Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1353: Secret person

"Brother said!"

"Brother said!"

Qi Fang Qingshan and Jiang Bawang looked at each other and smiled.

Neither of them is a mother-in-law, especially Jiang Bawang, who would not have spoken so well if it was not for Jiang Mingyue.

He turned to look at the dozens of immortal strongmen who were suppressed by Jiang Bawang, and the whole group suddenly looked cold. It looks like these people are dead.

For Jiang Mingyue, he has never encountered such a dangerous situation since he was a child.

After all, he has the Jiang family outside, guarded by the Taoist gate, and he has a sense of danger to avoid evil.

This time also gave him a wake-up call, which can be regarded as a lesson.

扬 For raising eyebrows, this time the danger is probably second only to the great disaster of the year.

He first crossed the immortal calamity, and then was besieged by dozens of immortal strongmen.

If it was not Fang Qingshan's eternal sky boat promotion, Jiang Bawang came in time, I am afraid that he really died before he could succeed.

There is no way to heaven and no door to the ground.

方 For Fang Qingshan, in the past, he relied on the eternal sky boat and the chessboards of the heavens, which can be described as inadequate. Even if he encountered any danger he couldn't handle at the time, he could at least use the chessboards to escape.

But this time, almost, I really couldn't escape.

For King Jiang, Jiang Mingyue was the princess who was holding the palms of her and her family from a young age, but was almost counted down by these people. The hatred in her heart was more than that of Fang Qingshan.

Especially, these people know that Jiang Mingyue came from Daoyimen and dare to shoot. This is because they do not take Daoyimen in their eyes.

I said simpler, just a private grievance. When it grows up, this is to maintain the dignity of the school.

Spoiled in public and private, he has to perform thunderbolts.

If you don't take disciplinary action, and others will follow suit in the future, that will be the real trouble.

"I said that since they dare to shoot at my disciples, they should be prepared to fall, even to die a hundred times."

The lord of the Minjiang River was stunned, cold and light, and his tone was strict. He heard in the ears of those immortal powers, but it sounded like the sound of abyss and hell.

"And it's not just them, but the strength behind them. It's not bad enough, I'll find them one by one."

"Although my Taoism door is declining, it is not a cat or a dog that can bully it. Dare to reach out, not only to be prepared for being cut off, but also to be prepared for being connected."

Kill one hundred and one hundred to make a difference.

The voice of Qijiang Overlord is not concealed at all, although it is not large, but it spreads back and forth in the void covered by the field like the echo of the valley. Jiang Bawang was staring like a torch, staring at one of the directions, condensing, and ready to strike at any time.

Seeing Jiang Bawang's unusualness, Fang Qingshan and Jiang Mingyue chuckled in their hearts.

There are no people in all directions. Their gods, even mysteries, and Lingbao cannot detect any breath.

But looking at Jiang Bawang, it is clear that there is another master in secret.

This is beyond their expectations.

The most important thing is that this person is so cautious even Jiang Bawang, but you can imagine how good the secret person is.

If I had shot before, I'm afraid I'll wait ...

I thought of this, Fang Qingshan and others could not help but shivered, and a cool air instantly flowed from the toes to the heavenly cover.

They think right, not right.

I'm right. Someone is hiding in the dark, and the person who came is not a trivial matter, so Jiang Bawang is not so sure.

Because this person has reached the realm of God Emperor, although he has just entered God Emperor, but God Emperor is God Emperor. The gap between God Emperor and Immortal Peak is far greater than that of Immortal and Mixed Yuan.

I am not sure about the strength of Jiang Bawang ’s birth and the title of immortal peak, especially when Jiang Mingyue is around.

I was wrong, not because he didn't want to take a shot, but because he didn't have time to take a shot. In the end, this man also arrived after Jiang Bawang arrived.

Xi Fangqingshan's initial guess was confirmed.

He chased them, but not only those hybrids, immortals, but also emperors.

However, at the beginning, the **** emperor, like everyone else, did not pay attention to them at all, so they had some time to escape.

Later, because of some delays, I arrived at the end.

So it's not that he didn't want to take a shot, but that he came too late.

Finally, after weighing the advantages and disadvantages, he did not continue to shoot, but quietly left.

At first, Jiang Bawang and Jiang Mingyue are different. Jiang Bawang is the true story of Taoism, and has a small reputation throughout the heavens. He has cultivated himself to reach the title of immortality. He retired in the hands of the Emperor of God several times, so he was not sure to leave Jiang Bawang.

I have it again. He felt that it was not worth it to offend Taoism for a piece of storm sword that was not obtained by other means.

In the end, he sensed in the midst that if he dared to take a shot, I'm afraid he would peel off the skin even if he didn't die today.

Therefore, when the decision was taken immediately, the emperor who had not appeared from beginning to end quietly retreated.

I came in a hurry, I went in a hurry, came gently, and walked quietly.

Fortunately, he walked fast, otherwise, as in his hunch, he may not be able to walk today.

Because Jiang Mingyue said earlier, not only is there his elder brother Jiang Bawang, but also an elder emperor of Taoism.

Even though the emperor Jiang Ba's repair can't beat the God Emperor, if there is a delay, there is no problem at all. Once the Elder God Emperor catches up, the two will join forces, even if they can't keep him, I'm afraid they won't be able to take it.

These are not mentioned for the time being, but after the **** emperor left, Jiang Bawang could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

After all, although he is not afraid, he is afraid of Jiang Mingyue being hurt.

Fortunately, because of the interests and the relationship between the Taoist Gate ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ weighed the pros and cons, and left without hands.

"Well, right and wrong, don't stay long. These people will be taken in first and waited until we settle down to make a decision."

The lord of the river Jiang did not expect that there was a **** emperor among the people who harmed Jiang Mingyue, and a heart was hanging from his throat. If this person arrived first, the fighter would not dare to imagine that situation.

"it is good!"

Naturally, Fang Qingshan and Jiang Mingyue have no objection.

Who knows if that person will feel dizzy and kill the carbine again.

But as soon as Jiang Bawang waved his hand, a dark black void ship appeared next to him. The domineering side leak showed a feeling of uneasiness at first glance.

"Go, return to Yimen."

The Jiangjiang King waved his hand again, and sent Jiang Mingyue, Fang Qingshan, Yang Mei, etc. into the void ship, and immediately and violently started, and continued to accelerate until it reached the limit.

Hurry up!


very fast!

I was so embarrassed that Fang Qingshan and others were slightly uncomfortable and slightly dizzy.

Even if the eternal Tianzhou is promoted to the supreme, but in terms of speed, this void ship is more than superior.

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