Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1240: Win again

This **** cloak is also a treasure.

In addition to the name of the soul chasing gun in his hand, this thing contributed.

Because this treasure can gain a degree, and it is a great gain degree.

Earlier, after chasing the soul, Shura Emperor was caught off guard because of this treasure.

Not enough, this treasure is not only a gain, it is also a defensive spirit treasure.

Although it is not an innate Lingbao, it is also a top-level acquired Lingbao. It is not weak, and its defense may not be as good as Wufang Liantai, but it is not under a single congenital Wufang banner.

Unfortunately, chasing the soul was first wounded by the bloodthirsty jade seal, and the mystery was broken by Jingshi Bailian. In addition, the old force had just gone, and the new force was not born. The power of the **** cloak was ten layers at most.

And the halberd of evil is not only the top-level innate killing of the Lingbao, but also the Emperor Shura also used the magical powers of the mosquito Taoist in the Blood Sea True Sutra.

Therefore, one-shot construction.

The pursuit of the soul only came through the defense of the Scarlet Cloak. It had just retreated three miles, and the entire body was completely covered by the unstoppable evil halberd. It was instantly cut off, the Scarlet Cloak was broken, the soul chaser flew away, and the defense secret was broken. At the moment when the halberd of evil fell on the body, the entire body turned into a white light, disappeared in a straight line, and disappeared into nothingness. Disappeared from Taichung.

?brush! !!

At the same time, at the moment when the soul chasing disappears, if there is a secret cultivation method for the eyes of the sky, or a magical power that can explore the air transport, you can see that the soul chasing the head is like a substance, and nearly half of the air transport pillars of the air transport Tianzhu are Shengsheng's cutting, shattered into the light rain by the evil halberd's edge, Shengsheng separated, and under an invisible force, quickly entered into the body of Emperor Shura.

Successor prince, loser Kou.

Defeating your opponent will be able to plunder some luck from the opponent. Incorporating into one's body is as good as one's own luck, without any hidden dangers.

At the same time as the soul chasing the soul, there was another message that entered Shura Emperor's mind at the same time. It was some secret method, among which there was a secret method to break through the mixed element.

Obtaining the luck of chasing the soul is of course delightful. After all, although the luck of chasing the soul is not as good as that of Emperor Shura, it is definitely not weak. Among all the quasi-sacred peaks and Asian saints, it is considered superior. With this luck, Emperor Shura's future practice can be improved by at least one level, the difficulty of understanding Tao, and even the difficulty of breaking through the mixed Yuan will be greatly weakened.

However, compared with the secret method of breaking through the mixed element, these are nothing.

Because if air transportation can reduce the breakthrough difficulty of one layer, the secret method can reduce at least three layers.

However, the reward does not end there.

Whether it is the luck of chasing the soul or the secret method, this is considered a trophy.

At the same time, in the chaotic world of Pangu, a source of power came, which is the reward of the road.

With blessings, secret methods, and the blessing of the power of the roots, the Emperor Shura only felt that the bottleneck of the mixed Yuan, which could not be shaken by merit, seemed to shake.

Immediately rejoicing in the heart, if it was not the right time at this moment, Emperor Shura could not wait to retreat at once, and never break through without breaking through the mixed yuan.

Haotian, Zhen Yuanzi, and others saw the swaying momentum of Emperor Shura. It seemed that they would break through the next moment. They couldn't help but be envious, and couldn't help but be full of expectations for their next game. They also seemed to see themselves defeated. Opponent, get the luck, secret method, the moment to break through the mixed yuan.

As for Wang Shu, Xun Peng and others at the moment are envy, envy and hatred, which is not only the harvest of Emperor Shura, but also that they have not been able to obtain the opportunity to win the battle for Taiwan.

However, they didn't want to think about it. Although the battle between Soul Chasing and Shura Emperor was short-lived, the fierce part of it was not enough for outsiders to be humane. Instead, the number of winners and losers is unknown.

However, in general, everyone in the flood plains was very happy.

Correspondingly, the poisonous gods and others looked a little dignified, but did not blame chasing the soul.

After all, they all saw that chasing the soul was not taken lightly, not because they were too weak, but because their opponents were too strong, and this non-war crime was also. ,

Emperor Shura did not stay on the ring for a long time. After receiving the award, he was directly absorbed by an invisible force and moved out, and in a blink of an eye, he returned to his seat again.

At the same time, two more gods of light fell on the side of Honghuang and the poisonous god, each of them extracted one person and landed on the ring.

This time, the candidate in Honghuang's battlefield was Xuanhuang Laodao, while the poisonous **** was sent by a scholar-like figure, with a high crown and ancient clothes, a straight face, and an endless uprightness.

Poison student!

This man is a Confucian monk, just like a scholar of one of the four generals under His Majesty Hou.

However, since it is called a poisoned scholar, it is obviously not a good thing.

But if it is a good person, it will not linger in the void thieves.

On the surface, this man looks like an ancient doctor, but he is actually a character of Yue Buqun.

"Hong Huangxuanhuang!"

"Student without a student!"

The two reported their names, and then shot at the same time.

"There is righteousness in the heavens and the earth, and the manifold forms the manifold. The lower part is Heyue and the upper part is the sun star. Yuren Haoran, Pei Cangming.

Wong Road as Qingyi, Han and Tuming court. When the poor festival is seen, one by one. In Qi Tai Shijian, in Jin Donghu pen. "

Poison student, opened a volume of bamboo slips, heard a long howl, mobilized his style, and recited a moral article aloud.

For a time, the words floated and the light was brightened. A kind of founding, righteousness, and inheritance breathed out from these words.

At the same time, various visions appear frequently. There are people worshiping, prayers praising the prosperity, righteousness, righteousness for the people. There is no joy in the world, no sorrow in the world. The sound of compassion ...

The majestic situation is a bit similar to the grand scene of the blessings of heaven and humanity when Xun Peng created the demon text and Cangjie created the characters.

"The heavens and the earth are yellow, and nothing can be touched!"

Unfortunately, he encountered the ancestor of Xuanhuang, the heaven and earth Xuanhuang's gasification form, and his defense power is still above the **** and beast such as dragon and phoenix. .

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But he couldn't shake his defense at all.

Moreover, Xuanhuang has been a otaku, fierce beast, dragon and phoenix, Tao Demon, and Lich from the beginning of his birth. He has no cause and effect, no karma, and the power of Confucianism and Taoism has greatly reduced his effect.

"I surrender!"

Seeing this scene, after several confrontations, the poisoned scholar gave up decisively.

He knew why he couldn't help Xuanhuang. Instead of struggling to die, the final result remained the same, and he had to reveal his hole cards.

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