Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1265: Loss of induction

"This is the Void Wormhole."

After entering the wormhole, after a little discomfort at the beginning, Fang Qingshan and raised his eyebrows quickly adjusted. Looking at the scene in front of him, he sighed again.

Don't have holes!

There is a sun and the moon in the pot.

This is the wormhole.

Don't look at the wormhole the size of a cave from the outside, but the inner part is Sumi mustard.

The entire wormhole is just like the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation in Fang Qingshan's Eternal Furnace Unit.

Around the wormhole, there are wavy waves, flashing gorgeous dreamy colors, and at a glance, it is colorful.

Compared to the wormhole, although you can feel the powerful space rhyme, you can only understand it from a distance. The space rhyme in the wormhole is like an aura of heaven and earth. Take a breath and these rhymes will roll in.

If you can stay in it, not to mention enlightenment, you will be able to travel thousands of miles a day under the subtle influence.

However, this idea is still unrealistic.

Because you want to learn here, you have to stay in it first.

However, once you enter the wormhole, you can't help yourself. Although this wormhole looks like a cave, it is not a cave. You can't just stop if you want to stop, just walk if you want to. Wrapped in an invisible force of space, then moved away.

It was said earlier that the wormhole travels faster and far faster than the chaotic transfer matrix.

Don't look at this wormhole, which seems to be extremely long. Because of space folding, distortion, etc., it can be called Nine Songs and Eighteen Bends.

However, after entering the sky boat, it does not need the sky boat itself to fly at all, or the speed of the sky boat itself cannot keep up with the speed of the wormhole space.

As a result, at this moment, Fang Qingshan, as the master of the sky boat, felt an unprecedented dragging force, dragging him to fly forward in a gallop.

This kind of power is even more terrible than the power that was felt on the platform of the road, because that kind of power can still resist itself, but here, it can only push the boat down the river. Because once there is a resistance force that the forces here want to back, I am afraid that it will be counterattacked in an instant.

And the power of anti-phasing is powerful, I am afraid not to say that ordinary void ships are elite-level void ships, ordinary immortal powerhouses will collapse and disintegrate instantly.

And if you really want to compete with this force, I am afraid at least you need to be named the immortal strongman, and it is not the beginning of immortality, at least later.

However, if there is such a person, if it is not a person who specializes in practicing the laws of space, the attraction of the wormhole will not be too great for them.

Because of this, I won't give you time to stay here and slowly understand the Taoism in the space. Unless you have special means to brand the Taoism here and take it back slowly, This is just a very special journey.

Therefore, although the wormhole can be used as a strategic resource and has a very high value, it is only used as a teleportation array. It is somewhat difficult to use it as a holy space for one's enlightenment.

However, it is not impossible to pay a certain price, but he can only look down on him if he can pay the price and despise him.

Having said so much, in fact everything is just a rabbit ups and downs, between light and flint.

Almost in a fraction of a tenth of a second, the eternal sky boat, wrapped in the power of the wormhole space, instantly crossed countless spaces and was far away from the chaotic world of Pangu. This distance is far from the distance that raised eyebrows.

At a certain moment, a flash of light passed away, and Fang Qingshan and others did not wait for the reaction.

brush! !!

Fang Qingshan felt only a light body, and the power that bound Tianzhou saw the trace in an instant.

It's so fast that people can't react. It's so fast that people don't think this is a wormhole at all, but a flash of portals. If you step in, you have already taken it.


Fang Qingshan and raised eyebrows seemed a little unbelievable.

However, the reaction immediately sensed the distance from Pangu's chaotic world, but found that it could not be sensed at all.

In other words, in such a short time, they have been far away from the chaotic world of Pangu.

Fang Qingshan secretly calculated the distance and suddenly took a breath.

Good guy, in such an instant, it is almost equivalent to the eternal sky full of horsepower, flying without sleep for hundreds of years, or even more time.

This void wormhole has saved the eternal sky boat for nearly a hundred years, which is equal to the eternal sky boat has been sleeping in the void for hundreds of years, without any delay, it has been shortened to just a tenth of a million. It is known that the value of a void wormhole is astonishing and the benefits are incredible.

No wonder wormholes are used as strategic materials.

To get rich, build the road first.

A road that can move quickly is an indispensable condition for the rise of power.

A great part of the reason why the barren land is called barren land is because the roads there are blocked.

With the wormhole, once power is gained and used well, the rise is just around the corner.

It can not be used, sold directly, and the value obtained is not difficult to train an immortal.

"how can that be?"

Just after Fang Qingshan figured out the time and distance, he suddenly found a strange place, because just now he had lost his imprint left in Pangu's chaotic world.

This is not a weird thing, after all, it is normal to be so far away.

For example, raising eyebrows is no fuss.

However, Fang Qingshan is different.

Not only was the brand mark left by him gone, but more importantly, the coordinates left on the Zhou Tianxing chart and the chessboards of the heavens completely lost their effect, which had to frighten Fang Qingshan.

Especially the brand on the board of the heavens ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Wherever Fang Qingshan has been, as long as there is enough luck, you can open the void channel. Even if it is too far away today, the chessboards of the heavens are not the same as before, and the two chaotic worlds can cross directly.

However, at this moment, Fang Qingshan found that the coordinates of all the worlds he had lost had no effect and could not be sensed at all. Even with the chessboard of the heavens, he could not open a channel to return.

In other words, from this moment on, he truly became a homeless prodigal.

"what happened?"

Seeing Fang Qingshan's color change suddenly, he raised his eyebrows and raised his eyebrows, asking curiously.

"I can't sense the coordinates of Pangu's chaotic world."

Fang Qingshan said in a deep voice.

"Can't sense? Isn't it normal to be so far away?"

Raised her eyebrows a little.

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