Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1311: Immortal Robbery

If the strong wind just made the Nethership fly upwind, then the dark clouds are completely imprisoned.

After a short while, Mingyue had to stop.

At first, no matter how they flew, they could not fly out of the wind and dark clouds. I do n’t know if the scope of the natural disaster was too wide or they moved with the spaceship.

On the other hand, the resistance and restraint force are too large, which makes the spaceship difficult to move.

"Damn, why is this happening?"

"It's awful."

怎么 "How come we are in trouble in the void?"

"It's a blessing and a misfortune!"

"But why is there no sign of my perilous constitution?"

Uh ...

In the face of this sudden change in the sky, Jiang Mingyue and Wang Bo suddenly changed color, and the first thing they thought was that they had encountered a natural disaster in the void.

虽然 Although there are big and small disasters in the void, even small disasters are that the immortal ca n’t eat and walk around, let alone them.

There are four plagues in the void, one thief, two natural disasters, three fierce beasts, and four loneliness.

The most difficult of these is the thieves, because they unexpectedly attacked them, and calculated them intentionally, but they were not weak.

The most troublesome, the most feared is the natural disaster. As for the beast and loneliness, you can let it go. As long as the beast is not the one you are particularly unlucky to encounter, you can basically deal with it, but only pay the price As long as it is lonely, as long as it does not deviate from the track, it will not cause too much problems.

The only problem is natural disaster.

He's weird, even more unexpected than the Void Thieves. If you don't know what it is, you can hardly predict his appearance.

And extremely cruel, the weakest can make the immortal peel a layer, the strongest is that the emperor did not dare to lighten its edge.

For a while, Jiang Mingyue and Wang Bo were speechless.

The robbers have not yet been resolved, they fell into the disaster first, and no one has luck.

Even, Jiang Mingyue was a little skeptical of his perilous constitution.

Otherwise, why did you first encounter the robbery of the Palace of the Immortal Demon, followed by being hunted down, and fled in a hurry, now you have encountered a disaster in the void, and it ’s really bad luck for people to drink cold water.

"Wake up Fang Qingshan and Yang Mei quickly."

It was Jiang Mingyue who took the lead in returning to God. In the end, she still believed in her perilous physique. Since she did not give herself a warning, she still did not give herself a sense of danger even if she felt it. Then it means that they would not Worried about life.

The tartar is a dead bird, immortal for thousands of years, as long as there is no worry about life, everything is easy to say.

He calmed down, and Jiang Mingyue immediately instructed Wang Bo to wake up Fang Qingshan and Yang Mei and discuss countermeasures. Both of them were the main combatants.

However, what surprised Jiang Mingyue and Wang Bo was that they did not wait for them to wake them up, and raised their eyebrows and walked out of the retreat.

"You feel it too?"

Seeing raised eyebrows, Jiang Mingyue asked solemnly.


Tong raised his eyebrow and nodded, although there was some doubt as to why Jiang Mingyue used one word.

"That line, let's call Brother Fang out and discuss what to do!"

Minjiang Mingyue said.

"No need, this is my own business, you can't help me anymore, and I've prepared well enough, there should be no problem in thinking about it."

Frown and shook his head.

"How can this be your own business?"

Minjiang Mingyue said very displeasedly.

"Yes, raise your eyebrows. Although we are not willing to encounter natural disasters, but we are all on the same boat, how can we let you face the risks yourself? Who do you think we are?"

Uncle Wang shook his head.

Although he was unwilling to let Jiang Mingyue be in danger, it was only because it was not necessary and the relationship between the other party was not good. The key now is that natural disasters can not be avoided and can be avoided, and raised eyebrows and Fang Qingshan have already established their will Disciples, let them shrink back. How can this be done?

"No, this is my business!"

Frowning and hearing, dumbfounded,

"What natural disaster, this is my immortal robber, don't you face it alone, can you still be with me?"

"Ah? This is your immortal robbery?"

Qiujiang Mingyue and Wang Bo yelled in unison, a little dumbfounded. Suddenly, they looked at each other for a while, then breathed a sigh of relief, similar to a bitter smile.

Thanks to their previous thoughts and worries for a long time, it turned out to be a false alarm.

避免 In order to avoid being affected by the Mingyue issue, Yang Mei directly flew out of the spacecraft, and then flew towards the distance.

With a raised eyebrow, the suspension, the violent wind and black cloud that enveloped the bright moon also moved.

"I did not expect that the catastrophe of the raised eyebrow friend came at this time, and I don't know if he could survive it."

Wang Bo said with some concern.

He and Yang Mei are also at the peak of the twelfth floor of the mixed Yuan. Naturally, they are afraid of this immortal robbery. On the one hand, his potential has been exhausted, and on the other hand, he was not ready. Looking at the eyebrows and facing the calamity, his heart was envious and worried.

The envious nature is that raising an eyebrow is okay, but he dares not, and does not know if he can break through in this life, and when he dares to break through.

I was worried that, as he said earlier, they were already on the same ship, and raising their eyebrows was the main force to deal with the pursuit. If he fell, it would be even more troublesome if they wanted to delay time.

"no problem!"

Fang Qingshan walked out slowly, and resolutely replied that the movement was so big, and the retreat was the world tree clone, so Fang Qingshan also sensed ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Unsurprisingly, it is already possible for Yangmei to break through the immortality. Things up. "

"In this case, our safety factor can be greatly enhanced."

Qiu Jiang Mingyue laughed.

After all, mixed yuan and immortality are quite different.

On the other side, with raised eyebrows away from the Mingyue issue and completely letting go, Jie Yun seemed to be angered, and the scene became even bigger.


The cymbal dullness trembled in all directions like the sound of a cymbal drum, ringing through the void and rolling incessantly.

Howling wind, clouds gathered, thunder.

The thunder was as big as a dragon snake, reddish purple, shuttled back and forth among the dark clouds, exuding a terrifying breath.

The terrible coercion covered his eyebrows on the spot. Around it, the void was twisted strangely. The immense coercion was like thousands of ancient giants resting on the shoulders. Do n’t say that it ’s not easy to escape. .

在 At this moment, the brightly colored robes on Yang Mei's body suddenly became extremely bleak, a layer of disgusting dirt appeared, and the body was emitting unpleasant stench. The hair on the head appeared strangely wilt. Suddenly, it seemed like the sun was waning and the mountain was breathless, like an old man whose life had come to an end. ...

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