Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1281: Join hands

Dangdang Dangdang! !! !!

Just when Jiang Mingyue's voice had just fallen.

A series of Huang Zhongda Lu's voices penetrated the infinite void nearby. Everyone can't help but stagnate.

It's not just Guihui Hou, it's Jiang Mingyue.

This sonic attack was part of the enemy.

Fortunately, Fang Qingshan's use of sound waves was not to hurt people, but to make everyone pause.

Sure enough, unexpectedly, everyone's actions and reactions were half a beat slow.

Then, a wave of water swept through the audience, and the thieves who attacked Jiang Mingyue's fleet's lifeless palace suddenly and recklessly seemed to be in a stagnation. Their movements, even the Yuanshen, could not move, even breathing was difficult. As if time suddenly stopped at this moment, the invisible power is affecting the entire battlefield and imprisoning this world.

With the eternal sky boat and the power of the eternal thunder pool, the Chaos Bell was urged. Even the captain of the puppet had a little bit of puppet, which was affected a little, not to mention the other lifeless thieves in the battle in the entire battlefield!

However, this is not over, because at the same time the bell rang, a big tree on the shore stood on the spot, the whole body was green, crystal clear, the trunk was like a pillar, with three thousand branches. small.

Each branch and willow leaf seems to have a mysterious space swirling, constantly rotating, drawing a little space from the void, and integrating into the entire ancient tree. Gain one side of the world.

Yes, the whole tree is a chaotic world on one side. Branches and willow leaves are also floods on one side. The world is nestled and surrounded by it.

A force of imprisonment was not weaker than that of Chaos Zhong Shi, and even better than the strength of imprisonment, it fell like a puppet and blessed.

After all, the raising of the eyebrows reached the peak of the 12th floor of the mixed Yuan, even more powerful than the average peak of the 12th floor of the mixed Yuan. Although there is no superior level, although it is more powerful than ordinary, although the chaotic clock is the top congenital treasure of the evolution of chaos, the hollow willow with raised eyebrows is the top spiritual root of chaos.

Captain Wu, Qin Lei, who had the title of Huixu, was discovered as soon as Fang Qingshan started.

However, it was Qin Lei's carelessness. When he ambushed Jiang Mingyue, he had already cleaned up all around. He thought there was no problem. Fang Qingshan's sudden appearance hit him by surprise.

What's more, Fang Qingshan's shot was too fast, and the power of Chaos Clock with the Eternal Skyboat was too strong. Even if it was his practice, his hole card, he didn't react at once.

When he returned to God, His Majesty, the Void Cruiser had been locked in midair, motionless.

In this regard, he naturally will not sit back and wait, even if he wants to perform magical powers to break free of restraint.

However, before it was too late, the eyebrows were raised, but the space chains of the arm's thickness were seen falling down, with a silver light flowing on it like a stream of water. It was a mysterious rune. Blessing is over the attack of Chaos Bell.

Cooperating with each other is a perfect complement. Even more powerful. Fully play the effect of one plus one greater than two.


If Chaos Bell just hit him by surprise, raising his eyebrows and firing at the same time made him look very different.

The main reason for raising eyebrows is to fight alone. Although he is not weaker than others, or even more powerful, he cannot win eyebrows in a short time.

It has been cleared around once every four weeks. Why are there others appearing and only others appear? It is simply unforgivable that there are experts like raising eyebrows.

Of course, this is not the time to think about it. The top priority is to break the shackles.

"Swallow the sky!"

As soon as the words fell, Qin Lei's entire body suddenly changed and turned into a dark return to the ruins. Throughout the return, there seemed to be countless swirls flowing.

His title was returned to the market, but it was not fame.

Not only has it confirmed the name of their brigade, it is not swallowed, but it also shows that he is extraordinary in the law of devour.

However, his law of engulfing is somewhat different from that of mosquitoes. The mosquitoes are more about talent and supernatural power, while the law of engulfment is used to promote cultivation, but the returning princes are all-round, whether it is attack, defense, or assistance.

As soon as this method came out, the entire Hui market was devouring the chaotic bells and hollow willows in a frenzy, burying them completely in the Hui market.

However, although his magical powers are great, the chaotic clock and hollow willow are not fuel-saving lamps.

Step by step slowly.

It's not easy to lose the first move and break it in an instant.

And Fang Qingshan and Yang Mei didn't think about it, they could suppress the return to Hou only by relying on the power of sealing the town.

They are still the same as before to deal with the vicious beasts.

First use the space to freeze the magical powers, restrain the returning Hou Hou, and follow the thunder strike of the magical powers. Even if you can't kill them all at once, you will have to hurt them all at once.

Moreover, this time, it was not just the two of them. After Fang Qingshan and Yang Mei's shots, Wang Bo, who had been instructed by Jiang Mingyue, also followed closely and issued his strongest blow apart from the hole cards.


Because Fang Qingshan was the first to take the shot, naturally, the attack was also the fastest.

This time, he did not use the sickle of death, the thunder flag, or the gourd of life and death. Instead, he directly used the chaotic magic horns that had not been cast for a long time, and drove the eternal skyboat directly into the past.


I saw in front of the eternal sky boat, impressively, a huge collision angle flashing like Mo Yu directly appeared, the slender sharp collision angle, flashing a terrifying light. Don't say look, you can feel the sharp edge that tears everything with your eyes closed.

Chaos Magic Horn!

The hardest and sharpest part of a chaos demon who has not grown up, but full of details. With the growth of the eternal sky boat, it is not weaker than the gourd of life and death, and the thunder flag.

Eternal Thunderpool Riot!

Sailing agitated!

Tianzhou broke out at unprecedented speed and ran towards the Wusheng Demon Palace 饕餮 team, and rushed towards Guixuhou.

At the same time ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ also raised eyebrows.

"Space is broken!"

However, it was seen that the chain of space that had been used as a force to seal the town and the chaotic clock to suppress the Huixu was instantly broken like a self-explosion.


For a time, wherever it was previously shrouded, it cracked directly like a mirror.

In addition to the two of them, Wang Bo also launched the strongest attack almost at the same time.


The silver bottle burst through the water, and Tieqi shot a knife.

It's like performing the Supreme Cut Chopping Sword.

A touch of silver shone.

But it was seen that Wang Bo sacrificed a peerless sword that was still above the death sickle.

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