Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1284: shadow

The son of nowhere, can't sit down.

But Jiang Mingyue was more confident in his perception of danger.

Although it is said that everything is not absolutely absolute, but at the scene, these people now, Jiang Mingyue has not really felt any fatal danger.

Moreover, although she may be the weakest among the crowd, I am afraid that her life-saving means must be above the crowd. Whoever lets her have a group of people who hold her in her hands and are afraid of falling, and her mouth is afraid of melting. Family teacher.

"Who are you? With such a big tone, you dare not put my inanimate palace in your eyes, little girl, do you have to know why you just talk more and your troubles are better than others? Do n’t do it for yourself or behind you The forces are in trouble, otherwise, regrets will be late. "

Qin Lei's eyes froze, and Han said, the threat in his tone was self-evident.

"Ha ha!"

Regarding Qin Lei's threat, Jiang Mingyue didn't take his mind at all and laughed softly.

"Anyone who doesn't even have the power of the God Emperor, who hides in Tibet like a mouse, is a vicious thief, who is so blunt, who do you think you are? Are the heavens and the world's supreme power list one hundred?

"Trouble? It's a arrogant inanimate palace. It seems you are all right. Scars have forgotten the pain."

"What do you mean?"

Qin Lei was a little stunned. Generally speaking, Jiang Mingyue's tone was not a fool, but she was full of vigor. However, in Qin Lei's judgment, she was obviously the latter, and she could despise the Palace of Demon Soul so much? Qin Lei felt a little uneasy at first, but his face was insignificant.

Jiang Mingyue did not answer to backhand to take out a token, which looks unattractive, but the two words of Taoism engraved on the front are extremely prominent.

"I don't know, you don't recognize this thing!"

Seeing this token, despite the ups and downs in his heart, the face has always been light and light, and even Qin Lei, who still wanted to overpower, finally changed his face.

His eyes were full of horror and he looked at Jiang Mingyue, and said loudly, "Dao Yimen ?! Are you a Taoist person?"

"Looks like you guys remember"

Jiang Mingyue chuckled, then whispered coldly,

"Last time I missed you, I didn't expect you to dare to intensify, and actually robbed me on the head of Taoism. It really didn't hit the house for three days, and it seems that this time I will go back, I will definitely talk to the elders. Just say, lest any cat or dog dare to prestige above my Taoist door. "

Qin Lei heard that if he was struck by lightning immediately, his mouth opened and closed a few times but there was no sound.

Because if this kind of thing really happens, it will lead to the Taoism Gate once again in the Inanimate Palace, and will not be killed by the Taoism Gate people. After that, I am afraid that even if it has great potential, the extinction demons and others will not let it go. Yourself.

Seeing Qin Lei showing this face, Fang Qingshan and raised eyebrows were puzzled.

It's just a token, just a status symbol. Why is Qin Lei here?

Although the Taoist Gate is better than the Palace of Inanimate Demon, you don't need to encounter cats like mice.

In this regard, Fang Qingshan and his party were puzzled.

But Wang Bo and even the caravan did not have any surprises, especially the caravan leader. Although I knew previously that the young lady she received was very extraordinary at birth, she never thought that she would be born in Taoism, and her heart was a joy first. , But then began to regret it.

If I knew that the other party was born at the door, I would certainly keep the relationship, rather than use it for such simple things as transporting goods.

Good steel is used on the blade. This is a way to save lives, but now it is wasted by itself.

Really, the night of regret.

Furthermore, Qin Lei, based on his cultivation, leaning against the Palace of Inanimate Demons, even if he encounters the top 100 forces, as long as he does not hurt their preachers, he will at best only be afraid to sacrifice, and take the initiative to evade the three houses. It is absolutely impossible to appear now This situation of fear.

The reason for this is actually going back to the year when the rise of the Inanimate Palace.

The rise of any force is actually a **** storm, not to mention a rogue force like the Palace of the Unborn.

At that time, when the Wusheng Demon Palace made its fortune, the newborn calves were really not afraid of tigers, and they were brazen and unscrupulous. Therefore, it caused public outrage and attracted countless forces to deal with it.

No. Although they have no taboos and are full of evil, they are so skillful that their enemies are annihilated.

At this moment, the sign of the Palace of the Immortal Demon was ignited, but Mu Xiu was destroyed by Lin Feng, who was higher than everyone else, and it also attracted the attack of a **** emperor.

Had it not been for the extermination of the demon devil, the cunning rabbits and the three caves, I am afraid that in that battle, the Wusheng Demon Palace would be completely extinct.

Even so, after that war, the Palace of the Immortal Demon also suffered heavy losses and lurked for a long time before making a comeback.

After taking the lead, however, he knew the current affairs manager as Junjie, and those who could not afford to shun them all retreated.

And the source of all this is the **** emperor, and this **** emperor is not a stranger, but he is from Taoism.

Among those powers that were destroyed that year, one had the Taoism door, and invited the Taoism door to avenge it.

Qin Lei was just a person who didn't even break through the yuan, but he also saw the Wusheng Demon Palace scrambling under the might of the Emperor, and running wildly.

It is for this reason that he naturally knows the power of the Taoist Gate, which has almost become a shadow and a nightmare in his heart.

Therefore, he would look that way.

However, his ability to grow to this day is not simple.

Soon he reacted.

I was afraid of the rope by the snake for ten years.

The Taoist gate really brought great fear to the Palace of Immortality.

But now it ’s just a disciple of Taoism, and it ’s just a disciple in the middle of the Yuan Dynasty. What about the old thing of adding a twelve-layer Taoist guardian?

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On the contrary, if Jiang Mingyue is won by himself, once he returns to the headquarters, he will definitely get a strong reward from the headquarters.

Regarding Dao Yimen's shots in those years, the Wusheng Demon Palace did not dare to retaliate on the surface, but they also knew with their toes that they had a lot of hatred in their hearts.

It's just that you can't stand it but you can't stand it. The gentleman avenges it. It's not too late for ten years.

However, once you have a chance, you will never let it go.

Thinking of this, Qin Lei's eyes flashed with excitement, obviously thinking of the rich rewards. Of course, the premise is that he must take them down, and he must not let any of the people present escape, otherwise, once they attract Dao Yimen intervened, then there was no success. I am afraid that at that time, it is possible for the extermination demon to directly surrender himself to extinguish the anger of the Taoist gate.

"Tangle them both, kill!"

At this moment, he had given up Fang Qingshan, but let the two deputy captains entangle Fang Qingshan and Yang Mei, etc., but flew straight at Jiang Mingyue.

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