Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 133: Radon

The sky is healthy, the gentleman is constantly improving, the terrain is Kun, the gentleman is carrying virtue!

With many earth properties, the natural treasures and the five elements are smelted together.

Qi Fang Qingshan felt like he had become an ancient giant, with Xiaohan above his head, rooted in Huang Quan and standing tall.

The earth, tolerance, carrying, defense, compassion, and many other mysteries all came to mind.

The five elements of Qi were originally like a cloud of smoke. At this moment, as the smelting of the earth's natural treasures began to change, the faint sound of flowing water in Fang Qingshan's body could be heard.

And over time, his mana has continued to increase, and even the speed of devouring heaven and earth aura can not keep up with the speed of mana transformation. Fang Qingshan didn't hesitate at all, even if he took out the pure Yang Jindan and devoured one.

In a short time, the general reiki of the torrential tsunami combined with the requisition of the earth attribute, the reiki rolled all the way, increasing the true Qi mana, while tempering Fang Qingshan's body a little.

Because of the practice of the dragon elephant Prajong, the body of Qiu Fangqingshan smelted the blood of dragon dragons comparable to those of the immortals. He was better than those born with divine power.

After breaking through the supernatural powers, he practiced the superior method of directing the immortal path to the five elements.

Now condenses many natural treasures.

Originally, the three fronts of Shentong's mysterious realm were merely accumulation, and Fang Qingshan stayed in the realm of qi for some time.

At this moment, as soon as the opportunity arrives, 霎 clicking and hearing a crisp sound.

Is the five elements of Qi, starting to change from water to ice cubes. This is another qualitative change.

Of course, because the refining is the earth property treasure, so the crystal is the earth property in the five elements.

Rhenium is just the strength of the five elements. Since the nature of the Qi is condensed, the other veins of Qi naturally begin to crystallize more or less.

"it is good!"

Feel the change in the body, Fang Qingshan secretly said good.

I know that this is a precursor to breaking through the realm of qi.

Others have tried to break through qi from true qi, as long as crystals appear.

But Fang Qingshan couldn't, because he did n’t practice one vein of Qi, but five elements of Qi. Although the earth attributes were transformed, the other four veins had not yet completed the transformation. Realm, only when the five elements of the golden wood, water, fire, and soil have changed, can it logically break through.

Golden water, aquatic wood, wood fire, fire earth, earth gold!

Fang Qingshan first smelted the earth and earth treasures of the earth property. According to the principle of the five elements being in harmony with each other, Fang Qingshan immediately took out the metal gold and silver pangolins of the millennium gold and silver pangolins, earth inflammation gold, and millennium sea heart iron, according to At the forefront, melting begins.

If it is the central landlord, he will take pictures of the Quartet, including the whole country.

The gold is the master's killing, palm destruction, marching, cruelty, and sharpness.

When refining the earth's natural properties, Fang Qingshan only felt stiff and petrified, and when refining the metallic earth's properties, he felt like a thousand swords, walking between swords and swords.

All kinds of metallic mysteries such as sharp edge, killing, iron blood, destruction and so on came to my heart.

Fortunately, with the previous experience of refining the earth's natural treasures, Fang Qingshan was familiar with smelting metallic heavenly treasures.

If Fang Qingshan was a mountain giant in the past, standing tall and repressing the Quartet, now Fang Qingshan is like a sword with a sheath coming out of the same sheath. It smells fishy, ​​and I hear a sound of drums of war.

After being metallic, it is water-based.

For a while, Fang Qingshan seemed to have turned into a vast ocean, and the tides ebbed and the four seas leveled, gathered the Baichuan, and swept the world.

Tides, ice, engulfing, tolerance, and so on, the mysteries of water also pour into my heart, connected with the previous soil and gold mystery, vaguely, even the two mysteries of wood and fire have been transformed, just because they have not been smelted Because of the natural treasures, it seems a bit illusory.

Time passed by a little while, while Fang Qingshan was refining the Five Elements of Heaven and Earth, while immersed in the Five Elements.

But above the heart of his body, a stream of blood like volcanic magma burst out. Turned into a rolling cloud of fire, above the liver, a towering tree, consumed above the head, **** with the earth, endlessly, above the spleen and stomach is a Taigu giant, immovable like a mountain, suppressing the world, and above the lungs, It is a sword hanging in the air, and the cold light is sharp. It is chilling at first glance, as for the kidneys, it is a vast ocean, white waves, blue waters, and unpredictable changes.


At a certain moment, Fang Qingshan finally completely refined the Five Elements Heavenly Materials and Divine Treasures, and his body full of anger suddenly crystallized and officially entered the realm of radon.

Among the five internal organs, each shot a light, converging above his head, for a while, but it was seen that the volcano and tsunami, the mountains and trees, and the sword were suspended.

According to each party, they began to fight against the court, but they were related to each other, and they were opposites.

"Five Elements Zhenqi finally became a little bit ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Fang Qingshan opened his eyes and grew a breath of sigh, looked at the five kinds of visions above his head, and nodded with satisfaction.

The five elements of Qi are really small, but it is not just as simple as breaking through the Qi. The various five-element supernatural powers recorded in He Shaqi's book are basically in control.

For example, the Big Five Elements Extinction Needle, the Five Elements Exorcism, the Five Elements God Thunder, and so on.

But when Fang Qingshan's heart moved, the five visions on his head suddenly changed and turned into embroidery needles. Although small, it was a bit embarrassing.

Imagine that before Fang Qingshan smelted the celestial treasures, the Big Five Elements Extermination Needle could break the body of the desperate island without the protection of the treasures and destroy the bones. Now, the power is naturally increased by a geometric multiple.

Suddenly another move, the embroidery needle turned into a thundercloud, and between the thunderbolts, there was a ghost image of the thunder male and female, majestic and overbearing.

"it is good!"

Although he hasn't tried the power, as the master, Fang Qingshan naturally knows how the five elements of magic he cultivates, and nodded with satisfaction.

With these supernatural powers, even if they are not masters of magic powers, yin and yang, and even supernatural powers in the realm of heaven and humanity, they are not afraid of themselves.

"It's time to find the Seven-leaf Demon King."

Fang Qingshan Xiu is a breakthrough. Although he is only in the realm of qi, he is not bad for the masters in the heavenly human realm. In addition to Wuyun Taohua and Wu prison Wang Ding, two unique treasures, as long as he is not a master of Jindan Naturally, there is no disadvantage. Moreover, he has a pure Yang Feijian in his body, and he has trained into a pure Yang Jianjue. He really irritated him and sacrificed a sword. Not to mention Jin Dan, it is the law of heaven and earth. How, if there is no Tao, especially the defensive Tao, it is necessary to go to Huang Quan.

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