Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 126: Fang Qingwei

"Master, you're out!"

Qi Fang Qingshan pushed open the door of the back room, and saw Fang Ling guarding outside, looking at himself with surprise.

"Why are you here?"

Asked Fang Qingshan.

"My sister and I don't know when the son will be out of customs, so they wait here in turns."

Wu Fangling replied.

"I'm interested."

Fang Qingshan felt a warm heart and nodded.

I looked at Fang Ling's Xiu Wei, just broke through the realm of divine power, and shook his head.

"What's wrong with my son?"

When Fang Qingshan saw Fang Qingshan shook her head and sighed, she looked down at herself and found nothing strange, so she could not help asking.

"At the same time you take care of Zhu Tianfeng, you should also strive to improve your cultivation."

Fang Qingshan pointed out.

"In Yuhuamen, in the practice world, strength is the root of everything. As the people who have been with me for the longest time, I don't want you to be left behind."

"This is Songhe Wanshouquan of Feihuamen, Fei Ling's soft bones, dragon-shaped flying tiger step, and small Wuxiang from my chance,"

Qi Fang Qingshan reached out Fang Ling's eyebrows and passed on these techniques.

"You will pass it to Fang Qin and practice well. Only when you are high can you help me better."

"Thank you son-in-law, Linger and sister will live up to the son's high expectations."

Qi Fangling said touched.

I used to see Fang Qiang, Fang Han, and others practicing and changing with each passing day. They said that they were not envious. That was fake. Now that they are fine, the son has finally passed on their martial arts.

"Yes, what's happened in the martial arts recently?"

Asked Fang Qingshan.

"Big deal?"

Wu Fangling thought for a while,

"There are no major events, if you want to talk about major events, only the battle for the mountains and rivers will begin."


When Fang Qingshan heard the words, his eyes flashed. He knew that this time, Fang Han would shine in the battle for mountains and rivers.

"Xiao Ling, has your son been out?"

此时 At this moment, Fang Qin's voice came, and Fang Qin came in.

"You're out of customs!"

Wu Fangqin was somewhat surprised to see Fang Qingshan, and more surprised.

"Well," Fang Qingshan nodded and said, "What? Something for me?"

"Miss Er is here and wants to see the son." Fang Qin said.

哦 "Oh? Second sister is here? Then see you!"

He said, Fang Qingshan led the way to the hall.

"Second sister,"

"The third brother,"

In the hall, Fang Qingshan and Fang Qingwei have met for the first time since joining the outside door, and they could not help but feel a long absence.


Suddenly Fang Qingshan was surprised,

"Second sister, you are breaking through the mystery of magical powers."

"Yeah, thanks to the third brother's pure golden Jindan!"

Xi Fang Qingwei was both proud and grateful.

"You and my brother and sister, needless to say that, and I also have today thanks to the care of my second sister."

Qi Fang Qingshan waved his hand.

Although some surprised Fang Qingwei actually broke through the mystery of magical powers, she was not surprised when she thought about it.

Although Fang Qingwei's qualifications are not terrific, she is also a genius.

Fang Qingwei's cultivation was not as good as herself when she came to Yuhuamen, but she was seventh in the body.

And unlike Fang Qingshan, Fang Qingwei still has the resources Fang Qingxue gave her.

Coupled with the role of pure Yang Jindan, breaking through the mystery of magical powers is unexpected and reasonable.

"Congratulations to the second sister, our family has another master of supernatural powers. I would like to come to the eldest sister to learn, and I will certainly be happy."

Congratulations to Qi Fangqingshan.

"Hee, hey, hey!"

Fang Qingwei laughed.

"Yes, third brother, this time I came to ask something."

"Oh? What does the second sister want to ask?" Fang Qingshan asked.

"You know that the recent battle of Shanhebang is about to begin." Fang Qingwei said, "Do you say I went straight to the promotion of true disciples, or participated in the battle of Shanhebang to advance to the true biography?

Fang Qingshan looked at Fang Qingwei, and laughed secretly in her heart. Although Fang Qingwei was asking herself, her heart had long been biased.

If you advance to the true biography disciple with the first place on the mountain and river list, you can not only become famous all over the world, but also get a treasure, and a yin and yang longevity.

If you change the usual way, take Fang Qingwei's supernatural secret cultivation practice and participate in the rankings of mountains and rivers. As long as you go all out to get the first place, you have to catch it.

Unfortunately, she was unlucky, but she caught up with this time.

Don't say that Fang Han has broken through the mysterious world of magical powers, and the means are endless. Even Long Xuan, who is the first in the rankings, is not a fuel-saving lamp.

The ice spirit she practiced is an ordinary master of magical powers. I'm afraid she won't be able to eat it, and Fang Qingwei is obviously the master of magical powers.

So, she wants to get both fame and fortune, but she thinks a bit too much.

"Second sister, let's go straight to being a true disciple!"

Fang Qingshan suggested.


After hearing Fang Qingwei's words, Emei could not help but sigh.

Although she asked Fang Qingshan's opinion again, as Fang Qingshan said, she wanted to participate in the mountain and river competition.

He originally thought that he had broken through the mysterious world of magical powers and participated in the battle for mountains and rivers. The first hand arrived. Fang Qingshan should support himself without hesitation, but did not expect Fang Qingshan to oppose it.

"If another time ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Second sister will have no problem participating." Fang Qingshan said bluntly, "but this session will not work."

He did not wait for Fang Qingwei to speak, Fang Qingshan continued, "First of all, it is not only you who break through the mystery of magical powers, but also Long Xuan, who is now No. 1 on the mountain and river list. You can only cope with it.

"Ah? It's not just me who broke through the magical powers? Who else?" Fang Qingwei froze and asked quickly.

"Fang Han!" Fang Qingshan said lightly.

怎么 "How is it possible that one of his humble slaves broke through the mysterious realm of magical powers." Fang Qingwei couldn't accept this and could not help but scream.

"Second sister, Wang Hou will have a relationship with Xiangning. Although Fang Han was born as a slave, but now he has changed his life against the sky. You must not look at people with old eyes.

Fang Qingshan Zhengse Road,

"With Fang Han's current method, it is even more difficult for me to win him. And the older sister is also optimistic about him. Such a person, we are too late to win, we must not push it!"

"I know!"

Qi Fang Qingwei took a deep breath and was silent for a while, and nodded a little gloomily.

She was cultivated by a big family. Naturally, she knows the way of life of the big family. Not only does she have to make iron, she also has to be hard. She also needs to win all the forces that are beneficial to the family and herself.

Qi Fang Qingshan knew that she just couldn't think about it for a while and didn't persuade him, "How do the two sisters choose?"

"Well, what other choices are naturally going directly to the Palace of Truth to advance."

Fang Qingwei snorted coldly.

"That being the case, let me take you there!"

Lai Fang Qingshan smiled indifferently, shook his hands, and played a colorful brilliance, rolled up Fang Qingwei and headed towards the Palace of True Chuan.

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