Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1370: came back

Huh! !! !!

He was less than a quarter of an hour after Fang Qingshan and Jiang Bawang left.

Hundreds of thousands of rays of light flew in the chaotic world of near the title tower.

There is magical power, there is spiritual treasure, there is a spaceship ...

Apart from the spies in their own world, other great forces stay here to search for information.

"The title tower is so big and moving, it must be the purple title again."

"Yes, and this purple title is definitely a top-level existence."

"I don't know who it is, whether it is a casual repair or a descendant of a powerful force."

"I haven't heard that that great force has come up with a superior younger generation recently!"

Uh ...

Xun and his team rushed to the title tower at the fastest speed, but found that apart from the title tower and the title monument shining, Liao was uninhabited.

"Oh? No one?"

"Go fast, this is obviously not wanting to expose yourself."

"It looks like it should be a casual repair."

"The other shore, the other shore, it seems that this is the new Tianjiao."

"Forget it, pass the news back, pay attention, Tianjiao, who recently took the lead, just check them one by one."

Uh ...

At the same time, countless channels of information centered on it and passed out in all directions.

He followed, the countless heavens and earth, the infinite void shook.

After all, this is the emperor-level Tianjiao, as long as there is no accident, it must be the existence of the emperor.

Moreover, it seems that it should be from a loose cultivation background. If it can be brought together, once it grows up, it will be a high-ranking existence on the Supreme Power List. It will also be of great benefit.

Therefore, they naturally want to let the forces behind themselves start first, take the lead, and take this Tianjiao into the door.

Alas, they think too much.

Qi Fang Qingshan had promised to join the Taoist gate.

Although he may have a better choice now, Jiang Mingyue recommended him first, and it was a kind of knowledge. Later, Jiang Bawang saved him, and it was a life-saving virtue. For this kind of kindness, he did n’t Will change martial arts, otherwise, this level of heart will not pass.

Besides, other martial arts may not be good.

After all, the atmosphere of the Taoist gate is relatively good, and the structure in the gate is not rigid. Because there is no emperor-level ancestor, the resources in the gate are willing to tilt and change to a martial art. Even if it is stronger than the Taoist gate, it may not be moral. Good intentions.

Besides, only the one that suits you is the best.

After joining the Taoist gate, Fang Qingshan was prepared to lie dormant for a period of time, improve his knowledge, supplement his understanding of the heavens and earth, and prepare for the immortality.

Therefore, he will not go out and sway, this can be regarded as sheltering!

Therefore, these people are busy trying to troubleshoot.

In the vast void, a figure that looked like a dust from the distance flashed out of nothing. This second is still near a chaotic world, and the next second has crossed a small half of the chaotic world, spanning an unknown distance.

This is not the side, it is the void spaceship controlled by Jiang Bawang.

Concealed the breath, and after leaving the title tower far away, Jiang Bawang did not slow down, instead, he opened the fastest mode as always.

Shuttle in the void!

功效 This effect is somewhat similar to a wormhole. The law of space is used.

In fact, this effect is that a powerful person can get inspiration from the wormhole and develop an array method for the void ship.

Although the speed of mid- and low-level spacecraft shuttles in the void is slow compared to the first-level wormhole, it is also faster than any distance, and the Huahong Royal Sword flies faster.

I left the title tower, and Jiang Bawang drove the spacecraft in the void for an unknown amount of time, and even briefly rested no less than ten times in the middle.

I ca n’t afford to consume his repairs, so I need to rest. I can imagine how long and how far the spaceship flew.

For a moment, a dark crack slowly opened and displayed on the void, just like the same black lightning, escaping the horrible black light.

The next moment, a spacecraft flew out of it, and soon stopped.

In front of it, it is a huge and chaotic world. Compared with Pangu's chaotic world, it is like the difference between flood and chaos.

This is the place where Taoist Gate is located, the chaotic world of Tao. It is one of the ancient chaos worlds.

The chaotic world of martyrdom is named after Taoist Gate. This is the old nest of Taoist Gate, the birthplace, and the whole world belongs to Taoist Gate. The whole chaotic world has no other forces except Taoist Gate.

He is not without other forces, and there are various factions, many small forces, but that is the true biography of the Taoist gate, established by elder disciples. It is equivalent to the branch of Taoism.

It's as if the Taoist Gate is an empire and its territory is sealed.

Actually, although this is the old nest, birthplace and ancestral home of Taoist Gate.

But the core of the Taoist Gate was not here, but in a more advanced and higher ranking chaotic world.

But with the fall of the Taoist ancestors, Taoist savvy Junjie took the initiative to make concessions, deeply knowing that the land is people, people are lost, people are lost, and all people and land are gaining. The former site did not let go, but returned directly to the ancestral land.

虽然 Although it is not comparable to the mountain gate where the original core is located.

But it is more suitable for Taoist students.

Because the whole world is full of a kind of Taoism, like a special practice, it ’s a blessing in nature.

"Are you here?"

As soon as the spacecraft stopped, Fang Qingshan and his party walked out.

After sailing in the void for so long, they have been a little impatient. Although they can retreat, hundreds of years are just a nap time for ordinary fairy people, let alone to them. These bastards, immortal giants.

The closing time is too short ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The closing time is too slow.


Qijiang Mingyue nodded.

"finally came back."

I look around.

But the chaotic world of the Tao is like a pyramid.

At the top, there is a faint glow, which is a land that is no less than the size of the Pangu chaos world, so suspended in the air, covered with a layer of starlight. It is Zhou Tianxing, shining, and it is beautiful.

That's where the core headquarters of Taoyimen is located.

It is divided into three plates, the earth, the ocean and the sky.

There are pavilions, tall buildings, and mountains and lakes. The scenery is picturesque, there are many unknown rare birds and animals, various natural treasures, top spiritual roots, and countless disciples of Taoism.

Below it, the worlds are filled with floods and wilds, surrounding them. There are big and small, from far to near.

Underneath, it is the world of thousands, below, it is Zhongqian, Xiaoqian, and the universe is surrounded by a void.

"Let's go and report to the headquarters first."

He said, as soon as Jiang Bawang waved, he took Fang Qingshan close to the barriers of the chaotic world of Tao.

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