Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1254: Collide

But in the end, the world tree avatar and Fuxi are not the same.

Because the power of the seal in Fuxi ’s hands comes from the humanity in the flood, although he is the emperor, he can borrow the power of humanity, but he ca n’t completely control it. Therefore, once he leaves the flood, the power of humanity will be cut off. .

But the world tree detached is following the Tao of detachment, the Tao of the World, which is very different from others, and belongs to itself.

Here is the difference between a saint and a hybrid.

The saint, although easy to break through, is more powerful in his own world. However, it is limited by the world, just like fish and water. People are like fish, the world is like water, people are in the water, and nature is like fish. Once they leave, unless the dragon is in the sky to change the water, ...

The mixed Yuan is not the same. Although it is a bit more difficult in the early stage and will be suppressed by its own world after the breakthrough, everything he owns is his own strength, and the power is his own. The heavenly artifacts of the world are all themselves.

Therefore, instead of weakening the power of his heavenly artifact, he strengthened it.

But seeing this thing, although it seems to be smaller than the death pupil in Baitong's hands, this is also well understood. After all, the owner of the death pupil of others is itself an immortal strongman, and it is not an ordinary immortal strongman. After all, even the Sun Taiyin, which evolved from the binocular binocular, is slightly weaker.

But this does not mean that the heavenly artifact of Huanyu is inferior. Although it may be weaker in size and quality, it is more agile.

In the end, although the pupil of death is powerful, his deity has fallen, and the hero does not mention his bravery. No matter how powerful this treasure is, it is only a dead thing. Although the eye of heaven is relatively weak, it has great potential. The most important thing is, He also leaned back on the World Tree avatar, backed by a flooded world, with strong support.

As long as the flood-waste world is immortal, as long as the world tree is immortal, the eye of heaven can continue to improve, and sooner or later one day can catch up with the pupil of death, or even surpass it.

Moreover, even if it is not comparable now, it does not mean that the power is not comparable, just the size and quality.

After all, Lingbao is good, but how much power it can play depends on who it is.

It's like a congenital Lingbao, the power in the hands of Yuanshi Tianzun and Hongjun is completely incomparable.

If it is said that Baitong is perfect because of the natural pupil and the pupil of death, then the world tree avatar and the eye of heaven can really fit perfectly.

This is the difference between founder, original owner and latecomer.

Under normal circumstances, unless it is a gift of talent and uniqueness, walking along the path of the predecessors is at best comparable to the original owner. If you want to break away from the original owner, you have to find another way. Otherwise, you can only live for others in your life. In the shadows.

If it is said that Baitong's death pupil gives people the feeling of simply being strong and fearful.

Then, in addition to being powerful, Huanyu's heavenly eyes are more tolerant. They are all-inclusive.

In the end, the eyes of the heavenly path represent the authority of the flood, and the flood is a normal world, not as extreme as the other shadows, death, and the sea of ​​blood. Therefore, it may be slightly inferior in specialization, but it is broad and comprehensive. The aspect is a crushing victory.

As long as the gap between them is not too large, the eyes of heaven can naturally restrain the pupil of death.

And is there a big gap between them?


But that was while the owner of the pupil of death was alive.

Now, the pupil of death is nothing but a treasure comparable to the top congenital treasure.

But I saw a huge, crystal-like pupil filled with glazed glory, like a long-lasting avenue, with a trace of eternal breath, a chaotic color visible to the naked eye, and vascular-like stripes densely distributed around the pupil Up and down the count, the big and thick is exactly three thousand, as for the small one, there are 129,600. As for the other vague, the smaller one is even more numerous.

The eternal breath is naturally because of the eternal sky boat, eternal green lotus, raising eyebrows and understanding a little eternal blessing, you can understand a little eternal charm. Fang Qingshan sits on the eternal sky boat, and observes the eternal lotus for a long time, and has experienced several times. Eternal blessing, how can we not be a little aware of the eternal way?

As for the three thousand crystal veins, it is three thousand roads.

Among them, the avenues of reincarnation, the five elements, blood, killing, devouring, etc. are the most stout.

As for the thinner 129,000, it is a trail derived from Three Thousand Avenue. In other words, the difference between Xiantian Avenue and Houtian Avenue.

The same goes for the later, smaller, smaller ones.

Accompanied by the eyes of heaven, there is that boundless mystery.

Under normal circumstances, the eyes of the heavens manifest, if it is a happy event, then it is natural that the purple air comes from the east, the aura of light, the sky is scattered, the sky is flooded, the golden lotus is blown, the Dafa snail is blown, the Dafa drum is blown, the heavenly girl holds the fan, and the golden boy holds the furnace .

If it is to show majesty, it is the way to punish the sky.

Accompanied by the dark clouds over the city, the wind convulsions, the storm raging, and the purple electric silver dragon are countless robbers and boundless evil spirits.

For now, the situation is naturally self-evident.

In the blink of an eye, the vast and boundless clouds of darkness condensed in the void, bringing boundless coercion to all living beings in the world. For the mind, soul, and body, there is boundless coercion.

Countless thunderbolts are constantly flashing, and under the eyes of God, they are even more terrifying, and countless voids are distorted and collapsed.

"Eye of Heaven!"

If it was to see the pupil of death, the crowd would only be shocked by his power.

But when they saw the eyes of heaven, everyone was even more surprised.

Especially those who have seen the eyes of heaven, but can't tell the specifics.

The shock of the heavenly eyes is far greater than the pupil of death.

After all, the Eye of Heaven and Heaven is the incarnation of Heaven and Earth Avenue. It controls the reincarnation of the sun and the moon.

It stands to reason that in the flood, this thing should be the treasure of Hongjun's authority. How could it appear in the hands of the world tree?

No one explained these. Even if you are puzzled in your heart, you just forget it at this moment.

Because, at this moment, the eyes of heaven and the pupil of death have reached the final decision ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The two eyes are facing each other.

Then, without the slightest hesitation, the glorious eyes of Tiandao and the dark and deep pupil of death collided together.

"Bang! Click!"

Great sound, elephant looks great!

The two gods' eyes collided, and everyone just felt that their eyes were white and their ears were deaf. For a moment, they could see nothing and could not hear anything.

After being stunned, naturally, there was a burst of yellow bells, and it was so deafening that even with the guardian of the ring, it was very uncomfortable.

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