Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1335: Transmutation


With a loud noise, Zhou Tianxing's star array was directly detonated, and even Zhou Tianxing's array was reduced to pieces.

Blessings are unparalleled.

Zhou Tian, ​​who had been pitted by his teammates, was shaken out of the void, and had no time to integrate into the void again.

Of course, do n’t say that you did n’t integrate into the void, you just did. When the heyday was full, Zhou Tianxing array could n’t afford to attack with so many immortal powers, especially from the outside. Of course, it doesn't work inside.

Although the Zhou Tianxing array arranged by Fang Qingshan has long been inconsistent with the large array arranged by the Yao clan, in the end it is limited to their own reasons. The most powerful person in the formation is Wang Bo, but There are only twelve layers in an ordinary mixed Yuan, which is too far away from immortality.

If it was just one or two immortal powerhouses, and they were trapped in a big battle, they might have fought their lives and might be able to compete against one or two.

However, today, dozens of immortal shot together, they are totally trying to put them into eighteen layers of hell, and never turn over.

If you do n’t, then you have to make a conclusion.

If, the eternal Taoist soldiers have three thousand mixed yuan, even if it is only the early mixed yuan.

If, Fang Qingshan's repair breaks through immortality.

If, the eternal sky boat has been promoted to the Supreme.

If ... the situation would not be so bad.

But there are so many if.

Huh! !!


Fang Qingshan, Wang Bo, Jiang Mingyue, and the eternal soldiers of the battle array all vomited blood like a fountain. A mouthful of blood kept vomiting, and some blood flesh and bone debris were still in the blood.

The Zhou Tianxing array was broken, and those of them who set up the array were the first to bear the brunt, and they were shocked and bitten back.

For a time, the casualties were heavy.

In the previous collision, the eternal Taoist soldiers in the early stage of quasi-holy were severely damaged. This time, all these people fell directly, not just the early stage of quasi-holy, middle, late, peak. Yasheng is no exception. The war damage rate is as high as three levels, and the damage rate is almost 100%.

Good guy, Fang Qingshan has worked hard for many years to cultivate, but now he does not say that once he returned to liberation, he also felt heartache and bleeding.

In addition to the eternal Tao soldiers, Fang Qingshan, avatars, Wang Bo, Jiang Mingyue and others are naturally no exception, and even the star map of Zhou Tian was damaged as a result.

Fortunately, Fang Qingshan and Jiang Mingyue each have cards, and Zhou Tian's star array has been integrated into the eternal sky boat. As long as the sky boat is not broken, even if it is damaged, it can be recovered soon.

In other words, Uncle Wang, old arms and legs, hurt his muscles and bones, it will not be good for a while.

This is still Zhou Tianxing's large array of defenses outside, and the force is shared by everyone, this is still these immortal strong did not go all out.

Otherwise, I am afraid that the loss of the eternal Taoist soldiers is not three, but nine. Even Wang Bo could not escape.

How big is the gap between immortality and non-immortality.

Suddenly, Fang Qingshan seems to be back in the chaotic world of Pangu that year, before he broke through the mixed Yuan, facing the saint.

Unsanctified, it is the ants.

Immortal, the same is the ants.

Not a **** emperor, but also ants.

Mixed yuan and immortality, immortality and **** emperor, **** emperor and emperor.

Compared with the previous great realm, each great realm is like an insurmountable nature, and the further behind it, the greater the gap.

Only when he becomes the emperor can he be regarded as standing on the top of the pyramids of the heavens and earth, just like the saint in the flood.

If at another time, in the face of this situation, Jiang Mingyue has already offered his hole cards and started to fight back. Although it may not be used much, it is also a dying struggle. The only way to reach the Taoist door is to stand dead instead of kneeling. Even if you are dead, you have to pull one or two back.

Fortunately, it ’s better to die than to live, because no one wants to give up.

It's up to Fang Qingshan now.

Jiang Mingyue and Wang Bo glanced at each other.

"Leidi, began to evolve and become senior."

His life was at stake, Fang Qingshan hardly hesitated and issued an order without hesitation.

In the face of immortality, unless they both break through the immortality, or give him three thousand mixed yuan Tao soldiers, even some cards will not help.

After all, their hole cards are at best against immortality, and they can only be single shot attacks.

Not to mention, do people give you the opportunity to offer, even if it is, how many can you deal with?

The most important thing is that if you have a hole card, no one else?

Therefore, at this time, it can only be delayed as much as possible until the arrival of the rescue.

And to delay time, what could be more reliable than the eternal Tianzhou promotion?

Crossing the road, some people may dare to fight for their lives, the fish will die, pull you back, the eternal sky boat will advance, Fang Qingshan will see who dares to touch the tiger's ass.

In addition, once Tianzhou is promoted to the Supreme, it is like raising an eyebrow and breaking through immortality.

Even if it is still not possible to fight back from the Jedi, turn the tide over the past, and help the building fall, but relying on the defense, attack, and flexibility of Tianzhou, you can also delay and fight for more time.

Not to mention, they don't have to wait until the reinforcements arrive, they can stand out from the crowd.

"All is ready except for the opportunity."

With Fang Qingshan's instructions, Lei Di, who had long been flexing his muscles, was full of anticipation and excitement.

"Go on!"

This time it was not Fang Qingshan who spoke, but mosquitoes.

To be promoted, Eternal Tianzhou needs to meet two conditions.

One is the strength of the body, and the other is the eternal furnace unit.

The strength of the body, because of the vanity iron captured at the auction, has previously been transformed.

The only problem now is the need to fill the last eternal **** furnace unit. As long as this is done, the eternal sky boat will be completely promoted to the Supreme Realm.

To achieve this, we must abandon the twenty-four products of the mosquito Taoist Red Lotus.

In this regard ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Fang Qingshan and Mosquito Taoist have long been mentally prepared.

Although a little bit reluctant, both Fang Qingshan and the mosquitoes know that if you are willing to give up, you have to give up.

Therefore, at the critical moment, there was no hesitation.


Almost in a fraction of a million, the eternal Tianzhou engulfed the twenty-four goods industry red lotus and the innate five-element flag at the same time.

Yes, it's not just the twenty-four Pinye fire red lotus, but also the innate five-element flag.

This object was Fang Qingshan's former sermon spiritual treasure. As he cultivated for ascension, the avenue of destiny was transformed into reincarnation, which had been gradually abandoned by him.

However, in the end, he has the same roots as the twenty-four Pinye Huohonglian. He originally wanted to be promoted to Yehuo Honglian.

In the future, it will not be necessary, because the yehuo red lotus will be integrated into the sky boat, and the sky boat also needs to be promoted to the supremacy, and it will be invested in it together. .

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