Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 124: Jian Jue

Xun and Fang Qingshan's observation of Hesha Qishu have the same effect.

As Fang Qingshan injected the power of spiritual soul into the scroll of inheritance.


A strange power emanates from the scrolls of inheritance, resonating with the power of Fang Qingshan's spiritual soul.

Especially at this time, the two pure Yang Feijians in Dantian also each shot a pure pure Yang Jianqi into it.

The next moment, with a humming sound, the power of the spiritual soul in Fang Qingshan's mind was like the water of a sluice, and poured into the painting of Chunyang Jianjue madly ...


Qi Fang Qingshan's eyes were dark, and when he opened them again, he felt that the eyes were white.

I looked away, but it was already out of a strange space.

On a sea of ​​ocean, there is a young man in white, fluttering clothes, holding a sharp sword, standing quietly, indescribably romantic, but Fang Qingshan could not see his face at all, as if there was a thin layer Gauze shrouded.

He seemed to sense the arrival of Fang Qingshan, the man moved, but saw his finger on the scabbard lightly buckle.


A bright white light cut through the sky, the flying sword came out of the sheath, and it was cold and broad, and a sword that looked like Fang Qingshan's pure Yang Feijian fell into the hands of a man.

Holding the sharp sword in his right hand, he did not see any extra movements, and understated it, as if drawing with a pen, and a sword was gently chopped forward.

Seems to be a graffiti pen. The sword of the man in white is very simple, looks bland and unsurprising.

Just when Fang Qingshan felt strange, suddenly something happened.

As the man's sword light passed, the temperature in the air suddenly began to rise, and the top of his head was originally clear and clear. Between the beards, everything was shining in a big day.

When Fang Qingshan felt that time seemed to be imminent, or even melted in general, her heart was shocked.

Rumble ...

As the men ’s sword fell, the sun was sinking, the sun was bathing in the East China Sea, and the sea beneath them was like a tsunami, tens of thousands of miles, tens of thousands of miles, and millions of miles of sea. Reach out without seeing five fingers.

After the clouds disappeared, a huge abyss canyon formed.


The gurgling sounded loud again, but the sea water swarmed in all directions to fill the vacancy.

By the time everything was calm down, the entire surface of the sea was descending.

The consciousness was dark for a while, and the picture turned around, and Fang Qingshan returned to the back room. But compared to just now, Fang Qingshan's face was pale and cold sweat swept down.

"What a terrible sword!"

Xu recalled the sword of the man in white, and Fang Qingshan could not help but feel a palpitation in his heart.

At this moment, his mind is full of that big day.

Is light, heat, sword, yang, rigid, pure!

"What a pure Yang real person, what a pure Yang Jianjue!"

After a long while, Fang Qingshan calmed down and praised sincerely.

Although Chunyang is not a big day, it is more appropriate to use a big day to show pure sun.

Under the sword, the East China Sea, even the entire East China Sea, was vaporized with a layer of seawater. The power is self-evident.

Depressing the heart of his heart, Fang Qingshan could not wait at this moment to see how Tianjian Jianjue was going.

However, although eager, Fang Qingshan did not act immediately.

Because he has just watched the pure Yang Jianjue, he has exhausted his mental power, and then obliged to observe the Heavenly Sword Technique. Not only may he not be able to watch it completely, or even watch it, but it will hurt the fundamentals and lose more.

When Fang Qingshan moved in his heart, he immediately remembered a dragon elephant suppressing the world.

Although the dragon elephant is still a dragon elephant at this moment, it is quite different from the original.

Fang Qingshan refined the essence of the dragon elephant, but he got some inheritance from the dragon elephant. Although the dragon imagery at this moment is still not the top, it is more subtle than the Yuanchen technique of Yuhuamen. How many.

Of course, it's not that Fang Qingshan doesn't want to change to a better conception, but because Hesha Qishu is the inheritance of qi practice. There is no special conception. The same is true of Chunyang Jianjue. Fang Qingshan had to use it first.

As Fang Qingshan thought about the dragon elephant, the qi and blood in his body also started to operate unconsciously.

Refining Gasification God!

补充 Replenish with Qi and Blood and transform the Primal God!

After an hour, Fang Qingshan opened his eyes, and two searchlight-like eyes flickered away.

The spiritual aspect is a little progress.

Observing the sword, although it takes a lot of energy, it also helps to sharpen the spirit. Although it is not the main purpose, it is better than nothing.

He took a deep breath, and Fang Qingshan reapplied his skill, immersing his consciousness in the sword of Tianyi.

He stunned, and the surrounding scenes turned again.

This time, it's still the same picture, or the same person.

He sensed the appearance of Fang Qingshan, the man in white, and pointed into a sword, a little, a wave of waves, and the flying sword came out of the sheath.

一次 This time is a little different from the last pure Yang Jianjue.

Chunyang sword tactics, a sword movement, day after day, followed by the bathing day in the East China Sea, it can be described as powerful ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~.

However, the Tianjian sword method is different. The man's sword is like a remote control, and the pure Yang Feijian is like an arm.

What the heart wants, the sword points to!

The 天 遁 sword skill lies in a 遁 word!

遁 Not only fled, but also came without a shadow, went without a trace, out of nowhere!

Although not as vast and sweeping as the previous pure Yang Jianjue, sweeping the world, but in Fang Qingshan's eyes, this day's sword is even more invincible.

If you say that the pure sword skill is to make you deal with it positively, then the Heavenly Sword Technique does not even give you time to deal with it.

From time to time in the east and sometimes in the west, it means heaven and earth. As long as the person who casts it, Feijian can appear at any place of the attacked person at any time.

The invisible Feijian of Xun and Shushan's ascetic heads are different.

The only difference between the two is that one is a sword tactic, the other is a flying sword, the other is an empty space, and the other is invisible.

"Oh, what a pity!"

After observing the Heavenly Sword Technique, Fang Qingshan returned to the Chamber of Secrets, and his face was pale without the slightest blood. He took a sigh of relief and sighed with regret.

Although the Tiantian swordsmanship is good, to practice it, you need to be proficient in the laws of space, otherwise how does the swordsmanship work?

如果 If, according to the regulations of the eternal world, only in the third cave environment of the eternal life, can you master and understand the laws of space.

Of course, it is not absolute. Before that, you can also cultivate some space magical powers, like the flow of large teleportation, and master the laws of space.

"Forget it, the rest doesn't matter, I'll practice before I say."

I thought of this, Fang Qingshan sacrificed Chunyang Feijian, and began to follow the tactics of the sword, one by one, one by one, and began to practice the sword.

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