Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1360: Fantasy

However, something strange happened to Fang Qingshan.

He was not aware of anything wrong under his domineering thoughts. Everything seems to be working fine. It's the same as before. I didn't know I thought I thought too much, and a hallucination appeared in my mind.

However, Fang Qingshan did not relax his vigilance at all, instead he was more vigilant.

It is precisely because everything is normal that nothing is normal.

If it is normal, how can there be whim, how can there be fluctuations in luck, and how can there be a big evil?

After all, if it ’s just whim, or gas flow, or hexagrams, it can be said that there are leaks, but three simultaneous warnings are not leaks, accidents, but actual events. If it hasn't been taken seriously, it will be a lack of mind and a dead end.


Fang Qingshan snorted coldly, and a big bell appeared above his head, with the sun, moon, stars, mountains and rivers, engraved on it, and knocked heavily.


A crisp bell rang from Nine Days, carrying the impregnable majesty, divided into yin and yang, refining the five elements, pushing gossip, suppressing time and space, and solidifying the air. ??

The sound waves lingering round and round like a tide crashed in all directions.

Chaos Bell, a second-class treasure, although it has just been promoted, it is only a second-grade inferior product, but it is not inferior to many Chinese products, even top-quality treasures.

It has the power to suppress the world of Hongmeng, the power to reverse the time and space of the heavens, the power to evolve the mystery of heaven, the power of refining the earth, water, fire and wind.

As soon as the ringing rang, the bells were loud, the universe was glorious, the world was eclipsed, and the world was shaken.

Is a great way to break all kinds of secrets, illusions, primal attacks, and so on.

Sure enough, the mission is not humiliated. This time, the surrounding situation remains unchanged. Under the interference of the chaotic clock, it finally shows a flaw.


There was a loud noise, but it looked as if it had been unchanged forever, and finally, in the eternal still darkness, there were changes, and a little ripple.

Although was soon wiped out, this ripple was enough for Fang Qingshan to see a little truth.

But in the darkness, there was a man who seemed to be false and real, and true and false. Compared with the Shulu clan with artificial mosquito channels, his eyebrows have a vertical eyebrow, which is very different from Wen Zhong and Erlang Shen's three eyes. The power is incomparable, which is Fang Qingshan's fancy At a glance, it seemed like they would sleep forever.

The shawl with long hair was rendered with a layer of scarlet blood, which fluttered endlessly. The whole body is filled with the ultimate evil atmosphere, which is completely different from those demons who Fang Qingshan has ever seen.

But its evil is as pure as the original demon in the hands of the original demon, like the supreme and source of evil in the world. All over the body, there was a kind of air that seemed to overlook the ants.

However, when Fang Qingshan wanted to drive Yuanshen to lock that figure, he had a feeling of grabbing the sand with his hands. The harder he felt, the more he felt unclear.

"It's a fantasy, I'm so born."

Although breaking through the illusion, Fang Qingshan still couldn't help but take a breath.

Because Fang Qingshan not only found the man in the dark, looked back at himself, but also saw a dark gray halo covering his head, full of evil, silence, and devouring all kinds of negative mysteries.

At the same time, his spirit and spirit were weakened and swallowed up silently, as if diving into the night with the wind, and the quiet spring rain of moisturizing matter, even Fang Qingshan himself had not even found the slightest.

Even the destiny Lingbao, the reincarnation mirror, and even the eternal sky boat, as well as the Tao Tao Destiny magical power in the body, did not react at all, and the automatic body protection did not seem to be harmed.

If you do n’t break this illusion and let this halo shroud you, I do n’t know how to die in the end.


Fang Qingshan knotted his hands with a flick.

But I saw a black, white, and two brilliance shot out from the Tianmen, entangled with each other, and slowly turned, a big clock evolved, which is similar to a chaotic clock, but very different, no wind self-sounding, layers of halo open.

Instantly shattered the death aura. To a certain extent, all evils do not invade, and any negative effects cannot affect him.


的 Defensive magical power transformed from the five elements and five emperors canopies of the day.

He must know the general illusion, but it is just to arouse the magic obstacles, obsessions and desires in his heart.

However, this side of the illusion is actually silent, it makes people fall into it unknowingly, and there is no sense of it, and why it does not happen is unknown, it is simply horrible.

He then looked around, although because of the chaotic clock, Fang Qingshan could see the essence of the illusion.

But at the next moment, the peace was restored again. It seemed that everything just now was just dreamlike.

I can't tell whether it is true now or what I just saw is true.

Everything is like a mirror flower, a mirage.

However, now that Fang Qingshan has discovered the clue, naturally he will not be blinded again.

"Breakdown !!!"

Qi Fang Qingshan broke the road three times, and the chaotic clock in his hand was ringing.

Dang Dang Dang Dang! !! !!

A series of rushing bells rang, and the various runes engraved in the chaos, the mountains, rivers and rivers, the living creatures, and other fine and detailed runes refracted Sen Luo Vientiane. ??

At this moment, between heaven and earth, there is a force to suppress time and space. Huanghuang is like sky power, everywhere.

The next moment, the illusion just restored was finally broken.

Although this magic method is very different from www.wuxiaspot.com ~, it is more indefensible and sharper than other illusions, but it is different from the attack defense method. As long as people have defense, it is easy to get rid of too much.

"I didn't expect that you could find me there."

The demons who secretly calculated Fang Qingshan's secret apparently did not expect that Fang Qingshan could find his existence, which seemed very suspicious.

You must know that once this kind of illusion of their tribe is left unprepared and falls into it, it is not a challenge to leapfrog.

He used this method to conceal a lot of immortal powerhouses. Even if someone was able to wake up halfway, they were hit hard.

He only had Fang Qingshan, who had returned to God in such a short time and broke the illusion, which was really beyond his expectations.

Although he was a little surprised, this person was not panic.

After all, his ability is not limited to fantasy.

Otherwise, he would not be in blue.

But when he saw his mouth slowly and lazily, his voice was a bit obscure, a little hoarse, and a little low, but when it sounded, it was like a yin wind, a turbulent wave emptied, with a terrible power, suppressing the world.

"You are good, you are good."

He, like the breath on his body, opened up high.

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