Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1260: Network of bottlenecks

As for the bottleneck of mixed yuan, in fact, as long as it reaches the peak of Da Luo, it can be sensed.

After all, before Hong Jun, there was no quasi-holy state before Hong Jun.

However, although you can feel the bottleneck of the mixed Yuan when you reach the peak of Daluo, you can only look at it from a distance. Wangshan runs dead and looks close. In fact, it is still ten thousand miles away.

And breaking through the quasi-sage, reaching the pinnacle of quasi-sacred, and even Yasheng, this feeling is much clearer, you can even touch him.

It's just like seeing Taishan and Xiaotianxia. Without really touching the bottleneck itself, you won't know how solid this bottleneck is.

Because of this, this bottleneck can be described as blocking 99% of the quasi-sacred peaks from the door, preventing them from entering.

Jingcai Yanyan is like Zulong, Taiyi, Zhenyuanzi and others, who can only do nothing about it.

Even if they have immense power, boundless mana, and countless treasures, they cannot break this big net at all.

The restraining power made them like a fish in a net, and they continued to struggle, but the more they struggled, the tighter the restraint became.

Therefore, in addition to supporting the heavenly tortoise because of the calculation of heaven, it is destined to fall in the future. It is Fang Qingshan, the mosquito Taoist, and the World Tree who broke through the mixed yuan.

Fang Qingshan used a lavish purple gas. The mosquito Taoist took an innate treasure. Although the cost of the World Tree clone was smaller, it was only relatively speaking. In addition, Qingshan and his predecessor planted trees. Before you can enjoy the cool.

Otherwise, Zulong, Taiyi and others are his lessons learned.

Fortunately, at this moment, heaven and earth are working together from time to time. Through this round of competitions, gathering fame around the world and stepping on top of opponents, their luck is as strong as a dragon, but they let them see the hope of breakthrough, and they immediately used milk The effort, again and again, hit the bottleneck giant net.


For a time, whether it was the previous failure of the Taiwan platform or the victory, the ten people under Fuyuan, Fuxi, Shura Emperor, Chiyou and others began to directly break through.

Not that they don't want to find a quiet place, but they can't miss it anymore. Now is the best time to make a breakthrough. If you miss it, and you want such a good opportunity, you probably won't be able to come across it in a lifetime.

As for whether there will be dark minded people to destroy it?

They didn't worry about it at all.

What does it mean to have the same strength from time to time? Even if someone thinks it will be done, they will become successful. Even if someone tries to destroy it, they will not succeed, and they may not be able to help them.

For a time, the wind and the clouds surged, and the world changed color.

The momentum of the ten people in Zhenyuanzi was like the tide of the sea, one wave after another, one wave higher than the other.

Do it all at once, second time tired, third time exhausted.

By this time, everyone was doing their best, meritorious deeds, and breaking through the secret ways of the Yuan Dynasty, and so on.

expensive! !!

I only saw the vision of the evolution of luck, or dragons, or phoenixes, or swords, or people, or others, and tried to do everything, suddenly appeared in front of the network of bottlenecks, trying their best or tearing, or Is it to chop or attack a little bit, fiercely want to do their part in a battle, to tear the huge unbreakable net completely.

Good guy, although it's just a lucky charge, the power that erupted, everyone under the mixed Yuan, including the Queen Mother, Yaochi, Dragon Mother and others who had defeated them in the battle for the sky, have all retreated.

Because, at this moment, the coercion on them actually surpassed Yasheng, almost as if they had just entered the first layer of mixed Yuan.

Infinite strength, infinite potential, the convergence of people's hope, the blessing of the power of heaven and earth, torn down frantically, the network of bottlenecks as stable as the top of the head seems to be torn to pieces the next moment.

In the past, not to mention big fluctuations, that is, a large net without slight shaking, but at this moment it was a violent shock, and the lines that were constructed were bright and dark.

"Good guy, I didn't expect to have just won the competition in Taiwan. Followed by, they will break through the mixed yuan."

"Although Tianlu Chance has said long ago that there will be opportunities to break through mixed yuan, but I did not expect to come so fast."

"If they all break through the yuan, the floods will be lively."

"It's impossible for everyone to break through. Although everyone hits the bottleneck together, they have a point of difference."

"That's right, yes, those who have won the victory in Taiwan seem to be more fierce and have a longer stay."


The melon-eating crowd who was still happy for Honghuang's victory in Yantai, but didn't want to, in a blink of an eye, saw that ten people in Chiyou actually hit the bottleneck of the mixed Yuan in public.

Such grand occasions are rare in the floods, and the saints were born like a market.

Regardless of how excited and how others see it, it is ten people at the moment, but at the moment, they are not thinking about it.

Although their cultivation has long reached the point where they can't make progress, this time they have broken through the mystery of the mixed element and the bottleneck of immeasurable air transport.

But this bottleneck is still not so shocking.

Rumble! !!

The bottleneck is constant vibration. It seems to be cracking next moment.

However, this is only appearance, it seems, only the next moment.

In particular, Fu Xi, who had previously failed, Haotian and others felt that their successors were weak, and their faces were ugly.

If such a good opportunity is not able to break through, there will be no chance in the future, not to mention, the blow to their confidence is undoubtedly a disaster.

Although the path to spiritual practice is wealthy and wealthy, one's mentality is equally important. The only one who has the only road, the only one who has no confidence in himself, is definitely not far away.

"I don't believe that, bottlenecks can stop me, open, open, open !!!"

The strongest forces burst out almost simultaneously.

"Tear it apart !!"

"Tear the bottleneck !!"

"Break me!"

At the same time ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ In the flood, the dragons, and even the dragons once commanded by the dragons, the stars, the souls favored by the stars, the blood sea Shura, the land, the witches, etc. The relevant creatures of the ten waved their fists, roared with unyielding faith in their eyes.

This is another effect that people can hope for. It can give people a helping hand. Although it may not be effective, it can be the last straw that crushes the camel.

With one heart and one mind, the most persistent roar broke out, with infinite conviction. Converge directly on the vision of luck. Into infinite power.

The web of bottlenecks keeps shaking. The light is uncertain.

brush! !!

At this moment, a heart of joy filled everyone's heart, including Fang Qingshan, Hong Jun, and raised eyebrows.

They were better, all the people under the mixed yuan, all felt a kind of joy from the blood, excited tears bursting involuntarily.

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