Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1252: Pupil of death

守护 World Guardian!

神 The defense of this supernatural theory goes far beyond the golden lanterns and the immortal yellow body, and I dare not say that it is comparable to the twenty-four product industry flaming red lotus, at least not weaker than Qiankunding's defense.

If you want to break this magical power, that is to say, you need to at least break the flooded wasteland, topple the flooded wasteland, break up the flooded wasteland, and overthrow the three rivers and seas in order to shake the magical power. Otherwise, the repairing capacity of the flooded wasteland is undoubtedly itchy. The attacks were ineffective.

If it wasn't for the universe's inner world, it had just opened up successfully, but it was just a new world.

Relying on this supernatural power, even if he is standing still and letting you attack, he never wants to hurt him.

After all, in general, a person is really too small compared to one world.

Although the saints of the mixed Yuan Yuan did great damage to the heavens and the earth in the floods, it was only because they were inside.

If it is outside the barriers of the world, don't say an early mixed Yuan period, it will be a late mixed Yuan period, or even the peak person to attack. Even if there is no heavenly host, relying solely on the world's instinct, he can return without success.

Although Baitong is not an ordinary person, the world of Huanyu is not an ordinary world.

Therefore, no matter whether it is a pupil of Best of Life cycle, a pupil of stone, or a pupil of annihilation, or a pupil of freezing, etc., various effects are different, and the extraordinary pupil technique falls on the world's guardian barrier, although it hits a landslide The sea cracked and turned upside down, but it was nothing more than setting off huge waves, far from reaching the point of tearing the barrier.

"Okay, I'll see if you're really unbreakable!"

I saw that I had done my best, but still couldn't shake the other side. At this moment, Bai Tong had a feeling that he was a clown jumping beam.

At the beginning, all indifference, negligence, negligence, and carelessness turned into shame.

Emotion was previously played as a monkey.

This is still Baitong. I do n’t know if the World Tree avatar is using its own avenue of enlightenment. Otherwise, I am afraid that it will be spit by old blood and die.

However, in the end, he was not desperate.

Because, although his nearly one hundred pupils have been defeated and returned in vain, he still has hole cards.

对于 And he had great confidence in this hole card.

As for saying, the hole card is useless?

With this in mind, Bai Tong never thought about it.

Even if I have thought about it, it's just a matter of thinking, and until now, I can only hope that my hole cards can be useful.

Not otherwise

Bai Tong took a deep breath, and offered his own ace, killer 锏.

Suzuma, but a pupil larger than the sun or the overcast star was seen on the top of Baitong's head, covering the sun, but it did not bloom like endless brilliance like the big sun and the moon. Like the same abyss, a black hole, a return to the market, devours all the light, and the whole world is dark.

怎么 样 What kind of pupil is that dark, as if the eyes are blind, without any color, dark and deep inside, showing a bottomless vortex, as if reaching an endless world of death.

瞳 The pupil of death!

This is a treasure, a piece of red lotus that is not weaker than the twenty-four goods industry, and a treasure that opens the three treasures of the sky.

Although not a congenital treasure, he said that Yibao is a pupil left after the fall of the immortal power who practiced pupil law.

It is precisely because of this that this pupil will be larger than the sun and the moon.

After all, the sun and the lunar star are just the left and right eyes of Pangu.

However, Pangu had not yet demonstrated immortality, even if his combat power was not weaker than the ordinary immortal strongman.

However, in the end, this one is specialized in pupil technique.

"Gaze of Death!"

At the moment when the pupils appeared, a breath of death began to permeate and intertwined, and a wave of death that swept across the world was formed in an instant.

Then, an indifference like heaven, the death will overlooking high, instantly locked the world tree avatar.

The world guardian supernatural power formed by the World Road formed by the 3,000-thousand Avenues is so fragile in the face of hundred pupils and almost a hundred peerless superpowers.

The silver bottle broke the water slurry at first, and the four strings sounded like a crack.

Faced with the stare of this death pupil, the guardian of the world was torn apart immediately.

When I saw this scene, the audience couldn't help but take a breath.

Because at the moment when the pupil of death appeared, everyone felt a clear will to die, reverberating between the whole world.

this moment.

He is even more amazing than the original scroll of the original demon offering from the original demon.

Because this will is somewhat similar to the balanced avenue of Yantai's manifestation.

You must know that this is just the pupil of a dead immortal powerhouse.

As a result, all beings are shrouded in the shadow of death, and the spontaneous chills in the heart cannot stop the power like the law of the avenue.

感觉 This feeling, like the old man Shou Yuan is about to die, cannot stop the pace of death.

"It's a hundred pupils. I didn't expect that he had such a hole card in his hand, and it really turned him down."

"Yeah, I thought his nearly a hundred pupils were his hole card, but then I knew that he still had such a hand, which is really impressive."

"It's not the time to be happy now, Bai Tong has a hole card, and others may not."

I saw Bai Tong's unexpected Jedi counterattack, and the poisonous gods and others who had no hope at all suddenly lived again.

However, this time, no one dared to underestimate the world tree clone again, everyone was waiting for his counterattack quietly.

Because this time, the world guards this magical power.

"Sure enough, the three thousand roads can be proved. Although the roads are divided into high, middle, and low grades, the specific power must be personal."

At the moment when the pupil of death appeared, Huanyu was shrouded in the mystery of death. As the first person, no one knew the sharpness of this thing better than him.

The law of death is not unheard of.

Other than that, the law of samsara practiced by the deity, and the law of mosquito Taoist practice also imply the law of death.

生 The life and death gourd that was originally donated by Houtu and later integrated into the eternal sky boat also contains the law of death.

Even the World Tree avatar has practiced the World Tao ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and has specifically learned the law of death.

However, these are just more or less hidden. The world tree avatar has never seen such a pure, rich, vast law of death.

虽然 Although he knows the law of death, in the face of this will to death, he looks like a little witch seeing a big witch, firefly and Haoyue.

"Heaven is like a sword, cut!"

"Zhou Tianxing, Yu!"

"Sea of ​​infinite blood, volume!"

"Reincarnation of the heavens, leak!"

After the world guard was broken, the world tree avatar was almost in addition to several defense magical powers in an instant. Ps: My friends, I'm a bachelor, and I recommend a free novel app that supports novel download, listening, zero advertising, and multiple reading modes. Please pay attention to WeChat public account: dazhuzaiyuedu (long press and hold for three seconds to copy) Book friends, pay attention!

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