling of the bloodthirsty jade seal, chasing the soul can no longer afford to attack the Shura Emperor.

After all, the offense is completely ineffective, and the resistance to the halberd of evil is out.

Although Bloodthirsty Jade Seal and Guilt of Sin are both a grade, on the basis of single attack, Bloody Jade Seal is too much to overcome the Guilt of Sin.

Because of this, chasing the soul did not dare to neglect, he already felt a thick threat from it.

He snarled, and the soul-hunting gun in his hand struck out fiercely. There was a terrible sound of breaking through the air, accompanied by a fiery blazing gunfire.


When Yi Yiyin fell, the soul-hunting gun in the hands of soul-hunting suddenly seemed to have been bent, and was almost compressed to 90 degrees. Fortunately, the quality was good. Otherwise, I am afraid that it will be broken on the spot.

Even if there is no break, there are cracks on it, the color is obviously dim, the tiger's mouth is broken, and the soul chasing is spit out a counter blood, the breath suddenly weakens, and the face becomes pale.

The reason why the Bloodthirsty Jade Seal has such great power, in addition to his grade, is more important that from the beginning, Emperor Xiuluo was poised for this thunder strike.

However, at the beginning, the speed of chasing the soul was too fast, so that he did not hit the first time.

Nevertheless, the power of the Bloodthirsty Jade Seal has been exerted more because of more time to prepare.

Only by doing so can we make a success.

This can be regarded as the death of chasing the soul.

If he did not attack, the Emperor Shura played the bloodthirsty jade in the first time, and the power would never reach that level.

"Awesome halberd method, good domineering jade seal, surely we can't belittle the world,"

At the beginning, I originally looked down on the indigenous peoples of Honghuang, thinking that they were just sitting on a well to watch the sky, and Yelang was arrogant. When I played, I only paid a little attention to it. When the halberd of evil blocked the chasing gun, it was a little dignified, but until then, chasing the soul did not know that he was still narrow. The hybrids under immortality, and even the masters under hybrids, may not be as good as them.

"But that's all, why can't I, kill !!!"

However, he did not panic because of this. After all, he can be regarded as a character crawling out of the dead pile. After hundreds of battles, he resisted the bloodthirsty jade attack almost immediately.

A mouthful of blood spurted out of the spear ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, the spear in his hand instantly turned into a streamer and merged into the body of the soul chasing. The next moment, the soul chasing the whole person transformed into a poisonous dragon, Pistol.

Tatar guns in one.

Faster, faster, more than twice as fast as previous attacks.

Stubborn, too strong. One shot fell. Everywhere he went, even the void was annihilated.


"Light of purification, scattered!"

"Unbreakable, broken!"

As Shura Emperor stopped drinking, the first 13 grades of pure white lotus under her feet suddenly became bright and generous, firing hundreds of millions of purification gods, and the soul-chasing gun fell on it. Not only did it not break the defense, it was like Dong Xue encountered pure sun. The power melted instantly.

The secret method is broken!

Instantly, the spear and soul chase separated again.

At the same time, the evil halberd in the hands of Emperor Shura has been waved, and with the mood of indestructible and indestructible, he immediately fell on the soul.


The old force has just gone, but the new force has not been born.

At this moment, chasing the soul is too late, and the thoughts move, the **** cloak behind him, in an attempt to defend against the attack of the evil halberd.

Alas, it's totally useless.

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