Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1312: 5 advent

The heavens and the heavens are declining!

青 Fang Qingshan and others who saw this scene from a distance know that this is the first level before breaking through the immortal realm.

Before the thunder came, five declines came.

The heavens and the heavens have five failures, the first decline of flesh and blood, the second decline of vitality wither, the third decline of the Yuanshen defeat, the rule of the four decline collapse, and the true spirit of the five decline extinguish.

For a time, but the flesh and blood on his body was raised and disappeared a little bit, just like in the old age, the body was only skinny, and he was even worse, even the skin was gone. And even the bones started to decay.

Then, I saw that Yang Mei ’s body was surging like rivers and seas. After a full year of fighting, there would not be a slight loss of mana, as if his body was like a sieve, constantly leaking to the outside, but no matter how he himself No matter how vast the aura is outside, he can't absorb it at all, as if it doesn't exist at all. At this moment, raising his eyebrows is like Fang Qingshan's San Gong, but he is even worse, because Fang Qingshan's Gong is his initiative, and it is not scattered in the air, but stays in the body, and the mana of raising his eyebrows is completely missing.

Suddenly, the Yuanshen, who was originally clear and clear, and even inexhaustible, began to become blurred and lethargic. Seems too tired, I just want to sleep forever. It seems that in the dream, he has already preached immortality, there is a bliss world, where everything is done, and the dream comes true.

The practice of raising the eyebrows is the Avenue of Space, which was originally like Tianzhu, standing on top of the sky, but at this moment, it seems that the broken Zhoushan was broken. There are dense cracks on it, and it seems that it may collapse at any time.

In fact, it doesn't matter whether it is the essence of spirit or the rule.

Withered flesh can be regenerated, mana dissipated and retrained, Yuanshen collapsed and reunited, and rule defeats reworked.

The most critical thing is the last decline of the five deceased of heaven and man, and the true spirit is annihilated.

Wu Yuanshen is the true spirit, but the true spirit is not the Yuanshen, just as Tiandao is Hongjun, but Hongjun is not Tiandao.

If the so-called true spirit is immortal, it can be immortal. Even if the true spirit is annihilated, it will be difficult to resurrect even if it reverses time and space. Because he will wear away your past, present, future, all the bits and pieces of branding. There is no trace, as if this person had never appeared in this world.

Seeing this scene, Fang Qingshan and others were all looking gloomy, especially Wang Bo was trembling, after all, he was the highest person to be able to feel the horror of heaven and man's five declines. He can clearly feel that as long as he crosses the calamity, the moment when the Heaven and the Five are declining is when he falls.

And don't say that the robbery is over, Wang Bo can't wait to arm himself to his teeth at this moment, for fear of being contaminated by robbery, which will cause heaven and earth to fail.

所以 The reason why the five people in this day are frightening is that, with the exception of a few hijackers, they can't be stopped at all, they can only be defended.

The so-called robbers are specially crafted for disaster robberies and have magical effects.

Of course, no matter whether it is a hijacker or various secret methods, it can only be weakened at most, and it cannot be completely defended.

However, they are not very worried about raising eyebrows. After all, the preparation for raising eyebrows is very sufficient. His realm is sufficient, and he has already reached the peak of the twelve-story peak in Yunyuan, and it is a positive peak. Unlike Wang Bo, he has begun to go downhill.

His foundation is solid, but he is from the chaos top-level devil. The chaos spirit root is hollow willow, and he is practicing the top law space avenue.

He does not have much karma, because the Kaitian calamity has been eroded.

The most important thing is that the cultivation has succeeded in weakening and destroying the superior secrets of heaven and man.

"I have a beacon, and the five virtues gather to light!"

Sure enough, the next moment, he broke his eyebrow and drank.

Time passed, but I saw a light blooming on the top of my brows, and as the water followed, I saw a bright light rising. Illuminate the infinite void, past and future.

However, it is seen that this is a simple palace lamp that is almost the same as the ephemeral lamp in Fang Qingshan's eternal sky boat. It shows a rare black color, elegant in shape, and mottled patterns like dragons and snakes. The faint lights hang down, like dreams, with the sound of heaven.

As soon as this light came out, the eyebrow raising situation was relieved instantly.

The light is falling, the light is like a flower, and the light is like rain.

The cormorant fell on the flesh, and the decay of the flesh ceased instantly, such as the molting of a snake, the blossoming of an old tree, the germination of dead wood, and even the emergence of new flesh.

Falling in the meridians, acupuncture points, and Dantian Qihai, the flow of vitality slowly slowed down, and the flesh like a sieve has been repaired, and it can even begin to absorb the external vitality to be replenished for a while, but the emptiness and vitality are rolling Come, turn into a big vortex on the raised brows.

Yuan Yuan was a sober spirit sobered up, as if the monk who had been trapped in the red dust suddenly couldn't help himself, suddenly realized that Bodhi had risen in the day. Yuan Shen is unprecedentedly powerful, and the light of wisdom shines in all directions.

As far as it is scarred, Tianzhu, like the rule of one touch, is like life and death at this moment, with flesh and bones, and being filled by one's hand, there is no sign of ruin.

The true spirits that are languishing and sinking are like fish and water, and the drowsy dragon rises to heaven.

Five virtues change the lamp!

This is a mystery, a weakened one, to live through the five faintnesses of heaven and man.

In the flood season, the reason why the poisonous gods can use the strength of the middle period of the Yuan Dynasty to grasp Hongjun is because of the secret methods in their hands.

Because of the victory of the Avenue platform ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Yang Mei obtained some methods from the poisonous **** Hou and others to weaken the heavens and the humans.

But the secret method of the Poison God Hou and others will only be obtained from the Palace of the Immortal Demon.

毒 In the eyes of the poisonous gods and others, the Wusheng Demon Palace is undoubtedly a great force, but in fact, it is also good. At least for the original floods, the Pangu world was a behemoth.

However, it is worthless to mention it in the heavens and the world. Although it is known as the top ten forces of the Void Thief, it has not even reached the top thousand in the supreme power list. In the end, there is not even a **** emperor. The most important thing is There is no background.

So although they robbed many things, the core things of the various factions and forces were not obtained.

And people are selfish, and even if they do, they may not contribute.

With the cultivation of the poisonous prince as his status, even if there is no limit to the exchange of secret recipes, even if there are better secret recipes, how can he exchange them out?

So, although I got the secret method from the poison god, but raised his eyebrows and didn't break through immediately.

On the one hand, it requires enlightenment and cultivation, and on the other hand, it is not suitable for you. After all, only the one that suits you is the best, and there are some secret methods that you need to assist in your cultivation, for example, Jiang Mingyue ’s Perception Physique, if you want to wake up, you need firefly and mermaid tears. ...

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