Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1282: contain

As a person of Taoism, Wang Bo was also a disciple of Taoism. Although he is only an inner door and does not enter the true story, he is considered an elite. Later he became older and had insufficient potential. Because of his kindness, he did not choose to become a martial art deacon. He joined the Jiang family, and has been guarding Jiang Mingyue since she was a child.

Such a character is not only cultivated as extraordinary, but also has magical power in his hand.

The knife is the first-class mid-level treasure, which is comparable to the top-class congenital treasure of Zhongpin.

In the infinite void, because the time is too long and the monks are too fleshy, the ranking of Lingbao is not divided into innate, acquired, chaos, but one, two

The congenital spiritual treasure under the congenital treasure is not classified at all in the infinite void.

Because you want to wander the void, the realm of the hybrid Yuan is the foundation, and the monk of the hybrid Yuan is the standard.

The congenital treasure, in the infinite void, is the first level, and is also divided into lower, middle, upper, and extreme.

Chaos Lingbao is second-level, Chaos Supreme is third-level, and so on.

The sword in Wang Bo's hand was made from the body of a vicious beast like a mantis arm.

As for the magic of swordsmanship, it is the sword of Taoism.

Taoist gate, Taoist gate, as the name implies, cultivates the artistic conception of Tao, whether it is sword, or Tao, or boxing, as long as it is within the scope of their cultivation.

With intentional blessings, even ordinary magical powers can exert tremendous power.

Daoguang burst suddenly, and the ultimate killing effect burst out.

The killing idea, from far to near, kills mercilessly.

At first, when the knife was pulled out, the faint mosquitoes were moving slowly as the blade fell, and when the knife light burst and killed, there was a wave of mountains and tsunami, and the scream of Long Yin Daze swept through. Terrible to the extreme.

The knife body has not completely fallen, and Wan Daoguang has exploded in the empty cruise ship of the puppet team and the bodies of various people.



The weaker ones became horse honeycombs directly, and the stronger ones were all smashed into burlap bags and flew out.

Of course, Fang Qingshan achieved the greatest effect.

With the weight of the eternal sky boat, the speed of the sails, the benefit of the chaos magic horn, and the power of the eternal thunder pool.

In a collision, it is almost indestructible, but it is not broken.

Whenever they are hit, they are basically directly blown into pieces.

When it really hurts, it hurts.

Without a moment's effort, in addition to the team leader Qin Lei and the two deputy captains of the nine-story team, several team captains at the top of the six-story team of the two teams fell down because of bad luck. on the spot.

Two of them were directly hit by Fang Qingshan's eternal sky boat and exploded into a cloud of blood on the spot. A space that was raised by the eyebrows was broken and hit, and the end was not better than the first two, and the body was directly disintegrated. There was another one who was cut straight by Wang Bo, and it was the most decent.

"Damn, **** it!"

At this moment, Captain Qin Lei, Qin Lei is violently thundering at this moment.

Watching his Majesty's forces, his men, under the team of Fang Qingshan, suffered heavy casualties. Even he himself was under Fang Qingshan's attack and could only be beaten passively.

boom! !!

Use the bow to pull the strong, use the arrow to use the long, shoot people to shoot the horse first, capture the thief first capture the king.

Fang Qingshan's primary goal was Qin Lei.

First of all, he is the captain of all the big teams and the strongest person in the Palace of No Life.

At the same time, he is also the commander-in-chief.

Without him, or taking a step back and holding him back, the rest of the people, even if they didn't raise their eyebrows, were only shot by Wang Bo and the caravan. It would be enough to repel them without letting them be wiped out.

After all, snakes don't work without heads, which is why there is a beheading tactic.

Previously, Wang Bo didn't make any effort to help the caravan.

For one thing, he felt that protecting Jiang Mingyue was more important.

What's more, he didn't have the assurance of a fatal blow.

After all, Qin Lei himself is not simple. Although he is a twelve-story mixed Yuan, he is just an ordinary mixed Yuan, not a title mixed Yuan. Otherwise, he would not just be a disciple of Taoism and fight. Not necessarily comparable to Qin Lei.

In addition, there are two helpers with mixed levels and nine levels. Once they join forces and perform the formation, they will be trapped in the light, and they may be in danger of falling.

It doesn't matter if he dies or not. If Jiang Mingyue is harmed in the slightest, it is a crime.

In the years of taking care of Jiang Mingyue, he has long regarded the other party as his closest person.

Therefore, Fang Qingshan followed Qin Lei from the beginning.

However, he also knows that with his cultivation, even if he adds the eternal sky boat, it is delusional to want to kill him.

But as long as Qin Lei was restrained and his eyebrows were raised, the others were just grasshoppers after the fall, and they could not jump a few times.

What's more unexpected is that Wang Bo, who is also a master of the twelfth floor of the Yuan Dynasty, shots together.

Therefore, he just dealt with Qin Lei with all his heart, delaying as much time as possible.

In this way, Yang Mei and Wang Bo cut out Qin Lei's wings and shot out to help themselves.

By that time, in conjunction with the three of them, although Qin Lei was extraordinary, he couldn't turn things around.

Therefore, but seeing the eternal sky boat is like a tiger down the mountain, the dragon out of the sea, magnificent, forward.

Relying on the power, speed of the eternal sky boat, and the sharp edge of the chaotic magic horn, the eternal thunder pool was madly operated, and then ran into Qin Lei with a thunderbolt.

In a rush to meet, Qin Lei almost made a loud noise, and was knocked back and flew out.

Then, I didn't give breathing time at all, and hit me again while flying backwards.

Of course, unlike everyone else, Qin Lei is Wang Bo, an opponent who dares not to neglect.

Even if he didn't react in the first time, he was caught by Fang Qingshan's surprise, even the eternal sky boat was extraordinary and overbearing.

However, it only caused him a minor injury. It just seemed a little embarrassed.

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"There is so much to return, anti!"

After being repelled by the eternal sky boat once again, Qin Lei finally seized the opportunity to breathe.

A majestic sound of mountain tsunami appeared on his body.

Immediately afterwards, he saw that he had once again exerted his previous devouring power.

A dark spot changed from small to large in the back of his head, and he grew up facing the wind. Between beards, he turned into an invisible abyss, and a surging force spurted out from up.

Of course, this time devouring magical power is no longer devouring everything, but the reverse force of power devouring.

Returning to the market is a force that can be buried in heaven and earth, and the power of devouring is conceivable.

And the force's effect is mutual, how strong the power that is swallowed up, how strong the power is now to push back.

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