Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1371: Janitor

When I came to the chaotic world of Tao, the first thing that caught my eye was an ancient stone gate.

The surface of the lotus root is not modified by any moire, just like ordinary bluestone casting.

I also have no auspicious clouds, no smallpox and golden lotus flutter.

I looked far away, and there was some illusory, seemingly false and real, seemingly true and false, and seemingly far and near.

What I didn't know thought it was an ordinary stone door, except that it was bigger and nothing special.

However, is there a simple door that can stand outside the void of heaven and earth?

Tianwei door!

Yes, this gate is called Tianweizhimen.

If you want to enter the chaotic world of the Tao, you can only pass through here and other places. You just need to break the barriers of the world. Once you attempt to break the barriers of the world, you have to face the will of the world and the Taoism Double blow.

In fact, every world is like this. The easiest way to leave and enter your own world is to pass through the door of Tianwei, otherwise, you want to break the barriers of the world, not to mention the difficulty, and more importantly, it will cause the world Back bite.

After all, the world is like the same house, and the gate of Tianwei is the main entrance. Who would like the kind of person who climbs through the wall and window?

The same is true in the floods. The existence of the thirty-three days and the stars of Zhou Tian is, in a sense, guarding the gate of Tianwei.

The most important thing is that this door is connected with the whole world. If it is grade, it may not be lower than grade 4.

The husband and wife are at the gate, Wan Fu Mo is not open.

I came to the gate, but unexpectedly saw that there was still someone, an old man was snoring by the gate.

The old man had a handful of short, hard-hatted beards, a pair of tan eyes sunk in the sockets, and a disheveled gray hair.

Slightly squinting his eyes, lying on the rocking chair, there was a moment of shaking, it seemed very leisurely, there was a table case in front of him, a plate of fruits and a cup of tea on the table case, smelled It makes people feel refreshed, obviously not ordinary.

"Seen Tan Lao!"

Mingjiang Mingyue, Jiang Bawang, Wang Bo walked together, saluting respectfully and yelling.

When I saw this, Fang Qingshan and Yang Mei looked at each other, and both eyes narrowed at the same time.

The old man in front of me looks no different from an ordinary old man. They could not feel the slightest breath of the strong.

However, the gate can be seen here.

Don't underestimate the gate, the so-called seven prime ministers in front of the prime minister's door, you also have to see where the gate is.

I am like Nantianmen in the flood. The gate of the people is the rotation of the four heavenly kings.

也 The same is true here.

What's more, Jiang Mingyue and Wang Bo will be the same. Jiang Bawang is a true disciple of Taoism and the top-level true biography. Even if he cannot win the position in the future, at least he is an elder with real power, especially from a birthplace. The first family of Daoyimen, the Jiang family, this identity is respectful to this old man, knowing the whole leopard with a glimpse, the identity and strength of this person is absolutely appalling.

The two did not dare to neglect, and also followed the three of Jiang Bawang as a gift.

In fact, as Fang Qingshan and Yang Mei guessed, this person is indeed no small matter.

Don't talk about Jiang Bawang, it is the Taoist real power figure, even when he meets him, he must be polite.

This is not just because of seniority, but also strength.

Although there are not many Da Yimen who have really seen his shot now, they all know that this person is also at least a **** emperor, and also a giant lord of the peak of **** emperor.

哟 "Oh, you two sisters, are you back here?"

The janitor seemed to be awakened. He opened his eyes slightly and saw that they were Jiang Bawang. There was still no unnecessary expression on his face, and he was still casual. As for Wang Bo, he directly ignored the past subconsciously.

Wang Bo has no objection to this, not to mention that now he is only a Taoist, even when he was a disciple of Taoism, he did not enter the eyes of the elderly.

Tan Lao took the tea from the desk case and took a sip, and then glanced at Fang Qingshan and raised his eyebrows, and there was a slight flash of light in his eyes.

"Newcomer? Good!"

This is what it feels like, compared with the feeling of seeing Jiang Bawang at the beginning.

Qi Fang Qingshan and raised eyebrows only felt that they had no secret in front of others.

When Jiang Bawang peeped at them, he was protected by Lingbao and took the initiative to cover it. However, at this moment, no matter whether it is the chaotic beads, the chessboard of the heavens, the eternal sky boat, or the green willow stick, there is no movement at all, it seems that the spirituality has been erased In general, fell into silence.

In this regard, there was a stun in their hearts.

Fortunately, the old man and Jiang Bawang did not pay much attention, and after confirming that they were not bad people, they let them go.

Yes, the existence of the elderly is not only to guard the gate of Tianwei, but also to look like a demon mirror, to prevent some unscrupulous people from entering the chaotic world of Tao.

His old man has practiced a secret method, which can easily judge whether a person is good or evil, misbehaving, or planning.

I heard the old man's words, Jiang Bawang immediately nodded and answered, still respectfully said.

"Yes, this time the little girl went out with good luck, and she happened to meet two masters, and she was exceptionally talented, especially Master Fang was above the disciples. Therefore, I specially recommend to join Taoist Gate."

"Yes, there are two to see."

If other people listened to Jiang Bawang, only if he was modest.

But the old man nodded naturally, apparently seeing something.

However, although Fang Qingshan and raised eyebrows are very good ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, but the old people have not paid much attention to it. Some senior people have seen talented younger people, and they are rushing to accept the apprentice. No such thing.

Genius, only those who have not grown up are geniuses, who grow up are called big brothers.

Suddenly, the path of practice is too many accidents. If you don't grow up in a day, you may die midway.

"Well, let's go in! Don't disturb the old man to sleep."

I said, the old man began to catch people without mercy.


He said, Jiang Bawang then led Fang Qingshan and his team through the gate of Tianwei.

At this moment, Jiang Bawang took a long breath. After a while of relaxation, obviously, he was nervous before.

"Brother Jiang, who is this senior?"

Seeing this, Fang Qingshan asked curiously.

"Others may not know Mr. Tan, and I also happened to listen to our ancestors, but he is a character of his age."

Oujiang Bawang explained with emotion.

Fang Qingshan and Yang Mei's eyebrows frowned first, and then they reacted. The former ancestor of Jiang Bawang should refer to the ancestor of the Jiang family, and the latter ancestor should refer to the old emperor of Taoism Ancestor.

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