Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1354: Void Ship

Void spaceship.

As one of the three main ways of navigating in the void, is not slower than the chaotic teleportation array and wormhole.

Void spacecraft sailing in the void may be a little worse in attack defense, but the speed is definitely the tip of all treasures.

After all, the others don't say, it's just two points. If it's slow, it won't make any sense.

For one thing, the void is too big, and if the speed is not fast enough, the year of the monkey can reach its destination.

Moreover, if there is a large void ship, there are only a lot of people. If you walk in the void alone, you can't relax at all. Over time, the loneliness of the void in one of the four difficulties of the void may come as scheduled.

After all, there are thirty-six counts as the upper count, and the void is too dangerous. If the speed is not fast, how can I escape?

So, in general, even though the void ship has abandoned other functions, its speed has been increasing.

Like other treasures, Void Ships are also classified.

Void spaceships have four ranks, low, medium, high, and top.

The low-level void ship corresponds to the first-level treasure, the middle-level void ship corresponds to the second-level treasure, and the high-level and top-level corresponds to the third-level and four-pole treasures, respectively.

Of course, in addition to this, the void spaceship is also divided into models, small, large, and giant.

Small is actually designed for individuals. Large is the most common public transportation for nautical navigation. As for large, it is a strategic weapon. It is rare and rare.

The void ship in the hands of Minjiang Overlord is naturally a small void ship, ranking in the middle order.

In other words, this void ship of Jiang Bawang is of Chaos Lingbao class, and it is above Fang Qingshan's eternal sky boat.

After all, the supreme-level eternal sky boat, corresponding to the grade, should be a first-class treasure.

But Fang Qingshan's eternal sky boat is too deep, and there is only partial secondaryization.

Using a void ship to hurry, although it is not faster than using a chaotic world teleport array or wormhole.

But in general, as long as it's not that kind of emergency, few people use them all the time.

After all, using the Chaos World Teleportation Array and the owner's wormhole are not free.

No problem using it once or twice.

However, even after use, even the Emperor of God cannot afford such consumption.

Therefore, there will be a huge void ship, and it will be used as a strategic weapon.

After all, the wormholes are only a few. The chaotic world teleportation array is related to the number of teleporters. The more people, the greater the consumption.

Although the number of Jiang Bawang is not large, but from the chaos world of light to the Taoism chaos world where the Taoist gate is located, there are more than dozens of chaotic worlds in the middle, that is hundreds or thousands.

Fortunately, there are second-class to treasure-level void ships, and it is not slow.

Fang Qingshan and others who were relaxed just happened to take advantage of this opportunity to repair one or two. The previous spirit was always tense.

A piece of relaxation, the way of civil and military.

Especially there is a master like Jiang Bawang here, just so that Fang Qingshan and Yang Mei can ask one or two.

For their relationship with Jiang Mingyue, and Jiang Mingyue's recommendation to join the Taoist Gate, and even their own talents, Jiang Bawang did not hesitate to point them.

Besides, it is a very boring thing to hurry up in the void, not to do something, not to retreat.

So, the guests and the host were happy along the way.

Through contact with Fang Qingshan and others, Jiang Bawang knew the talents of the two more clearly.

Qi Fang Qingshan is not only because of the eternal Tianzhou Lord. Although his talents are not comparable to those born sacred, he is definitely a first-rate arrogant.

The same is true of Fang Yangmei, if it is not for his origin, with his talent, if he joined the Taoist Gate at the beginning and passed the immortal calamity, it would definitely be the top thunder calamity.

With this in mind, one can tell one or two by asking questions from time to time. They often ask the key points, and they can learn by analogy.

The two top talents, even if placed in the Taoist Gate, can be considered to be among the best. Once they grow up, they will definitely become the mainstay of the Taoist Gate.

For Fang Qingshan and Yang Mei, they benefited a lot.

Two of them, one has broken immortality and one has reached the pinnacle of mixed Yuan.

But I don't know much about the way forward.

After all, their knowledge, at most, will be broken at the peak of the mixed Yuan.

With the immortal peak of Jiang Bawang, he can even retreat in the hands of the Emperor. It is no accident that he will become the emperor, even the peak of the emperor. There was a deeper impression.

After joining the Taoist door, you can make more targeted investigations and fill in the gaps, and go out a more suitable way for you.

There are only two characteristics of Infinite Void, one of which is large and boundless, and the other of which is silence and tranquility.

Because of being big, it is not convenient to communicate with each other. Because of the silence, I have the difficulty of silence among the four difficulties of the void.

For any reason, under normal circumstances, it is difficult to hear any sound in the void.

Most of what He can see are also dark, with only stars and dots, and the mottled firefly-like light flickers in the dark. It is a world of chaos, which contains endless mysteries.

However, such a mystery, although fascinating, ca n’t wait to be enlightened, but it is similar to the wormhole. It can only be seen. It is difficult to understand enlightenment. Because it is not immortal, it is impossible to comprehend it. Even if it is immortal, I also know most about fur.

So, most of the time ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, when you see such a scene, you can only watch it lively, when you look at the scenery.

Although the scenery is good, it is not an avenue. As time goes by, I have seen it for a long time, and it will inevitably make people feel boring.

It ’s like something that ’s delicious. It ’s eaten continuously every day. It ’s never changed. It ’s eaten a few times or even a dozen times a day. If you eat too much, you will feel boring. threw up.

For this reason, even if it is a necessity of life, like mortal rice, it will change its pattern from time to time, such as dry rice, such as porridge.

A black light rippling like water, passing by in the dark void, passing extremely fast, passing by instantly, disappearing into the distance.

I have n’t practiced pupil technique, and people who have n’t trained enough are probably not even aware of it.

At a certain moment, Fang Qingshan and Yang Mei who were digesting the instructions of Jiang Bawang suddenly frowned, sobering from the practice.

They all felt a call, a call from a distant place, it seemed that the call in the deep, let themselves rush past.

And as time goes by, as the spacecraft continues to move forward, this call is getting stronger and stronger.

For this reason, the two are somewhat unknown. Jangji Monk is scratching his head.

此时 At this moment, the fast-moving void ship stopped directly.

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