Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 134: Flesh Mire

Above the vast sea, a rainbow of light swept across the sky, and when it stretched and shrunk, it crossed thousands of mountains and rivers, unconsciously thinking it was dazzling.

Qi Fangqingshan drove the Five Cloud Peach Blossoms, and drove straight to the flesh quagmire according to the records of the world. Because he remembered that the Seven-leaf Demon King was here.

Although the Fang Qingshan's Wuyun peach blossoms are not as good as Mi Chen's thoughts, they can reach them instantly for thousands of miles. But it is also extremely fast, at least faster than Wu Ding Wang Ding.

Thirty-five prisons including Wang Ding are equipped with thirty-six speeding bursts, such as the blast of demon waves, Qixuan Xuantian array, flying sky phantom array, and teleportation array.

But it takes a lot of energy to fully motivate this baby. If Fang Qingshan is like Fang Han, it is good to catch some demons to work as coolies, but to speak freely, it is more suitable to control Wuyun peach blossom.

The **** flesh quagmire is located in the deep ocean, and the physical realm comes here. I'm afraid it won't be long. The weather is extremely cold and there are icebergs. Some ice peaks are as high as hundreds of feet.

Far from the distance, Fang Qingshan saw a large dark cave appearing in the distance, not the ocean.


When Fang Qingshan saw this, his eyes flashed.

Qi Fangqingshan knows that this is the entrance to Guixu, the flesh and blood quagmire.

Qi Fang Qingshan didn't hesitate. When he moved his mind, he drove into Wuyun Taohua.

In a short time, Fang Qingshan didn't know whether his senses were distorted or true distortions, but he felt that including his own body, Wuyun peach blossoms were distorted.

There was darkness in front of his eyes, as if he was walking through the heavens. Under strong pressure, if there were no five-cloud peach blossoms, Fang Qingshan felt that he would be slightly injured even if he was not seriously injured.

Fortunately, this channel is not very deep. Between the beards, Fang Qingshan just felt relaxed for a while, and then he emerged from the shackles, showing a desolate and rotten world in front of him.

Vast, desolate, corrupt, stunned!

It is as if the ancient floods and famines are still unexplored. The sky is gray, there is no sun, moon, stars, and mountains and trees, not to mention people.

Some are just rotten swamps and big bubbles one after another. They bulge in the swamp mire and explode, releasing more misty mist. This mist seems to have some magical nature and is changing. , Condensed into various sloppy faces.

Qi Fang Qingshan seems to have a feeling, he seems to be back to Rotten Peach Hill, but compared to Rotten Peach Hill, the environment here is even worse.

I do n’t need to urge myself, Wuyun Taohua slowly starts to absorb these mists.

Wuyun peach blossom is made by Fang Qingshan using the essence of Shen Ke accumulated over thousands of years in Rotten Peach Mountain. The poisonous gas and qi contained in it are the immortals who will accidentally hit it.

When I came to this **** quagmire, I was like a fish.

Qi Fang Qingshan felt that Wuyun peach blossom maggot automatically absorbed the mist in the flesh mire, and did not stop it. Instead, it urged it into a vortex, absorbing the mist from all directions and added it to Wuyun peach blossom maggot.

The flesh and blood quagmire is formed by the flesh and blood of countless living beings.

There are countless demons in the marsh swamp, and the mist emitted by the bubbles in this flesh quagmire is their food.

Xun Jun was not seen. From time to time, among the black holes in the sky, a demon flew from those black holes from time to time, holding various creatures in his hands and throwing them into the swamp.

The living creature fell into the swamp, and was immediately swallowed by the swamp, and then a large bubble swelled up and exploded, and a blood-red mist was emitted from the bubble.

He followed, one by one, the demons rushed up, sucking all these blood-red mists, and then their bodies seemed to be much stronger.

What is Fang Qingshan doing now? This is what he eats.

And you said that your absorption in a small area is just fine. You actually urged Wuyun Taohua to cover it for thousands of miles, which caused anger.

In a hurry, in all directions, heaven and earth, tens of thousands of demons struck over, dense and dense, like locusts, all of which made murky sounds.

Demon is the most good spiritual attack on the spirit of the Yuanshen. Although these demon are not obstructing demon, they are not trivial, especially when the quantity reaches a certain limit, the quantitative change causes qualitative change, and the power cannot be compared.

Fortunately, in Fang Qingshan's mind, there are heavens and chessboards to suppress the Quartet, which is not something that these demons can shake.


When Fang Qingshan saw this, he could not help humming, and his heart moved, and the five prisoner Wang Ding flew from overhead.

Qi Fang Qingshan urged them to become larger, devour, and refine.

For a while, Wang Ding, the five prisoners, seemed to have become Peng Peng who swallowed the sky.

A locust-like demon is like a moth flinging fire. How many come and how many are swallowed up by the five prison kings. The matrix method is refined and turned into elixir.

"Swallow, swallow, swallow!"

I felt that the elixir in the five prisons Wang Ding was like rain, and Fang Qingshan was instantly overjoyed ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Although these elixir were not useful to him, there were many advantages, and he could not use it, so he could use it to reward Can also be used for sale.

Saving money is not everything, but no money is absolutely impossible.

The money in the practice world is these elixir treasures.

I think when I first came to Guixu, I had to rob and buy the five-element heavenly treasures, which is a penny.

这么 Here there are so many demons here, and I have the alchemy treasure of the Five Prisoners Wang Ding, how can I miss such a great opportunity?

Xun Tianci refused to accept it, but blame it!

Qi Fang Qingshan not only urged Wuding Wang Ding, but also urged Wuyun peach blossoms to breathe, not only devouring the mist, but also not only the Devils, but also the sludge of the swamp in the flesh quagmire.

This movement can be big. The elixir of the five prison kings hits the banana, and outside, a huge vortex is formed around Fang Qingshan as the center, and within thousands of miles, all the mist, flesh, and demon And so on, it was all devoured.

当然 Of course he was happy. Just for a while, although it was not as good as robbing the desperate island owner, but giving up Five Prison King Ding, it was almost as if it were.

With the huge movement of the Fang Qingshan, Tian Demon seems to have encountered natural enemies and escaped, and naturally attracted the attention of the Demon Kings in the depths of the flesh and blood quagmire.

In this regard, Fang Qingshan did not care at all. As long as there is no master in the secret of longevity here, he does not need to consider safety at all.

In addition, the reason why he made such a big noise is that he wanted to lead the snake out of the hole.

After all, although he knows that the Seven-leaf Demon King is here, he does not know the exact location, and it is rare to find it. It is better to stay at ease and earn extra money at the same time.

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