Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 125: Practice sword

At the moment when Fang Qingshan was retreating at Zhutianfeng, news about him finally spread throughout the Yuhuamen.

In particular, he and Fang Qingxue actually teamed up to kill the demon **** avatar and destroy the demon **** altar in the underground world. This is a great achievement, and it is also shocking.

Although it is not the demon **** itself, but the clone of a long-life secret realm giant is also beyond reach of ordinary supernatural secret disciples.

Fang Qingshan just broke through the mysterious realm, Fang Qingxue was just a yin and yang state.

I actually murdered the demon **** so fiercely.

Xu's prestige that had just dropped due to Huatiandu's suppression immediately stopped.

In particular, as soon as Fang Qingxue had to enter Xiaoxian Realm to practice, I am afraid that it is the level of the elders in heaven and human realm.

Although Fang Qingshan did not receive a reward, it was not forgotten by the martial arts, it was just remembered first.

Although everyone would not think that Fang Qingxue caught up with Huatiandu, they never dared to look down on Fang's family again.

After all, Fang's family has two masters of Fang Qingxue and Fang Qingshan, and Fang Han dare to call Banhua Tiandu with his physical realm.

For a moment, an undercurrent surged through the door.

Fang Han, after receiving the pure Yang Jindan given by Fang Qingshan, he did not take it by himself, but gave it directly to Yan.

This is because it is usually nothing to take alchemy to increase the cultivation, but when it breaks through the realm, for example, when the physical body reaches the supernatural power, when the supernatural power reaches longevity, it will shake the foundation.

The obvious example is Jinshitai's use of Yinyang Wanshoudan to break through the mystery of Shentong and Shi Longzi himself breaking through the mystery of Shentong. However, the methods of the two are incomparable.

What's more, Yan and Fang Han share a common cause, both glory and glory, all losses, he repaired and recovered, Fang Han will also get more benefits, and compared with Fang Han, Yan needs this kind of pure Yang atmosphere more baby.

So, whatever Tianji to Yangsuo, Jiugong Jinta, he all coveted.

He is Fang Qingshan's pure Yang Feijian. Even if he knows he can't digest it, and he can't get it, he still remembers it.

Although Fang Han did not take Jinyang Jindan, he practiced Yan Luojin's body steadily and marched towards the mysterious realm.

Not long after that, Fang Han even counterattacked the tenth place in the Inner Gate Chuan Gong Academy, and the original sword called "Silver Snake Sword" slammed the inner and outer doors for a while.

During this period, because Fang Qingwei had the pure Yang Jindan from Fang Qingshan, she did not wander around, but returned to her courtyard, refining the pure Yang Jindan in order to break through the magical powers.

Of course, all of this has nothing to do with Fang Qingshan. He is now immersed in the pure Yang Jianjue, and is even more obsessed than offering Wuyun Taohua 瘴.

Zhu Tianfeng, Xiaoyao Hall, in the back room.

Fang Qingshan sat cross-legged on a futon, his eyes seemed to be closed, but his whole body breath was just to the yang, as if it were suspended in a big day, but this was not because of his physical blood and blood, but the cultivation of pure yang. Jian Jue, the result of being contaminated with pure Yang breath.

The whole body became unparalleled and stern, and the whole body of pores was full of slight sword air, and the whole person was like a unique sword.

Two pure Yang Fei swords are suspended above their heads, and the sword tactics are lifted in succession, one by one, into the two flying swords. Each of the three-foot green swords is forbidden by a rune, and the light is bright. One point, the sword Qi will be pure one point, the sword body will be reduced by one point.

There is no sun or moon in Laoshan, it has been a thousand years in the world.

I did not know how long it took Fang Qingshan to retreat, but only saw the two sharp swords of the three-foot Qing Feng, but at this moment it became the size of Jin Dan.

Although the sword changed from a sword to a pill, the breath of Chunyang Feijian is even sharper.

At this moment, Fang Qingshan, in his eyes, was reflected in two sword pills, as if there were two rounds of sun rising and falling. It can see all the dark corners of the world, and it can also cut through all the darkness. The pure Yang mood has gradually penetrated into the depths of his soul.

For a moment, Fang Qingshan stood up and gently, Chunyang Feijian flew out, a hot breath rose, and the whole secret room seemed to become a furnace.

With a sword falling, a scorching breath can be smelled in the air, and even cracks appear in the space.

At this moment, if anyone has also seen the Pure Yang Jianjue, it can be clearly found that between the swordsmanship of Fang Qingshan, a faint shadow of the preaching white man can be seen.

The next moment, but when Fang Qingshan's tactics changed, the flying sword, which seemed to be slow and urgent, was lost for an instant.

The sword body was not visible, and the sword was heavy in the air. The air was cracked, and it was cut open with irregular cracks, and there was a thunderous thunder.

"Oh, it really doesn't work!"

I practiced for a while, Fang Qingshan could not help but sigh, and retracted the flying sword.

At the beginning, he used pure Yang Jianjue. With this sword, he can get started very quickly. Correspondingly, there is a trace of fire and fire in the five elements, and the sun is really fire. Meaning, although the power may not be very strong ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, but it is also a first glance.

But the Tianyi swordsmanship cast in the back is a little unsatisfactory.

Although it seems that the momentum is not much worse than the pure Yang Jianjue, it is because of this that it seems that Fang Qingshan's Tianyi swordsmanship has not been practiced well.

The swordsmanship of Emperor Tian is focused on a character. When it is displayed, there is a thunderbolt. This is not a good performance, but it still stays on the speed. There is no door to the space.

"It seems that I want to practice the sword technique successfully on this day, I am still busy."

Qi Fang Qingshan smiled wryly and shook his head.


Suddenly Fang Qingshan had a clever idea, but it occurred to him that the last time he returned to the Yuhuamen Gate, Shi Longzi responded to the heavenly situation with the instant killing Dafa.

神 This supernatural power is a supernatural power that has evolved after the cultivation of Xuanjin Jianqi. It can be said to be supernatural power, or technical skill.

He is the rudiment of space magic.

Later, Fang Han was trapped in Taiyuanxianfu, and the head of Yuhua came to the rescue. Facing the siege of four long-life secret giants of Jiuyin, Jiuyang, Demon God, and the Silkworm Lady, he cast an instant killing Dafa. It has been split in half. One shot kills, one blow kills! It's amazing.

"It seems that I can practice the Daxuanxuan Jinjian Qi first, and then practice the Tianjian Sword Technique, I'm afraid I will do more with less!"

Thought of this, Fang Qingshan knew that it was time for him to go out.

Wuyun peach blossom 瘴 refining was successful, Chunyang Jianjue first glanced at the door, this time the retreat can be said to be a lot of gains.

I want to cultivate my free spirit, but I need to go out and prepare for all kinds of natural treasures.

And the cultivation method is not the best way to stay in retreat all the time.

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