Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1266: Wormhole destroyed


Wen Yan said, Fang Qingshan smiled and shook his head with a bitter smile.

"I dare to say that even if we return to the original place through the wormhole now, we can't easily find the Pangu chaotic world."


Hearing here, he frowned suddenly.

"how can that be!"

Not to mention that they left a mark on the chaotic world of Pangu, they can be found as long as they are close.

Even without this imprint, if the king does not see it, the poisonous gods and others will emerge from the wormhole and easily discover the pangu chaotic world?

Since others can, why can't they?

Up to now, Yang Mei has not realized the seriousness of the problem, only thinking that the reason why he can't sense his hometown is just because the distance is too far.

Yeah, how could this be possible.

However, it wouldn't be surprising if Fang Qingshan and Yang Mei knew what happened after they left the chaotic world.

The so-called injurious heart must not exist, and the inhuman heart must be indispensable.

What Fang Qingshan didn't know was that after he and Yang Mei left chaos, the original will of the avenue directly concealed the entire chaotic world.

Just like a wormhole, if there is no special means, or the exact location is known, even if he is close to him, he will not feel his existence at all. Will miss it.

The situation is exactly the same after the original will of the avenue was shot. It is as if a method of covering up opportunities such as stealing the sky and changing the sky has been performed, it is impossible to calculate a specific position at all.

Although Fang Qingshan once made a vow on the road, he promised that he would not directly or even indirectly disclose any information about Pangu's chaotic world.

Although, Hong Jun, Avenue was indifferent to their departure.

Although, raising eyebrows, Fang Qingshan and others are not low in cultivation.


However, if it is possible, who would be willing to put their safety on others?

The immense amount of void is too dangerous, and the starting point is the mixed element. No one dares to say that he is safe until immortality, and if the luck is not good, it is not immortal that it may not capsize the gutter.

Because of this, the cultivation of Yang Mei and others is not worth mentioning.

So, just as Hong Jun had previously worried, sometimes, even if you do n’t disclose it yourself, what if someone gets captured and searches for the soul?

What's more, the road vow may not be avoided.

Avenue Will and Hong Jun's ideas are exactly the same, they do not want foreign strongs to enter the chaotic world, because once this happens, their interests will be damaged, they can all treat chaos and floods as their own imprisonment, absolutely No one is allowed to share a piece of cake.

In fact, dividing the cake is still a simple matter. I am afraid that even their own security will not be guaranteed at that time. After all, who knows what kind of character will be caused by the news leak, if it is a mixed yuan level, or even ordinary immortality The strong are okay. If they are more powerful, what will God do?

At that time, the arms will not twist their thighs. What is better is that they lose control of the flood and chaos, lose some of their benefits, and may become more serious prisoners or even fall.

Plan ahead and take precautions.

Therefore, after Fang Qingshan left chaos, the original will of the avenue directly exerted the great magical power to seclude the entire chaotic world.

In this case, even if you come to the neighborhood again through the wormhole, there is no special means or immortal strength, but you still don't want to feel the slightest clue.

"Is this really serious? Why don't we go back to the wormhole and have a look? It won't take much time anyway!"

Yang Mei listened to Fang Qingshan's words seriously, and his heart was a little bit embarrassed. Although he was willing to roam the heavens, chaos was not just his own nest, his hometown, but also his retreat. Now he can't get in touch, so he is unavoidably uneasy.

"Return to the wormhole?"

Hearing this proposal, Fang Qingshan's mind suddenly flashed, as if he had grasped something, as if he had not grasped anything.

But at this moment, Fang Qingshan was so disoriented that he could not sense the flood, and acted for the proposal of raising an eyebrow. There was no whim coming from his heart.

"Wormhole? Wormhole? Wormhole!"

Fang Qingshan suddenly stared like a bronze bell,

"No, hurry up!"

It was almost instinct to have too much time to think, Fang Qingshan urged the eternal sky boat to the fastest.

The sails agitated, and the boat on the other side blessed.

The entire sky boat flew towards the distance at the fastest speed.

The next moment, I saw a huge cave suddenly appearing in place, with the original wormhole as the center, the evolution of the boundless black hole returned to the market, sweeping the audience.

Rumble! !!

But it was seen that the black hole was completely black, and was constantly rotating in one direction at a very fast speed, twisting, and bursting into unprecedented power.

Wherever the power of the black hole goes, whether it is the stubborn stone, the law of the void, or the void beings, all are swallowed up.

In an instant, everything was completely vanished.

Although Fang Qingshan responded quickly, although the eternal sky boat was fast, it still did not completely escape the aftermath.

Fortunately, the eternal sky boat's defense is amazing, too virtual **** armor automatically emerges above the sky boat.

Therefore, apart from being hit by a few thousand feet, there was no vibration except for some vibration.

Even so, it was enough to make Fang Qingshan and his party feel reluctant.

Good guy, almost, almost got involved, thinking about the consequences, the group shuddered suddenly.

Fang Qingshan and Yang Mei's faces were ugly.

Good guy, this is obviously the wormhole destroyed.

If it weren't for their quick response, once they were caught in the black hole, even if they could save their lives, they would definitely be hit and consume some cards.

What's more important is that he was drawn into a black hole, and even if he survived, he would be exiled into the void. By then, the information that he knew from the population such as the poison **** prince would have little effect.

The immense amount of void is too large, including natural disasters and man-made disasters. Once in the void, you do not find a new world in time, new routes, not to mention the various changes in the void, loneliness alone is enough to make you crazy.

This is still second ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ More importantly, the wormhole is destroyed, and it is difficult for them to return to the chaotic world of Pangu, especially after they lose the imprint of that world. I'm afraid I can't go back in this life.

"I should have thought of it!"

At this moment, Fang Qingshan regretted his expression.

When they leave chaos, in fact, they should be prepared for this.

They just thought that they had vowed that everything should be fine.

However, he did not expect that Hongjun and Dadao did such a great job.

The imprint was cut off, and the wormhole was actually destroyed.

However, if they think differently, they will also make the same choices as Hong Jun and Avenue.

There is no reason to block the chaotic space, and he will put any wormhole beside him.

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