Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1356: 7 color titles


As soon as Fang Qingshan and the two men had just landed on the island, they suddenly saw Guanghua release on the title tower, followed by two pagodas like Fuyu flying out, and they fell towards Fang Qingshan with lightning.

Seeing this situation, Fang Qingshan and others were startled, thinking that something had happened, and they didn't want to, they quickly offered a magical treasure, wanted defense, but found that it was completely useless.

符 This rune completely ignored these defenses, and fell straight into the eyebrows of the two men, and then engraved on them as if born.

Fortunately, it was just a false alarm and did not hurt them.

Qi Fang Qingshan could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

At the same time, through the information transmitted from the runes, Fang Qingshan also understood why, the role of this rune, and why the title tower stood in the immense void of the village and the store, without fear of coming. Those who claim the title are in danger.

At first, if it fell into a chaotic world, it would easily cause disputes. Conflict of interest.

Although they cannot cleverly win the title tower, they can use the boundary around the title tower.

Falling into the void, this worry is completely absent.

There is nothing more. This is actually a test. How can people who can get the title have no guts?

In addition, the most important thing is that anyone who comes to the title tower for the first time will get such a rune.

The function of the rune is very simple, that is, to ensure that people who have been or have not been titled are safe before reaching the next chaotic world.

If you know that there is a rune in your body and you want to attack, it will cause a counterattack of the title tower.

I once had a group of vain thieves who did not believe in evil, and their greed blinded their eyes. In the end, it caused the title tower to come down and directly suppress it. A force stronger than the Palace of Inanimate Demons collapsed.

After being shocked, I came back to God. On the island, in addition to the title tower, Fang Qingshan and raised eyebrows were the first feeling.

Here, the heaven and earth aura is too abundant. It is like a holy land practiced by one side, and it is not only a large amount, but the aura is pure and scary, which is comparable to immortal mana.

Here, even if the exercises are not running, Reiki will be poured into the body involuntarily.

If you can practice here for a long time, the Emperor and Emperor may not help much. After all, in their realm, the effect of Reiki is not so great, but the hybrid and immortality can save a lot of time.

However, at this moment, Fang Qingshan Xiuwei has reached the limit of this stage, even if no matter how to absorb the aura is completely useless, it will release as much as you can.

The frown raised his eyebrows, carried the exercises, and sucked fiercely, slightly lean.

It's a pity that this place can't be stayed too much. At a certain time, it will be expelled. You can enter unless you are getting the opportunity next time. This is why Jiang Mingyue and Jiang Bawang did not follow them to land on the island.

In addition to Reiki, there are also four huge monuments standing beside the title tower.

The color of the jade stele is exactly the same as the color of the title tower. It is dark black and blends into the void. Consume all light.

These four stone tablets are called title tablets. Corresponding to the four stages of mixed Yuan, immortality, **** emperor, and emperor.

And the title tower, the color of the title monument is different, but the title engraved on it is colorful.

The reason why is very different from normal is because, like ordinary monks and title monks, title monks and title monks are also distinguished.

的 The title on the title tablet is naturally the same, and a pyramid-like shape is formed on it.

The most popular titles at the bottom are red, and naturally the lightest. It is orange, the color is a little deeper, the brightness is a little bit brighter, and the number of people is a little less, and further upwards are yellow, green, cyan, blue, and purple. The number of people decreases in order, but the brightness is getting brighter, especially the top purple. Although the number of people is the smallest, the brightness is as bright as the sky, so that people can't open their eyes.

Don't say the title of purple, it is the title of blue.

As long as it doesn't fall midway and break through higher realms, there is no problem at all.

At least Fang Qingshan saw the purple and blue titles in the mixed monuments in the Immortal Monument, or the Emperor's Monument, and even the Emperor's Monument.

However, some still remain blue and purple, while others are just like everyone else.

Of course, there are also titles that are completely tarnished, those are monks who have fallen.

There are so many realms in the heavens, immeasurable void, how big it is, not to mention, from ancient times to today, countless epochs have accumulated.

Although the title tower is not formed in the heavens and the world, and not everyone will come to challenge, and there are not all people who come, can challenge the title tower to succeed, so as to obtain the title, but After the endless years, countless names were engraved on the title tablet.

Fortunately, although the title monument is not as good as the title tower, it is also a piece of treasure, at least not weaker than the second grade treasure. The inner mustard mustard seeds can be displayed one by one no matter how many names.

Qi Fang Qingshan looked at it and found some familiar names.

Such as Poison God, Extinction Demon, Jiang Bawang, Storm Sword Emperor and so on.

The strongest of these is the Storm Sword Emperor, but even if it is the Storm Sword Emperor, his title color has not even reached purple ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ but only blue.

However, this is already remarkable, after all, the purple title in the sword emperor's monument is ten times less than the previous three monuments.

The Tempest Sword Emperor as a casual repair can reach today, it is considered a lucky invitation.

Moreover, the title does not represent the actual combat effectiveness, but only represents the potential.

I was able to make the top 100 disciples of the Supreme Power List follow the storm sword command.

Secondly, Jiang Bawang, as a true disciple of Taoism, was able to retreat in the hands of the emperor many times. The title color of Jiang Bawang also reached cyan.

As for the extermination of exorcism, it's okay. Its title is yellow, and it can't go up. As for the poisonous prince, it's completely bottom. If Fang Qingshan searched deliberately, it would really be like a needle in a haystack hidden in thousands of people.

"I don't know what color title we can capture."

When Fang Qingshan and Yang Mei raised their title monuments one after another, the emotions in their hearts never stopped.

有 There is a sky outside, there are people outside, it really is true.

Throughout the ages, there have been too many geniuses and arrogances. Even the purple titles are not in the minority. Especially in the mixed yuan and immortal monument, there are thousands, let alone the blue title.

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