Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1374: Dongfu


The three major arrays of sea, land, and air in the world where the Taoist Gate headquarters is located, the real function, or the most commonly used function, is actually used to evolve the heaven and earth.

Ordinary martial arts practice usually seek out the spiritual veins that are born in nature, and dig holes in the mountains.

To the point where they are born, not to mention that the Dongfu, which was born naturally, wants to take shape, the time it takes is tens of millions of years.

And the real top dongfu are still in the minority.

For example, in the flood, not to mention Kunlun Mountain, Yujing Mountain, and Xumi Mountain, which are the top-level caves, the next-level ones are thirty-six cave days and seventy-two blessed places. What's this enough?

For the whole Taoist door, do n’t mention the disciples outside and the disciples inside, do n’t even mention that there are deacons. The elders are just true disciples, there are hundreds of them.

A disciple, a cave, is formed naturally by heaven and earth.

And to the point where they are, if the chaos world of Taoism is strong in origin, it will be a top-level cave that is formed naturally by the Pangu chaos world, and there is no difference between them and the wilderness.

For example, in the floodlands, Mount Sumi and Kunlun, not to mention the true story, the inner door is to the more powerful outside disciples, and the effect is not good.

Why did the saints in the floods leave the floods and open up the world outside the sky?

One reason is that heaven and earth cannot afford their consumption. On the other hand, it is because these caves have no effect on them, they can only work under load.

So, if you don't have one, make it yourself. Anyway, for them, moving mountains and reclaiming sea, catching stars and fighting is nothing more than leisure.

So there are three large arrays of sea, land, and air that gather the power of heaven and earth to bless the Dongfu and create a kind of artificial cave heaven and earth.

Not only the formation, the stars in the sky, the islands in the sea, the cities on the continent, these caves themselves are actually condensed together with some suitable natural treasures to transform. The difference lies in the purity and level.

For example, the materials used to build cities are definitely not as good as those used to make islands, and the materials used to make islands are certainly not as good as those used to make stars.

This is the distribution of personnel. In addition, there are some special places.

Such as the Tibetan Pavilion, Tibetan Pavilion, Ming Lighthouse, and various special spiritual blessings.

Needless to say, the Tibetan Classic Pavilion and the Tibetan Pavilion. The lighthouse Fang Qingshan has only been there.

As for the special practice of blessing land, it is very simple.

Although it is said that whether it is the outer door, the inner door, or the authentic Dongfu, they are condensed with Taoism and practice, which has a great bonus. But this bonus is up to a point or two.

After all, if you do n’t talk about the outside door, the inside door, there are also true disciples.

The Dongfu building is so big. If you use top-grade materials, don't mention Yimen, even the Tianxie people have to lose their homes.

Even if there are blessings from the battlefield, and they are shared in each cave, there are too many monks.

Therefore, these caves can only speed up a little practice on weekdays.

When it comes time to break through or speed up cultivation, we still have to rely on special caves.

Practicing in these blessed land dedicated to practice is at least a doubling effect.

For example, there is a sword mound in the Taoist gate, which is a place dedicated to practicing sword intention.

Among them are tens of millions of sword-like spirit treasures. Although most of them are first-level, but the second-level is not in the minority. Even the third-level has many, even four poles. Of course, the treasures of the four poles are all fragments, or are broken beyond repair.

But even so, the inner meaning is not comparable to ordinary three-level treasure.

Some of these swords were reclaimed and reclaimed by Taoist Men, some of them were buried after being fallen, but more of them were those demons who were killed by Taoist Men and their opponents ’loot, as well as martial opportunities. For example, what ancient battlefields were encountered.

One day of practice inside is equivalent to one year of practice outside.

Because there are many swords and various sword meanings, don't worry at all, you can't understand the corresponding sword meaning.

Of course, if you want to use this kind of land, you must use contribution points. And it's not low.

The more effective the place, the greater the cost.

This is undoubtedly a normal thing.

After all, martial arts also need to work. Martial arts can take care of you, but it is absolutely impossible for you to eat white food.

And there are many ways to get contribution points, or to break through, or to have extraordinary talents, or to contribute to the magic of magical powers, anyway, useful and valuable things, you can also do tasks and so on.

But making money is not easy.

After the tour, Jiang Bawang took Fang Qingshan and Yang Mei to Xingluohai to select Dongfu, an island belonging to the disciples of the inner gate.

Generally, it is good for a disciple of a martial art to have a cave house, but a disciple of the Taoist school directly occupies an island. Put in the floods, they can be used as a place for Kaishan Li faction.

Fang Qingshan chose an island that was a bit off.

Once he likes a quiet place, besides that he has a lot of secrets, he doesn't want to be peeped by people nearby, and this island is more suitable for him.

The practice of the Taoist Gate is the practice of Taoist Taoism, but it is also a rule, but it is only exclusive to them and has more characteristics.

Because the stars, islands, and cities all evolved from the corresponding Taoism.

When you practice that way, you choose friendly cities, islands, and stars.

Fang Qingshan cultivates the reincarnation road, and the nature chosen should be an island that conforms to the law of reincarnation.

However, the law of samsara, as a top-level rule, naturally evolved into the absolute best.

Taoist Gate's Xingluo Sea is not without corresponding islands.

It's just that this island is a bit unfortunate. At first, it has been occupied by ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Erlai is not open to ordinary disciples.

Although Fang Qingshan is the master of the eternal sky boat, after all, he has just joined the Taoist gate. Although it has passed the review, there is still an observation period.

Of course, if he reveals that he is a purple emperor genius, then it is another matter.

At that time, do n’t say that there is no island, there is no problem with one star, the ancestors of Taoist Gate are likely to give instructions. Even the top true disciples of Jiang Bawang may not be able to match him.

However, this is not what Fang Qingshan wanted.

Secrets become secrets because they are exclusive, or very few people know that if there are too many, paper will not cover the fire. If you really want to take advantage of this, you won't hide it from the beginning.

Since it is impossible to choose the islands of reincarnation, it is natural to choose islands with similar attributes.

So Fang Qingshan chose an island with a meaning of life and death.

Although life and death cannot be said to be reincarnation, reincarnation contains life and death.

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