Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1279: recommend

Although Jiang Mingyue was a daughter, she was impressed by her elder brother or elder sister since she was a child, or she would not be a man.

This is a bit long.

When Jiang Mingyue's mother was pregnant with her sister, she always dreamed of a son, but she was born a daughter.

Although their family regretted it, they did not commit ill-treatment, they just treated her elder sister Jiang Yuanba as a man.

Yes, her elder sister has a very domineering name called Yuanba.

And I don't know if it was raised as a boy from a young age, or if it was by nature.

If Jiang Mingyue is a straightforward, gentle and elegant man, then Jiang Yuanba really has the heroes of big rivers and lakes, eating meat in big bowls and drinking with big mouth.

Then there is the point of telling the story first and not messing up later.

Fang Qingshan first mentioned the request. If she could do it, she would be very happy. If she couldn't do it, or if the harm outweighed the benefits, it would be better for her to refuse it.

"You can definitely do that."

Fang Qingshan smiled, and then said directly,

"I want you to recommend me to join Taoist Gate!"

"What? Join the Taoist door?"

Jiang Mingyue froze. She thought about Fang Qingshan's requirements, even the lion dragon king opened her mouth, and she did not expect that Fang Qingshan actually mentioned this.

Then frowned.

"Daoyou is a casual repair?"

It's not that she looks down on casual training, after all, really powerful casual training, and there is no lack of power.

But that is only a minority after all.

In general, there are too few talents for casual repair.

At this moment, she had some doubts as to whether something had gone wrong with her calculations.

"Isn't he the person I'm deducing?"


Fang Qingshan didn't know Jiang Mingyue's inner drama, so he nodded indifferently.

"Then you should also know the requirements that you need to meet to join Taoist Gate!"

Jiang Mingyue nodded. He didn't say much, but turned around and tried it out.

Although things were somewhat out of his control, Fang Qingshan's requirements were somewhat unexpected, but he was still within his own tolerance range, or it was not difficult at all, relieved, Jiang Mingyue said.

Although she has a place for recommending a disciple, it is because of this that she also needs to bear some consequences. For example, if this disciple makes a big mistake, she will also be implicated. If her qualifications are too poor, her face will not pass.

Furthermore, although there are not many opportunities for genius to appear in casual repairs, there may still be the remains of the sea.

Therefore, this is the question.

In addition, to join the martial arts, with the disciple's recommendation, although the historical investigation will be omitted, the necessary assessment is still necessary.

For example, do you agree with the core idea of ​​the martial arts? If the so-called different ways do not agree with each other, if you do not agree, such a disciple will never be able to join the martial arts, and the martial arts will never cultivate you.

For another example, is it malicious to the martial arts, is it undercover of other martial arts to spy on the intelligence.

Of course, the most important thing is qualification.

"Of course I know that."

Fang Qingshan nodded. Although he didn't know it very well, he still knew the general process. However, he was very determined. As long as Jiang Mingyue recommended and omitted the investigation, Daoyimen would definitely accept him.

However, he revealed a little bit,

"I am the Lord of the eternal sky!"

"What? The Lord of Eternal Heaven?"

Hearing here, Jiang Mingyue breathed a sigh of relief, his eyes brightened.

The Lord of the Eternal Heavenly Boat is a very unique group among the infinite worlds.

Because as long as they don't fall midway, their achievements will not be small.

At least among the heavens and the realms, the eternal Heavenly Zhou Master is never lacking among the famous **** emperors.

And the master of the eternal sky boat, not only has great potential, the combat effectiveness can not be underestimated, at least all of them are of the title level.

Such characters, even if they join the top 100 forces of the heavens and the world, have no problem, let alone say Yimen.

At this time, Jiang Mingyue finally determined what happened to his previous method of calculation.

Not only can you solve the problem at hand, you can also draw a genius for the martial arts and add points for yourself.

After all, although recommending a talent will bear some responsibility, if the recommended talent is well developed, the recommended person will not only get an incense, but also get a martial arts award.

"Okay, as long as Taoist friends do not harm the interests of Taoist Men, I would recommend you to join the martial arts. However, once you do something that harms the martial arts, you will blame me for being ruthless."

After Fang Qingshan revealed that he was the master of the eternal sky boat, Jiang Mingyue didn't even have the idea of ​​asking Fang Qingshan to help each other. He directly agreed to his request, although he threatened it, but You can see the whole leopard at a glance. From here, you can also see that the Taoist Gate desires talented disciples.

In fact, although the Taoist Gate seems to be only a shrinking of power, its ranking has dropped a little, and it has not been crowded out, suppressed or swallowed up.

But in fact, the martial arts are not good. The disciples, elders, and others are under great pressure.

This is manifested in the fact that there is no ancestor covering the wind and rain, and there is insufficient energy. Although it has not been suppressed and crowded out, the normal competition is everywhere.

The strength of the entire martial art is Wang Xiaoer's New Year, which is not as good as one year.

For many years, the eternal Tianzhou Lord, they have no such disciples in Taoism.

Now the martial arts are stable and there is no turbulence. Nothing can be seen for a short while. Once a major event occurs, or someone who promised to come to the door and ask them to complete something as dangerous as their ancestors, then I am afraid it is a storm. Already.

Just like Jialou of the Red House, when there is no accident, there are naturally flowers, banquet guests, and high-rise buildings. Once the mountain tomb collapses, it is a landslide.

Therefore, after the fall of the ancestor, Taoist Gate did only three things.

One is to be a human with a tail, dig deep and dig up grain. Shrink the forces as much as possible, how much ability to eat, how much food, so as not to be remembered.

Otherwise, even if their strength is not bad, there are still some incense.

I'm afraid the Taoist Gate will not retain its face.

After all, we must know that this is a place where the interests are paramount ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~

The second is to gather genius disciples everywhere.

The strength of a martial art, in addition to the top nuclear deterrence, also depends on the mainstay of the rising star.

After all, the fighting power of the ancestors must not rush to the front of everything. This requires talented disciples to support the facade.

The third is to save years of savings and background to train these talented disciples as much as possible.

Widely spread the net, hoping to rise from it to an ancestor of ZTE.

Only in this way can the Taoist Gate rise again.

Otherwise, once something goes wrong, I am afraid the tree will fall apart.


Remember this starting domain:. :

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