Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1357: Break the tower

"I want to come at least not lower than the yellow title."

After listening to Fang Qingshan's words, he raised his eyebrows and blurted out. He was very confident that he could pass the title tower assessment, and felt that with his talent, he won the top, purple, and blue titles, but he would not dare to hope, but it would not be bottom Red, orange title.

For this, Fang Qingshan naturally has no objection. As one of the top celestial beings in the chaos world, even if this chaos world is not strong, raising an eyebrow is definitely not weak. This can be seen from the high-level immortal robbery he has just passed, especially with raised eyebrows, not only a top-level second-class treasure, but also a broken third-level treasure.

As for himself, Fang Qingshan pays for himself. With his talents and ability, not relying on the eternal sky boat, how should he be the same as raising an eyebrow. If the eternal sky boat is included, at least two more stages can be mentioned to reach the blue. Not inferior to Jiang Bawang.

As for the higher blues and purples, he could not have obtained it bluntly, not arrogantly, but not personally, but he was still unsure.

It's not just that they are guessing what kind of title they can get. On the Void Ship, Jiang Bawang and Jiang Mingyue are also discussing.

"Brother, what color do you think Brother Brother Yang and Brother Fang can get?"

Qi Jiang Mingyue asked curiously.

Minjiang Mingyue also broke through the title tower, although not as good as Jiang Bawang, but also reached green.

Xun Chuang's title tower was the same as Hong Jun's choice of candidates for the Daotai platform in the floods and shortages, and his overall quality was examined.

Every aspect has high requirements for combat effectiveness and background.

Although Mingjiang Mingjiang was born in Taoism and had a dangerous physical constitution, he won the green title after working hard. It can be seen that the door rail of this title tower is not low, especially the high-level title.

"If you raise your eyebrows, if you can pass the assessment without accident, you can reach yellow, but unfortunately he just broke through immortality, and I don't know if I can pass the checkpoint."

King Jiangjiang thought about it, Shen said,

"As far as Fang Qingshan is concerned, it should be at least yellow, and the highest one should be cyan."

Although the title tower's algorithm is not based on combat effectiveness, combat effectiveness is also part of it, and the raised eyebrow has just broken through immortality, but Jiang Bawang is a bit pessimistic about him.

It wasn't that he raised his eyebrows lightly, but didn't know much about raising eyebrows.

He didn't worry too much about Fang Qingshan. After all, he could counterattack immortality with mixed yuan before, and it was still dozens, and there was also the late immortality.

Moreover, in general, when the eternal Tianzhou master, at the level of the Yuan Dynasty, passing the title tower assessment is certain, and definitely not the bottom, at least all yellow titles. As for higher, it's hard to say.

For some reason, his speculation is similar to Fang Qingshan's self-evaluation.

"Forget it, let's break into the tower first!"

I said it was nothing, I thought for nothing, I went through it and I knew it after trying it.

I also watched it, and after clearing my mood, the two flew straight into the title tower.

Although the number of puppet title towers is not large, there is no limit to the number of people who can break through the towers. That is to say, no matter how many or strong or weak, he will not refuse to come.

In fact, this is normal. After all, the title tower is a four-pole treasure, and even the emperor can evaluate it. If even this function is gone, is n’t it a bit of a misnomer?

The bodies of Qiu Fangqingshan and Raising Eyebrow had just approached the Title Tower, and were swept in by a force of devour.

The next moment, the two were separated by the title tower and appeared in an unfamiliar place. Of course, Fang Qingshan and Yang Meixiu were different, and the assessments required were naturally different.

What Fang Qingshan needs to capture is the title of Mixed Yuan, while raising eyebrows to capture the title of immortality.

This is a dark space where you can't reach your fingers.

But Fang Qingshan didn't panic, just stood patiently and waited quietly.

Sure enough, but between the breath, a ray of light lit up in the distance. Immediately, a footstep sounded, especially in the dark. Every step fell, the footsteps were full of regularity, and seemed to be accurately calculated. .

Each step fell, as if the beasts broke the drums, or the chaos bell was ringing, and Fang Qingshan's heart and blood were even affected involuntarily.

Fang Qingshan raised a brow, and the heavens and the Dao were fully operational, and this effect was isolated immediately.

The next moment, a strange figure came out.

But I can see that this figure is very clean, tall and thin, with a graceful appearance, Xiao Shuxuan Ju, Zhanranruo, wearing a Tsingyi straight tie, wearing the same color square scarf, scribe-like appearance.

He seems to be a useless scholar, but his whole body tells others that it is naturally very difficult to mess with.

Because as he walked step by step, under his feet, he seemed to be stepping on a blue wave, and there was a faint ocean behind him.

Get ready!

Yes, this person has been building momentum since his appearance.

When he came to Fang Qingshan, he had reached the peak.

At this moment, it seems that Fang Qingshan is not alone, but a sea of ​​waves and waves.

The sea is immeasurable and the tide is rolling!

人 The title captured by this person should be related to the sea or the tide.

I'm strong!

This person's cultivation is fluctuating with Fang Qingshan. The previous raise of eyebrows and Wang Bo agreed that they all reached the twelfth floor of the peak of Mixed Yuan.

But when it comes to combat effectiveness, I am afraid that the previous Wang Bo will not be his opponent at all.

Because this is a title hybrid.

However, it was nothing for the other side.

Do n’t say that he has been blessed forever ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ To achieve the pinnacle of mixed Yuan, various supernatural powers, physical body, mana, yuanshen, rules have been refined, even if the challenge is immortal, he dare not say war It is victorious, but it is okay to retreat from the whole body, and even before, when Xiu had no breakthrough, relying on the eternal skyboat, he did not fool these ordinary titles.

Yes, although this person is a titled mixed element, it is only an ordinary titled mixed element, that is, the red titled mixed element on the bottom of the title tablet.

Everyone who breaks into the title tower will match the title with the corresponding title according to his practice.

For example, if you cultivate in the early Yuan Dynasty, the person who matches the title tower first is the title monk in the early Yuan Dynasty. If it is the middle period of the mixed yuan, then the corresponding monk is the title of the middle period of the mixed yuan. And so on.

Of course in the beginning, it must be weak and strong.

So, the first game was the weakest red title.

These people are all those who have succeeded in breaking the tower and got the title. The imprint remaining in the title tower is manifested.

Although it is just a brand, it is no different from a real person.

Of course, even for titles of the same color, there must be strong and weak. There is even a special restraint to your existence.

It depends on your luck, after all, luck is also part of the test of the title tower.

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