Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1253: Eye of Heaven

These supernatural powers displayed by the World Tree are all themselves, or belong to the deity, or various pesky supernatural powers of mosquitoes.

Leaving it in the past is definitely not solid or attacking, and even if standing still and making people attack, even if there is a treasure, it is not easy to break the defense for a short time, or, not The action is already, and the action is the power of rock breaking.

This can be seen from the previous battle between the World Tree avatar and Yuanshi Tianzun.

现在 However, the situation is quite different now.

神 These supernatural powers seem to be counterfeit and shoddy products. In the face of the pupils of death, they are just a touch, a thousand miles away.

The world's guardian magical power is not working, the heavenly will is not as good as the sword magic power, the star barriers are not working, the reincarnation of the heavens is not working, the sea of ​​blood is infinite.

It is not that these supernatural powers have weakened, but that the supernatural powers they face are too strong.

Everyone was shocked to see this scene, because they used their own people to change themselves, and facing this death pupil, I am afraid that it is not better than the world tree avatar.

Especially those who are not as good as the world tree clone. Such as Yuanshi Tianzun, such as those who are connected to Zhunti, and those under the middle of Yuan Dynasty.

Don't say them, it is the back soil that is still above Baitong, Madam Baihua and others. Why is there no emotion in my heart?

Previously, when hundred pupils performed nearly a hundred peerless pupil techniques, they were enough to shock them, because they were slightly inattentive, so they could only capsize in the gutter, and even if they are careful and want to solve hundred pupils, It's by no means a crushing ease.

We must know that the gap between the middle Yuan Dynasty and the early Yuan Dynasty is no less than the difference between the Yuan Dynasty and the Yuan Dynasty.

I did not expect that, in addition to Hundred Doors pupils, Hundred Eyes still has such a hand, it seems that compared with the ace of the bottom box in his hands, it does not seem to give up.

This death will is like the ultimate force that is irreversible, the most irreversible force between heaven and earth.

In the presence of this power, everything seemed so small, it seemed that he could only step into death step by step in accordance with his will, and the feeling that life was not in control.

Especially the pupil of death cooperated with his innate pupil. The pupil technique is complementary to each other.

He may only have double the power in the hands of others, but he can exert three, five, or even ten times the power in his hands.

修 They cultivated to a high depth, and it is okay to have a treasure body. Even the other onlookers who are guarded by the platform, at this moment, have a soul consciousness, as if they were imprisoned, and they want to get away from the body.

And this is just a gaze of death that spreads out.

Not to mention, on the field, after Hitomi sacrifice the pupils of death, seeing the magical power of the World Tree clone that can't be shaken no matter how shake it was, it was broken in a fraction of a million.

He followed closely, and he did it again. It was useless to count the magical powers that did not weaken the guardianship of the world.

Squinting watching death gaze is about to fall on the body of the world tree, the Primordial God.

Once infected with the will of death, it is troublesome to get rid of it.

Seeing this scene, Bai Tong felt relieved in her heart.

The World Tree clone is not invincible.

If even his own pupil of death can't help each other, Baitong will really be desperate.

What about Universe? Although shocked by the methods of Baitong and the power of the pupil of death, they are in danger and do not worry at all.

After all, Sudden Worry is completely useless. The most important thing is that although the situation is dangerous, he still has the confidence to retreat from the whole body.

"A good pupil of death, if it can be deprived of it, whether it is integrated into the Tao of the world, or into the eternal sky, it will be a great supplement for yourself."

At this time, what Huanyu was thinking was how to win the battle and grab this death pupil.

Or shattered, and achieve their own world path, so in addition to the five elements, reincarnation, devour, killing and other avenues, there is another avenue near Dacheng.

And the way of life and death is connected with reincarnation, and it is definitely helpful for the deity to understand the path of death.

Alternatively, integrate this treasure into the sky boat, just to complete the last eternal furnace furnace.

This way, as long as you increase the Tianzhou body again, breaking through the extreme level is just around the corner.

Once the eternal sky boat breaks through to the supreme level, not only will its own cultivation be about to usher in leaps and bounds, it will also greatly improve its safety and security, especially at this critical moment about to enter the infinite void.

From the hundred pupils sacrifice the pupils of death, to death gaze is about to fall on Huanyu, said so much, in fact, everything is nothing more than a rabbit rising and falling, between light and flint.

I felt an irreversible force of death and soul covering the body and mind.

Even the whole world in the famine began to turn into the abyss of death a little bit. The most important thing is the soul consciousness belonging to the world tree clone, which is shrouded in this taboo power and pulled by a huge power, and wants to get out of it.

"It's a death stare, and it's really good, but it's a little worse than just trying to deal with me."

At this time, the world tree avatar did not dare to take it lightly. According to his perception, if he could not act in time to defend the enemy outside the country, even if he finally defeated Baitong, it would be quite troublesome.

For this reason, he immediately offered his trump card.

Two Days Fighting for Brightness!

The next moment, the crowd felt only a flower in front of them, and then they saw one left and one right.

But, on one side is full of death silence, showing black, and consuming all light.

On one side, there are all kinds of colorful and eruptive, all-inclusive, it seems that everything is under control of the big glass sun.

Of course, they are not the sun, but two pupils like the big sun.

Yes, the card of the World Tree avatar ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is also an eye, the same ruthlessness, desirelessness, selflessness, and the same infinite power. The only difference is in their manifestations.

Eye of Heaven!

Yes, the card of the World Tree clone is his heavenly magic weapon and heavenly eye.

物 The importance of this thing is like the six reincarnation gold discs in the hands of Houtu to the Tao, and the created jade in Hongjun's hands to the Tao. This is a treasure with powerful power.

At the beginning, the world tree split to open up the world in the flood and wasteland. The avenue lowered the yellowish air, lowered the purple sky, and reduced countless merits. Although he was not used to condense the treasure, the power of the world's roots still condensed the nature of the world. Treasure, heavenly artifact, eye of heaven.

Although the power of the Ling Bao was extraordinary, once it left its own world, the power would shrink greatly, just like the seal of Fu Xi's hands.


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