As in the game of the ten battles under the mixed Yuan, the flood side started to win, but was followed by the poisonous gods and others to win back and overtake.

Although Tongtian and Lao Tzu were good, they lost two games in a row.

Seeing this scene, Yuanshi Tianzun's mentality is quite balanced.

At first, he was still upset, angry, shameful, all kinds of negative emotions, mixed tastes.

But now he is a little bit lucky.

Although he didn't even play the game, he lost face.

But anyway, not so many people were defeated, not to mention that the loss was not just for face, but luck.

What Yuanshi Tianzun thinks is not important. Although Lao Tzu and Tongtian lost two games in a row, they are not the same as in the previous game.

The last game was a tie between the poisonous gods and others. In addition to winning the game against Tongtian and Lao Tzu, when facing the world tree avatars, Mosquitoes, Houtu and Luojing, it was All defeated.


When the final result was obtained, the poisoned gods and others suddenly sank in their hearts.

In the three games, there has been a draw and a loss. Even if you want to draw, the last game needs to win. Otherwise, failure is already doomed.

And once it fails?

Thinking of this result, there is a feeling of heartbreak and anguish in the hearts of poisonous gods and others.

People are not as good as heaven.

Before facing the people in Honghuang before, they knew that they had no immortal fighting power. The poisonous gods and others, except for some fear of Honghuangtiandao and Hongjun, did not look at them.

With a balanced platform, even if Hongjun loses in three games and two wins, they will not affect the overall situation. In the end, how can they win, thinking that they can sit back and relax, but now they can only do it for themselves. Behavioral pay.

I will not talk about it under the mixed yuan. I did not expect that it was so good in the early period of the mixed yuan. The title of mixed yuan actually appeared one after another, which really refreshed their three views.

Right now, I just have to watch the last round of mixed yuan fight.

This time, the three heroes, Madam Baihua and the widower shot. If they had not fought in the first two games, they were still very confident. Now, they have nothing at all.

Sure enough, facing Hong Jun, raising his eyebrows and Fang Qingshan.

Even the strongest poison princes failed to please them, even though the cultivation of Hong Jun and Yang Mei was suppressed.

But they really don't have the slightest advantage.

Experience, magical powers, spiritual treasures, mysteries ...

After seeing Fang Qingshan offering the eternal sky boat, the faces of the poisonous gods and others were even more ugly.

Good guy, isn't that Pangu's chaotic world a new and chaotic world, a remote place?

How come the titles of Junyuan emerge one after another, and even there are such good things as the eternal sky boat?

The Lord of the Eternal Skyboat, regardless of his origin and cultivation, is a decent figure who looks at the entire immeasurable void.

Because as long as they don't fall down in the middle, becoming a giant of a party should not be too easy.

It is a pity that it is hard to buy Qianjin to know.

However, fortunately, even if they lose the ring game, they still get much more benefits than passing the news back.

This is also an abacus that the poisonous gods and others have already made. No matter what, they do not suffer.

when! when! when! !!

The bells that resounded through the ages ring in the ring, in the flood, and in the whole chaos of Pangu, covering the world of nine days and ten places, the number of the Ganges and the sand, so that all living beings can be heard clearly.

"The two world wars started between Pangu Chaos World and the Invincible Devil Palace Houhou. Both sides tied in the next round under the mixed Yuan. Early in the mixed Yuan and the middle of the mixed Yuan, both won with the famine, and three wins with two wins. Get the final victory! "

The familiar and magnificent voice sounded again with a touch of joy in the void.

Why are you rejoicing?

In fact, it is very simple. The world is full of benefits and the world is full of benefits.

Eternal Qinglian will also be pleased by the addition of the eternal sky boat and the promotion of the eternal sky boat.

Avenue is no exception.

The two sides fought against each other and provided a place for the balanced road. Although others did not know how complicated the relationship was between China and China, there were definitely unknown benefits in it.

Therefore, it is reasonable to show a little joy.

"it is good!"

"we won!"

"There is nothing remarkable about the immense amount of void!"

"Yeah yeah,"


With the announcement of the Avenue of Balance, everyone watching the war boiled, a pride that belongs to the chaotic world of Pangu, and the pride suddenly emerged.

brush! !!

At the same time, since the ring race has ended, the balanced road naturally recovered the ring.

Everyone just felt that the sky was fainting, and then they appeared in the flood, but the whole Yantai disappeared into a streamer.

In this regard, Fang Qingshan and others turned a blind eye, because the next time is to really enjoy the fruits of victory.

Everyone is looking forward to this.

After all, among them, there are secret ways to avoid the five degenerates of heaven and man and break through immortality.

This is very important for Hongjun, raising eyebrows, who have reached the pinnacle of mixed Yuan, and people with high aspirations like Fang Qingshan.

And once it breaks through immortality, it is placed in the immense void, and it can be regarded as the number one person in the world.



But a crackling sound was heard, and the sound of the collapsed post sounded one after another.

But it is because the poison **** Hou and others lost the Taiwan competition and lost luck.

If there are people who are highly advanced and who are good at the number of hopes, at this moment, if you look at the poisonous gods and others, you can easily find that their heads are like the sun and the sky, and the pillar of luck that is like the essence of gas is cut from the waist at the moment.

These lucks, however, are distributed according to certain merits, according to the work, and fall on the flood and waste people who participated in the Taiwan competition. Even if they lost Fuxi, Lao Tzu and others have only a few.

Feeling that the previously lost luck has made up for it again, Lao Tzu and others could not help but sigh of relief ~ ~ But people are more dead than others, and the goods are still good, compared with Shura Huang and others. There was no trace of joy just now.

Corresponding to their unhappiness is naturally the ecstasy of Emperor Shura and others.

Earlier they won the victory in the battle of Taiwan, and they had already felt the hope of breakthrough.

This time, there is another advent of luck, but everyone sees that their heads are full of vitality, and they continue to draw massive amounts of it, soaring at a speed that is visible to the naked eye. In just a few breaths, the evolution of the vision of air transport has covered the sky.


Suzuma seems to have reached a certain limit, or even touched him. These luck visions swayed up into the sky, and suddenly, rushed towards the void.

Rumble! !!

He flew halfway, but was bound by a huge net.

This network is not side by side, it is the bottleneck of mixed yuan.

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