Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1375: islands

Cultivation on the island of life and death, although it does not work well on the island that contains the meaning of reincarnation, but it is more than enough. It is very good.

The island with the meaning of life and death happened to be in a remote area, but it just happened to meet Fang Qingshan's intentions.

As for raising an eyebrow, he chose a Sumi Island.

The law of space, the Taoism of space, is also the top-level existence, and he faces the same choices as Fang Qingshan. Can only be second best.

Fortunately, Sume Island also contains the meaning of space, but it is just a branch of space. It is not comprehensive. The original meaning of space is so good, but it is better than the island of life and death on Fang Qingshan.

After sending away the raised eyebrows, the sisters of the Jiang family, Fang Qingshan had the intention to take a good look at his station in the future for a long time.

"Hey, I finally have a place to stay."

Fang Qingshan sighed softly.

Coming to the Infinite Void, although it seems that there is not much time, it seems like a peace without roots. It has been floating for a long time in the world, and now I can feel a little relieved.

Although it was not long before Fang Qingshan came to the Infinite Void, he experienced many things.

Firstly, it was calculated by Pangu's Chaos World Avenue and Hongjun. As soon as he left his chaos, he lost the coordinates of this chaotic world.

Although they may not go back in the future, but not going back and finding the direction are two different things.

Youzi can still return home, but they have become rootless, they can only drift around, I do not know when the end is, where is the place to end up.

Then, they met the puppet brigade of the Immortal Palace.

This time there was not much problem, but because of knowing Jiang Mingyue, he was qualified to join the Daoist gate.

But then, in the chaotic world of Shang, they were chased and killed by thousands of assassins, dozens of immortals, and even the emperor because of storm sword orders and because of their wealth.

If they hadn't figured it out, they had a lot of cards and had good luck, I'm afraid they would have died before they could start.

Also, on the subsequent trip to the title tower, I met Yin Yinhou so badly that I was almost overcast.

But all this is over.

Now that the Taoist Gate has finally been added, the next time, one can practice in peace and quiet for a while.

Relax and look around. Although the island of life and death is not as good as the island with the meaning of reincarnation, it is also regarded as the best of all the islands.

After all, the meaning of life and death is not weak, plus, in the end, Fang Qingshan is not weak, and he is the eternal Tianzhou master. Joining the martial arts, welfare is definitely not other people's proportion.

Although the raised island of Sume Island conforms to the law of space, as far as the island itself is concerned, it is not comparable to the island of life and death.

The reason why this island with the meaning of life and death was vacant was not received before, but it is because there are not many people who cultivate the meaning of life and death, and those who have the ability to choose, have selected another location that is good and has no strength People, of course, can only watch with open eyes, so it is Fang Qingshan's turn.

This island is indeed an island with a meaning of life and death, but it has formed a closed loop, a small world. Life and death, dry and glory, prosperity and decline, black and white

Below the ground, it's dark, like the Yincao Difu, and it is full of death. Above the ground, the flowers are brocade, the oil is burning, and it is full of vitality.

However, the haze was faint, pine and cypresses, auspicious clouds were colorful, and the clever minds were sweet. Danya strange rocks, each with its own shape, cut off the walls and peaks, stand up to the sky. Several stag deer fairy foxes, three and five spirit birds and black cranes. Yaocao strange flowers do not thank, green pine and cypress Changchun. Xiantao often results, every bamboo stays in the cloud. The more beautiful the environment, the more beautiful it is. It is pleasing and refreshing.

In particular, the Taoist door is adapted to local conditions. Many island-like treasures of life and death or similar attributes have been planted on the island, and many spirit beasts of the same attribute have been housed.

For example, on the edge of a cliff, there are two black and white life-and-death plantains, which are slender and tall, nine feet high. The black and white runes are naturally generated on it, and the wind blows, making a ding-dong sound. On the one side, the warm wind drunk the tourists, while on the other side, the monkey sang three tears. When shaking, the grass was shaved on one side, as if dead, and the endless fortune and vitality on the other.

For another example, on a mountainside is a dead tree that rises above the mountain and inserts clouds into the sky. It is rooted on the earth and connected to the sea veins. Some trees are similar to the treasures of the Buddhist gates and the double trees. They contain constant and impermanence, joy and unhappiness, and me and nothing. I, net and non-net, four withered and four with honor, non-withered and non-honored, non-false and non-empty.

These are top natural treasures of life and death attributes, not inferior to the second grade. There are many levels.

As for the spirit beast, the weak one may be the common hare, the deer, the fairy fox, and the strong one is the three-eyed hawk, the undead bird, and so on.

Of course, no matter it is Tiancai Dibao or Spirit Beast, after Fang Qingshan became the island owner, it will be automatically divided into him, but the martial arts are still shareholders, Tiancai Dibao is mature, and 50% is regarded as martial arts.

These can be considered an invisible benefit of entry. If Fang Qingshan was not recommended by the Jiang family, but also the eternal Tianzhou Lord, the elder of the inner door directly assigned him with a big hand, and the island would not necessarily fall into his hands.

In addition to the natural scenery and specialty products on the island, there is also a place for spiritual practice. It's a good practice. Although it's not grand and magnificent, it takes a lot of thought.

The entire Dongfu is built on the spiritual node where life and death meet.

Here life and death meet, Taoism, Reiki, the most intense.

Fang Qingshan pushed the stone gate of Dongfu, the pattern was clear at a glance.

Three entrances to the courtyard, one entrance to entertain guests, two entrances to live, and three entrances to retreat.

Fang Qingshan first went to the retreat and looked around.

This is the condensing force of life and death on the island of life and death, the core point of entanglement ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ above the dragon veins.

In the center of the room is a copper incense burner, with a tortoise and tortoise body, deep luster, clouds and smoke gathering, and mysterious weather.

In addition, there are futons, incense cases, cloud beds, fairy spirits, and mysterious sounds.

After looking at it casually, Fang Qingshan was sitting on the futon. Suddenly a stream of thoughts flowed around him. When the mind moved, the rules of reincarnation burst out and came out through the body. Six reincarnations evolved in the back of the head, colliding with the outside life and death. , Entanglement, produces a wonderful response, resonance like the beating of the heart, the sound of howling, endless.

Although the law of life and death is not the law of reincarnation, the law of reincarnation contains a part of the law of life and death. If you understand the law of life and death, you can also understand the law of reincarnation, and you can also touch the category bypass.

Fang Qingshan felt a little bit. Although he could not compare with the real reincarnation island, he still had a great bonus to his practice, at least three or five times faster than practice on the ordinary island.

"It is indeed the Taoist gate, the top martial arts, and you can see the whole leopard at a glance. Even if it has fallen, it is not comparable to the flood."

Fang Qingshan sighed.

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