Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1280: which performed

Not three generations rich, but five servings poor.

The gentleman's ze, exhausted in the third life, and cut off in the fifth life.

The truth is the same, no one is better than a thousand days, and no one spends more than a hundred days.

Of course, for a large power, especially a deep power, as long as there is no major change, under normal circumstances, even if it is a little volatile, it will not be too big, relying on the strength of the power to pass it. At most, it is only a change of three and five.

But once a major change really occurs, the situation will be the same.

Over the years, from the beginning of Hongmeng to the present, I do n’t know how many epochs have passed. The top 100 forces in the heavens and the world are not a constant layer.

Things like Dao Yimen have not happened before, and they are not uncommon.

Among them, more than half of the original top 100 forces have been replaced by latecomers.

Some are the same as Daoist Gate. When encountering a change, the ancestors of the school fell apart.

Some people have no successors to the martial arts. Wang Xiaoer's New Year is not as good as one year. Even with the support of the ancestor, it is impossible to rely on the ancestor for everything.

Some of them are surpassed by those who have risen later. The so-called talented people came from the Jiangshan era. Each leader has been leading for hundreds of years. Each era has the protagonist of each era. Their rise is unstoppable. Once they stand on the wrong team, they cannot keep up It is reasonable to be replaced.

Of course, the most miserable one is infighting, rigidity in the martial arts, struggle for power and profit, causing Xiao Wall to break through.

I remember that there was a power called the Polar Palace because of the intrigue among the martial arts, and even in the end, they even murdered the martial arts ancestors, so that the martial arts disappeared in the evening.

"So thank you very much."

Hearing Jiang Mingyue's agreement, Fang Qingshan was relieved. As for the threats behind him, he was selectively forgotten.

"Right now, let me help you get rid of the people in the Palace of Immortality!"

"Can you solve it?"

Jiang Mingyue was rather uneasy at this time.

After all, Fang Qingshan is the master of the eternal sky boat and a disciple of Taoism. His future is ambitious, but now, as a casual repair, she is uncertain.

If it had been before, she would have been indifferent, but now, she is not willing to risk Fang Qingshan.

Just as Wang Bo was worried about him at first, the gentleman did not stand under the wall.

She already plans to use a hole card.

When she left the martial arts, her eldest brother, or the ace she gave her, was immortal, except for those who were lucky enough or were born with great power, whoever touched and died.

Although such a hole card uses one less card, compared with Fang Qingshan's genius disciple and future boss, it seems insignificant.

"Do not worry!"

Fang Qingshan nodded. He was not a stubborn man. The reason why he was willing to take extra shots at this time.

It's just because I want to show my fighting power and show stronger and more value.

Genius, all who have not grown up are scrap.

With the eternal sky boat, he has demonstrated his talent. If the combat effectiveness is still very strong, not only will the entry be smoother, but the future training will also be more.

Of course, at the same time, he did not take it lightly, or belittle the team in Wu Mo Gong.

Not to mention that he is cautious in character and understands that he has been sailing carefully for ten thousand years. Moreover, with his current practice, he has not disparaged the qualifications of the Inanimate Palace.

After all, he knew from the mouth of Poison God Hou the power of his big captain, just like him, but he was a title junior. However, Poison God was only a low-level junior, while his captain was a senior junior , He has a lot of hole cards in his hand.

However, he remains confident.

One is that he is in the dark, the enemy is in the bright, unexpectedly and unprepared to attack, and he will certainly be able to achieve unexpected results.

What's more, he is not fighting alone, he also has the helper of raising eyebrows.

Raising an eyebrow is not to be underestimated, but he is not weaker than Wang Bo, and also realizes a little eternal charm.

Even if he did not rely on the eternal sky boat, he would not have much problem with the ordinary nine-level mixed Yuan.

"Wang Wang, wait a minute, see if you have a chance to cooperate with them."

When Fang Qingshan summoned his eyebrows and was ready to start, Jiang Mingyue also ordered Wang Bo aside.

Since Fang Qingshan was willing to do something, Jiang Mingyue didn't stop. Just as he wanted to show himself, Jiang Mingyue also wanted to see more. However, he still ordered Wang Bo to avoid a big mistake.

"Miss Er, do you really believe what he said?"

Wang Bo didn't hear the news that Fang Qingshan said that he was the eternal Tianzhou Lord, and she was still tangled. Miss Er could not help but frown.

"Moreover, I want to protect you."

Then, Wang Bo shook his head again.

His most important responsibility is not to let Jiang Mingyue be harmed, so previously, even if there were no movements outside, he could not stay away.

"It doesn't matter if you don't believe it now."

Jiang understands a smile on his face,

"The problem now is to make sure he doesn't go wrong. It really doesn't work, I just use the amulet left by my sister."

"As for my safety, don't worry. I'm not a porcelain doll."

Don't look at her cultivation as low, but even if Gui Huihou takes the shot herself, she may not be able to win her in a short time.

Ever knowing that Fang Qingshan was the master of the eternal sky boat, Jiang Mingyue's attitude completely changed 180 degrees.

As long as she can be recommended to the Taoist door, first of all, she will get a lot of benefits. This is a martial arts award. The better the talents recommended, the more rewards you will get.

Secondly, once Fang Qingshan grew up, he was naturally an ally of their Jiang family.

Although it is said that the internal environment of Yimen is good and the competition is benign, it is because there is no ancestor and external oppression, and it is because Taoism itself does not have so many intrigues ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ But healthy competition is also competition.

Once Fang Qingshan grew up, Jiang Mingyue didn't expect him to become the ancestor of ZTE, but as long as he became a **** emperor, no, or even just a title of immortal peak power, similar to the extinct deities, they would make a lot of money.

Martial arts are so big and so many resources. A slight tilt is enough to make people jealous and coveted.


Uncle Wang was a little dumbfounded, didn't he say that it was a waste to use his hole cards? How come, an idea? Wang Bo shook his head. The young man now, his thoughts are changing too fast, he can't keep up with the rhythm.

However, no matter what he thought, complained, doubted, and unwilling, but it really came to an end, and Jiang Mingyue would do everything meticulously.

This is because he does not forget his duty, but also knows that Jiang Mingyue doesn't look young, but he never takes aim at major issues.

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