Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1359: Slash

Although Fang Qingshan's origin is not as high as raising an eyebrow, it is only a mortal, not for natural raising, no top blood, top physique.

However, after receiving the eternal sky boat, Fang Qingshan once retired and reworked, creating the heavenly decree that suits him best.

This method is a comprehensive method, including the general outline, Qi training, body training, the method of refining the gods, the method of protection of the Tao, magical powers, secret methods, the practice of Baiyi, array methods, Dan methods, instruments Law ... all-encompassing.

Cultivate this technique and continually use various natural treasures to consolidate myself. The damage is not enough to serve. Not only can you make up for the foundation, you can also get various god-given magical powers.

As far as natural factors such as physique, bloodline, etc. are concerned, Fang Qingshan dare not boast that he is inherently sacred, but he is not inferior to humans, at least compared with raising his eyebrows, at least not falling into the wind.

In terms of training qi, he reached the pinnacle of mixed Yuan, and in terms of refining, he was not inferior.

In terms of qi training, he has natural magical powers, five-element bracelets, five-element cones, and the current cycle of reincarnation, reincarnation cones, and refining. He also has various natural combat skills.

For this reason, he punched out with a punch, fierce and uncast, and could not stop.

For the other party, it was almost after a moment, and the fist exploded, and Fang Qingshan's fist could not be blocked at all.

Hitting a punch not only broke the opponent's combat skills, but also broke the opponent's fist. Even the slightest unnecessary blocking was not achieved. The fist continued to fall towards the opponent, and it was lightning fast, and the momentum remained undiminished.


There was a muffled sound, and the big man was shocked and gave out a painful moan. He was like a shooting star and flew out. Most of his body had a comminuted fracture directly. Hao Xuan did not explode directly. Almost instantly, it lost its combat effectiveness.

"It really is different now."

轻松 Fang Qingshan couldn't help expressing his emotions after defeating the two titled mixed Yuan one after another with ease.

This kind of opponent, he can deal with before, but it can never be so easy, one or two moves easily defeated the opponent.

I don't want to say I'm all out, I'm sure I'll be busy for a long time.

But the same, with the improvement of Fang Qingshan's cultivation, his vision also improved.

Now, although he is still in the mixed Yuan, his eyes have passed beyond the mixed Yuan, focusing on immortality.

So, although I easily defeated my opponent with emotion, there was no feeling of pride and complacency, not even extra joy.

Just like Fang Han once, with the improvement of his cultivation, he has already focused on the Huatiandu of Yuhuamen, and when the smoke and water of Taiyimen are first-class, he will also care about Jialan and Lingxiao of Yuhuamen. ?

因为 Because the second opponent lost his combat power, Fang Qingshan didn't need to go up to make a punch at all. Like the previous opponent, it quickly dissipated. At the same time, the third opponent appeared soon.

As expected, the third opponent was three points better than the second opponent, but it was the pinnacle of the mixed title of the yellow title. Fang Qingshan secretly estimated that it was no worse than raising his eyebrows just after the successful crossing.

However, although raising eyebrows is not bad, after Fang Qingshan was promoted to the peak of Mixed Yuan and Eternal Tianzhou was promoted to Supreme, he has completely surpassed him, although he still has the broken third-level treasure of Chaos Pearl.

For this reason, this one, Fang Qingshan also easily defeated, but just spent a little more hands and feet.

The fourth opponent is the green title peak mixed. Naturally it is even more powerful.

Fortunately, Fang Qingshan has good luck. Although it is a green title, it is even medium in all green titles, and it does not restrain the existence of Fang Qingshan.

Even so, this time, Fang Qingshan also spent more time, various magical powers, combat skills turned into battle, and even sacrificed reincarnation, which defeated the opponent.

Although the battle was more difficult, the gains were also considerable.

对手 It is extremely cold at high altitudes, and the opponent is rare. Fighting is the best teacher.

By fighting with this person, Fang Qingshan can better understand the posture of the **** genius of immense void.

Also, similarly, I quickly adapted to the cultivation practice I just broke and took more control of my body.

Fifth opponent is the cyan title hybrid.

At this moment, they already have the immortal combat power.

I don't say that I can fight and win, but at least I can fight one or two and retreat from my whole body.

This time, Fang Qingshan defeated the opponent more easily than before, because he used the eternal sky boat.

It wasn't a battle that he didn't want to have a lively battle with, and accumulated experience.

But reality does not allow it.

Because Fang Qingshan found that breaking through the title tower was a wheel battle.

An opponent appears one after another, which will not give you the slightest chance to breathe.

And after the mana is consumed, it is not replenished at all.

Xu said that it had already reached the cyan title, and Fang Qingshan naturally did not dare to care about it.

For this reason, he directly sacrificed the eternal sky boat.

Sure enough, although the opponent with the title of cyan has the anti-eternal immortal combat power, it is still not enough to face the eternal sky boat and was easily suppressed.

Then, Fang Qingshan quietly waited for the arrival of the sixth opponent.

He feels that with the eternal sky boat in hand, the purple title is still afraid to say, and the blue title is inevitable.

But, what made him a little strange is that according to the previous rule, after the previous opponent ends, the next opponent will immediately appear, and it will not give you any breathing time at all.

But this time it was a little strange. Fang Qingshan waited for a while, but there was still nothing.

"what is the problem?"

Fang Qingshan frowned ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Some two second monks were puzzled.

"Isn't the title tower not giving me the slightest respite, as I imagined? Only when you get to the back, can you have a break? Or, are there other reasons?"

I didn't understand, Fang Qingshan didn't think too much. With the enemy not moving, I didn't move. With the attitude of constant response, Fang Qingshan was not anxious and still waited quietly.

Time passed by a little bit, and soon, Fang Qingshan realized that something was wrong.

Because it is the early warning of the whim and the irritability, how can I not calm down, and under my own observation, I find the dark cloud covering the roof, and the anger is like clouds.

He followed, and the turbulence in the heavens' chessboard was not stable at all.

Bad luck is not stable, and there must be major events, especially when even the treasures of Qitian, such as the Chessboard, are not able to suppress it.

Finally, Fang Qingshan deduced it from the Luoshu River in the eternal sky boat, and got very bad hexagrams.

If something is abnormal, it must be a demon.

"Don't it not start, but start long ago?"

I was wrong, Fang Qingshan was alert.

If there is something wrong, it is necessary to investigate. Yuanshen released it and swept the Quartet.

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