Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1285: Fail

"Gate of devour, town!"

If you want to deal with Jiang Mingyue, you must first eradicate Wang Bo who is guarding her.

But Wang Bo is not a good deal, it is absolutely impossible to go all out.

Therefore, Qin Lei took out his housekeeping magic weapon and swallowed the door.

This thing is not simple. Although it is also a first-class magic weapon, it is said that the first-class top grade, even the half-step superb, is far above Wang Bao's sword.

It is made with the stomach of a man who has already gone through the five declines of heaven and man, stepped into the immortal realm, and a natural disaster black hole in the immense void, combined with other natural treasures.

And because it fits into the road of his own cultivation, the power is even more multiplied.

But I can see that this thing is as dark as ink, and there is a mysterious rune and rhyme wrapped around it. It flows like a living creature, and the door is like a black hole in the ruins of the market. A huge puppet swims in it. Whether it is a soul, or a treasure, whether it is a rule, or heaven and earth, there seems to be nothing he cannot devour.

"Miss, be careful."

"Hum, I slaughtered with my blood!"

Seeing Qin Lei rushing to Jiang Mingyue, and his shot was a killing move, Wang Bo immediately turned his eyes red, for fear that Jiang Mingyue was hurt by the aftermath of the two of them, and he said nothing, stretched out his hand, and Jiang Jiangyue was far away. Push away, and then directly taboo tricks.

Cut it out with a knife, conveying a terrible knife intention. This is not a rule, but an extreme killing knife. At the same time, the blood in Wang Bo's body began to boil, and the vitality began to output crazy. If it is badly hit, even air luck, and life span are transformed and blessed on the sword by a force in the meditation, which is similar to the blood sacrifice.

However, the blood sacrifice of the demon is the life of the common being, all things, foreign things, and others. Once it is displayed, it is a charcoal-made creature, and it is difficult to write, and it is universally enemy.

The blood sacrifice performed by Wang Bo is the blood sacrifice. Fortunately, although it is a blood sacrifice, it consumes only the spirit and energy, and has a little more luck and longevity.

Although this method is also a taboo method, it only consumes its own potential.

Other disadvantages, that is, after a long period of time, can not use force, the repair is greatly discounted, but as long as you make up a supplement, you still can not return.

I won't talk about the latter. As for the potential, Wang Bo would not be the protector of Jiang Mingyue if he had potential.

Therefore, although Jiang Mingyue's face showed a little anxiety, it was only anxiety. If Wang Bo fought with his life, I'm afraid she would offer the card directly.

Besides, Wang Bo's side was cut out with a knife, and the entire void seemed to be stained with blood red, and the thick smell was disgusting, and those who did not know thought it had come to the sea of ​​blood.

That blade of light, extremely fast, extremely condensed, terrible, cut out with one stroke, as if tearing a void into a trace, the trace is gray, like the trace of void left for a long time, the breath emitted is very terrible Although the level of Devouring Door is on it, it still feels like being hacked.


Just then, Qin Lei suddenly opened his mouth and spit out a word.

The shaky door of devouring, which had been crumbling all of a sudden, burst into full bloom, leaned towards Wang Bo with a thunderbolt, and then swallowed it in.

But at this moment, Wang Bo's old force had just gone, and the new force was not born, but he was caught by surprise.

However, although he was trapped by the devoured door, he was in danger, with a sword in his hand, a heart full of thoughts, violent destructive power, and extreme killing power swept open.

Click! !!

The power of terror made the Devouring Door vibrate on the spot, just like the Five Elements Mountain that had not been affixed with the six-character mantra. It seemed that there was a possibility of being overturned by Sun Monkey at any time.

However, it is clear that Wang Bo has been successfully restrained. With his time out of trouble, it is enough for Qin Lei to complete his task. After all, he is not far from Jiang Mingyue now. Jiang Mingyue had no guards around him.


Seems to find himself, holding the winning ticket, Qin Lei could not help showing a faint smile.

However, at this moment, Jiang Mingyue seemed as if he had not seen Qin Lei at all, and did not seem to feel that he was only half a step away from the cliff, still light and light.

In the end, she is not powerless, and she has no shortage of means of life-saving. As long as she does not have time to sacrifice her hole cards, she is an immortal and easily misses her.

Seeing that Qin Lei was about to attack Jiang Mingyue, Wang Bo, who had just escaped from the gate of devouring, was suddenly guilty, remorse and anger. The nature of remorse was that he did not protect Jiang Mingyue. Going to Qin Lei.

However, far away can not hydrolyze near thirst, but can only watch with open eyes, when Jiang Mingyue himself has taken out a rune. Seems ready to crush.

However, it is no longer necessary.


At the next moment, I saw a lotus terrace blooming on the top of Jiang Mingyue, twenty-four flowers blooming, generous and bright, a red light bursting like the blood of Wang Bo's mysterious eruption, letting the palace of no life, or It is said that the people with deep karma suddenly felt a sense of great difficulty.

It's just that these two kinds of red are different. Wang Bo's red is blood red and scarlet, but the red of Liantai is fiery red.

Yes, there is blood on one side and fire on the other.

There was a faint vocal sound in the void, and there was a great burning world, burning all the glacial liberation of karma.

Twenty-four goods industry flaming red lotus.

First-class Need for Defense Arcana.

Qin Lei's hand that originally grabbed Jiang Mingyue fell on the red fire lotus, not only did not break the defense of this treasure, but fulfilled his own wishes. On the contrary, it seemed that ordinary people's hands caught sulfuric acid and made a chirping sound, out of reach. After the defense was closed, he couldn't wait to extinguish the flames spreading along with the vines and exclaimed.


Back to God ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ When he wanted to make a shot, Fang Qingshan's voice was already ringing in his ear.

"Taoyou, stay here!"

At the same time, Wang Bo also flew over at the fastest speed, blocking his body in front of Jiang Mingyue.


A crisp morning bell and trumpet sounded, and Qin Lei's original move to continue his shot was suddenly one.

Then, I saw a huge thunder column soaring down into the sky, with soaring spirit, and a ground-breaking Tao Yun.

Duten Shenlei.

At the same time, there is still a sharp blade of light falling. Although it is more powerful than the thunder **** Emperor Thunder Emperor, it is more domineering than the sword, but it is more invincible.

Faced with this attack of positive and evil, one rigid and one soft, one bright and one dark, Qin Lei was very helpless. He could only choose to retreat, his body did not advance and retreat, and he no longer wanted to capture Jiang Mingyue's good things.

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