Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1336: Wait

Twenty-four Pinye Fiery Red Lotus originally originated from Fang Qingshan's twelve pinye Fiery Red Lotus, which devoured and refined the pure world white lotus, created the green lotus, merit golden lotus, and the black lotus of the world. It's just that the golden lotus and the black lotus that had merited the past did not reach the twelve grades. In order to do their utmost, they also have the seven origins of the chaotic and precious creation of the green lotus.

If you add the innate Wufang Banner and break through the twenty-fourth grade, let alone reach the twenty-eighth grade, reach the twenty-fifth grade, and break through the second grade treasure, it is not a problem to want to come.

Especially with the eternal Tianzhou promotion to the Supreme together, there are eternal blessings, the difficulty of promotion is easier than the previous breakthrough of the innate treasure.

At the same time, looking up at the immortal strongman who surrounded himself, he burst into a smile.

"I really deserve myself."

Unfortunately, he and Fang Qingshan had already expected this.

My heart was not panicked, the corners of my mouth were slightly raised, and a strange smile appeared.

"not good!"

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but hesitate.

Although everyone didn't know how the bad thoughts in their hearts came out, they still subconsciously believed in themselves.

Therefore, it was almost the first time that everyone took the initiative to suppress their brows at the same time.

Unfortunately, it's too late.

However, the corner of his mouth was raised slightly, and a token was pulled backhand, and he squeezed it hard.

In a moment, a force like a teleportation burst out.

With a flash of Guanghua, his eyebrows disappeared.

The next moment, raised eyebrows and Fang Qingshan and others also appeared on the deck of the eternal sky.


With an earth-shattering loud noise, the eternal sky boat revealed its body, reaching nearly 100,000 long. Instantly attracted everyone's attention. Even the eyebrows suddenly disappeared and everyone couldn't care less.

"this is?"

"Eternal sky boat!"

"Unexpectedly, this disciple of Yimen was still the eternal Tianzhou master."

"First of all, it is a second-level map, and now it is an eternal sky boat. These martial arts disciples are indeed non-sanitary comparisons."

"This is the eternal sky boat to be promoted to the supreme level."

"No, how could the Supreme Eternal Skyboat have such power?"


All the people present were well-informed people, and the eternal sky boat was not revealed. As soon as it was unfolded, everyone knew immediately.

Although some are astonished that Fang Qingshan is the master of eternal heaven, after all, eternal sky boats are rare in all realms, even if they are not more sacred than born.

Moreover, once the eternal Tianzhou Lord grows up, all of them are not the objects to be provoked. Even if they do not grow up, the major forces of all parties will treat them with courtesy and strange goods.

But they were even more shocked that the Eternal Skyboat had not been fully promoted to the Supreme, so they gave them a lot of pressure.

The eternal sky boat of the supreme level is actually the level of the mixed yuan.

However, Fang Qingshan's eternal sky boat is too deep. At Lingyun level, there are nine eternal furnace units. When there is no dual level, it is relatively normal. There are five magic furnace units at the upper level.

Before Tianzhou has been promoted, he already has a first-class top treasure such as Chaos Bell, which is deeper than a second-class treasure, and a second-class treasure like life and death gourd that has not been completely repaired, and the others have reached at least the innate spiritual treasure. Level.

Therefore, Fang Qingshan can rely on the eternal sky boat of the highest level to compete with the existence of the peak of the mixed Yuan. It is just the beginning of promotion that makes these immortal strong feel pressure.

And once the eternal sky boat is promoted to the supreme level, that will change dramatically.

Compared with ordinary people's promotion to the mixed Yuan saints, the mixed Yuan saints' promotion to immortal changes is even greater.

Because at that time, the eternal Tianzhou did not say that immortality was king, but there was no problem in suppressing the ordinary early immortality, that is, it can be counteracted in the middle immortality. Although it could not be beaten in the late immortality, it was relying on its defense and flexibility, and wanted to go Easier.

Of course, this is all about playing alone or when there are few people.

Otherwise, there is no need to wait for the reinforcements to arrive, as long as Tianzhou advances, it will be enough to cope with the next crisis.

"Damn, what now?"

"What else can you do? Wait!"

"Ah, we knew we would have shot early and wouldn't give them a chance to advance."

"Late ones are changing, and now they are changing again."

"What can I do then?"

"Huh, don't think of being promoted to supreme, don't think of being different, it's great."

"Yes, we have so many immortal masters and the existence of late immortality, I don't believe I can't win him."

"After the eternal Tianzhou is promoted, I will shoot immediately. I want to make him feel desperate when he is most proud."


When these people saw the eternal Tianzhou promotion, they felt a moment of embarrassment.

They all regretted it. They did not break through the front with the thunder, and captured Fang Qingshan directly without giving them a chance to breathe.

Unfortunately, it is difficult to buy thousands of gold to know, and regret is useless.

As for the direct shot to prevent promotion? They also want to live longer.

You know, eternal Tianzhou promotion is no better than crossing the robbery.

When crossing the robbery, you can also sacrifice a person, and you can pull people back.

However, when the eternal Tianzhou was promoted, if anyone dared to disturb, it was really that Lao Shouxing was hanging and he did not know if he would die.

Don't say immortality, God Emperor, it is God Emperor who dares to do so, and it is also a life of nine deaths.

Therefore, they can only wait until the eternal sky boat finishes the promotion, and then take action.

In this regard, Fang Qingshan had long anticipated that it was precisely to take advantage of Tianzhou's promotion to delay time.

Therefore, everyone did not pay attention to the immortal strong outsiders, because they knew that if they gave 10,000 courage to those people, they would not dare to shoot.

But they did not take it lightly, but they had their own preparations ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ After all, the eternal sky boat was just a delay.

And once the promotion is successful, without the eternal Qinglian's protection, the reinforcements have not yet arrived, and they need to face dozens of immortal strongmen.

As for saying something about the Emperor, I haven't seen it, and I don't know if it's secret. This is now out of their consideration.

What they need to do now is to do their best to do their part.

Fang Qingshan is naturally preparing for the promotion of the eternal sky boat, waiting for the arrival of eternal blessings. Then promote cultivation to see if it can create an immortal chapter of the heavens and the Tao.

Raising an eyebrow is to find a quiet place to adjust his breath, while accelerating through the period of weakness while adapting to the just-breakthrough cultivation, immortal power and magical power. At the same time, re-sacrifice the two treasures of green willow stick and chaos beads. After all, in case the eternal Tianzhou is promoted, Jiang Bawang has not yet arrived, they still have a fierce battle to fight.

And Jiang Mingyue naturally uses Jiang's secret method to contact Jiang Bawang with heart to heart, let him speed up again, otherwise, his sister will never see him again.

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