Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1358: Spike

Luck, luck!

This is especially important in practice.

I can see it in the flood.

Why so many people value air transport and even look for the best treasure to suppress air transport is because although air transport does not completely determine a person's success, but air transport is full of nature, naturally like fish, water transport declines, and natural things are not good.

The same goes for the tower.

If you meet a matching opponent, it is a top-level existence, or if you specifically restrain your existence, then you can only consider yourself unlucky.

If the first game is successfully passed, then a higher orange title monk will appear, then a yellow title, and so on.

When you fail, you will get a lower rank title. The highest is purple.

Of course, this is the way after the title tower left more marks.

As for how the title tower works in the beginning, Fang Qingshan didn't know and didn't care.

The harvest between the titles of different colors is more interesting to Fang Qingshan.

差距 The title gap between the lowest and highest is huge.

If you quantify it specifically, the red title can be blessed with one point of luck, and the purple title can be blessed with one hundred points.

These are not mentioned for the time being, but it is said that after the scribes stood in front of Fang Qingshan, the aura was fully opened, and the momentum had reached its peak. Because if you wait any longer, it will flourish.

In fact, Fang Qingshan can shoot first. Attack while the opponent's momentum is not completely condensed to the extreme, so it is easier to cope.

Because once the opponent ’s momentum condenses to the extreme, the blow from the opponent will be the pinnacle, which is very scary and more difficult to deal with.

At first, under normal circumstances, only 70% of the combat effectiveness can be exerted. If you go all out, you can exert 100% of the combat effectiveness. When you are ready, you can exert 122% of the combat effectiveness.

So, under normal circumstances, seeing the two sides against each other will not allow the other side to gain momentum. If you find this, you will interrupt.

如果 If interrupted in the middle, not only do you not have to face a more violent attack, or even be interrupted because of the potential, not to mention causing backlash, at least it will make the other party uncomfortable.

However, Fang Qingshan did not do this, but let the other side to set the momentum.

He was the first one in the end, and he was very confident.

This is not arrogance, ego, but self-confidence.


With a loud cry, the scribe brushed the sword out of his waist and cut it with a sword.

There was a blast of sword energy that was as extreme as aurora lightning, whistling out of the scabbard. Then, one changed to two, two changed to four, four changed to eight, eight changed to sixteen, and sixteen changed to thirty-two ... In a moment, the sword energy was vertical and horizontal, and the endless wave of evolution.

The sword is discouraged, the waves hit the sky, and it makes a deafening roar. It has to be like a big world like a large ocean. It is dark and gloomy, without borders.

This is the ultimate sword. It is unparalleled. It is a sword that splits everything. All strength and belief are all condensed in this sword.

Moreover, such a sword has not only the power of the sea, but also a tide, and a wave after wave.

And, compared with the superficial power, this continuous dark energy is more difficult to entangle.

If you are idle, you are at the peak of Yuanyuan. Without the treasure, you are not the enemy of this sword.

However, it is not enough to use the other side Fang Qingshan.

Don't say that now, even before, he just had to work harder.

But I saw that Fang Qingshan only slipped a little footsteps, but tossed and moved between inches, and easily avoided the horrible slaying sword in between.

At the same time, he did not wait for the opponent's second sword to be shot, Fang Qingshan flicked his fingers.

Then I saw a glimmer of light flashing, but I saw a awl flew out with a thunderbolt, and then when the scribe was too late to react, he first punched through the sword, and then left He continued to shoot towards the scribe, hitting his brow with a single blow.

Reincarnation cone!

The previous destiny supernatural powers, the five elements cone! The single attack is powerful, and it is the best at breaking defense.

After the ruling law was transformed into the reincarnation avenue, the five-element cone also became the reincarnation cone. The effect was not changed, but the power was doubled. Especially with his cultivation and ascension, and after the eternal divine power training, it is even worse than it was.

Moreover, compared with the previous five-element cone, the reincarnation cone now has one more reincarnation uprising and one more elemental attack.

Although the main attack power is still to break defense, it can cause people to fall into reincarnation, 恍惚 恍惚, and this time, it will kill people.

Sure enough, under one blow, the scribe's eyes were dull, and he couldn't fully react. He was struck by an instant, just like being struck by an ancient monster, and his eyebrows became hollow.

Hit with a single hit!

In this regard, Fang Qingshan is not sad and unhappy, waiting quietly for the next opponent to appear.

After a short while, he saw that the opponent he had killed turned into a mottled light spot like a dream bubble.

Then, the same thing happened again.

光芒 A light glowed in the darkness, and soon, footsteps sounded.

After a short while, a man came out.

He is different from the previous scribe, but this person is somewhat similar to Jiang Bawang. His body is full of domineering, Chinese characters, beards, and muscles.

He stepped out one step and could faintly hear the voice of Jin Ge Iron Horse, with Xiao Sha and Iron Blood.

人 This person is obviously a habitual killer, placed in the mortal world, at least also a general with big palms.

人 Although this person's cultivation is still at the peak of the mixed yuan, he has obviously improved a grade compared to the previous scribe, at least it is also an orange title.


It's still the same ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ This big man came straight in front of Fang Qingshan.

This should be a monk who refines. There is no sacrifice for Lingbao, and a shot is a punch.

The fist fell, as if Jiu Xiaolong yelled, the mountains and rivers shivered, and the people of Li Min were all in one punch.

The fist was full of majesty and domineering, making it impossible to dodge.

It seems that it is not a fist, but the power of the king to conquer the world.

Fist is power.

Powerful punching is power.

This is a punch of power.

"Good job!"

Qi Fang Qingshan still did not take the initiative to take the initiative, but let him fall with one punch, then did not dodge, and returned with the same punch.

His fist bloomed with immense light, flowing the mystery of the law of reincarnation, belonging to his unity of spirit and spirit, and transformed into such a power that the fist is not bad, the blood is like a dragon, and the spiritual will is more indestructible.


Two punches slammed together, and a bang-like sound came out.

Fang Qingshan's fist is motionless, without any damage, full of immortality, eternal uprightness, uncompromising fist, must not be taken.

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