Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 138: Subdue

Chunyang refining magic flying sword!

Yes, Fang Qingshan decided to use this piece of treasure to finalize.

The reason why he previously smashed Wu Ding Wang Ding in the past was that he wanted the Seven-leaf Demon King to fight with the sky of blood so that he could fly it away, so that he would not use the sword when he faced the pure sword.

Although the **** sky is good, it is the top of the rare treasures, and one step into the ranks of Taoism.

But compared with Chunyang Feijian, it is obviously different.

After hard work, there is no doubt that the last damage is the blood sky.

However, like the Seven-leaf Demon King, Fang Qingshan already treats all his babies as his own. Since he is his own, he must naturally avoid the possibility of damage. Unfortunately, he did not think of the Seven-leaf Demon King. There was actually a big time rune, so that Fang Qingshan's purpose was not achieved. However, it was also worth the loss of his hole card.

As for the reason that the five cloud peach blossoms were thrown out, it was because Fang Qingshan wanted to use it to conceal the Qiqi of pure Yang Feijian. Lest they be known, exposed their hole cards and even attracted peeping.

Of course, there is also the purpose of preventing the Seven-leaf Demon King from taking the opportunity to escape.

After all, Fang Qingshan took out the top Taoist device, and it was a killing Taoist device.

Qi Fang Qingshan did not bother with the incredible magic of the Seven-leaf Demon King, and his mind was completely immersed in the pure Yang Jianjue.

A snoring sound, very old and vicissitudes, a sword rose from behind Fang Qingshan.

Only a flash of light shows the true shape? The light is as bright as a big sun, with a cloud motif, carved on the sword, which contains the true meaning of pure sun. ?

"go with!"

Fang Qingshan and pointed into a sword, a little far away.

With a full turn of Junyang Feijian, thousands of sword lights slayed towards the Seven-leaf Demon King, sensational, sparkling, or as big as a mountain, or as small as an inch, each one is sharp It is so compelling, each one contains the true meaning of Chunyang. Like the Japanese sun, there is no escape.

"How is it possible, how is it possible!"

Seeing this, Qiye Devil has long lost his courage.

This is not only a shock to the power of Chunyang Feijian, but also because the other side does not believe that Qingshan actually has such a Taoist device.

He originally thought that Fang Qingshan possessed two unique treasures and had a stunt comparable to three thousand supernatural powers. He had already looked at him very high, but he did not expect that there was a treasure comparable to the unique treasure.

"Is this the **** of heaven?"

Qiye Devil murmured to himself.

No matter what the Seven-leaf Demon thinks, but seeing thousands of Jianguang blinked in front of his eyes, he turned around and turned into a big day of falling. The trembling chill made the Seven-leaf Devil stiffen, But also awakened him.

The Seven-leaf Demon King is also the second generation of immortals, and the second generation of immortals is naturally not a wine bag and rice bag. At this time, naturally, it will not wait.

Xu looked at Fang Qingshan, and her eyes were full of fierceness. She gritted her teeth and sacrificed the blood of the sky, and struck out a series of tricks with her hands.

"Even if you die, it won't make you feel better."

A seven-leaf demon lord had a crazy look on his face.

"Want to explode the gem?"

When Fang Qingshan saw this, his eyebrows throbbed, and he snorted coldly.

"Have you asked me?"

Not to mention that the blood sky has long been regarded as something in his sack. It is just that the unique treasure once it has exploded has great power. If he is so close, he will definitely be caught by the pond fish. Moreover, Wuyun peach blossoms and Wu Ding Wang Ding is not around. Once it is affected by the aftermath, it is best to be the result of serious injuries. In such a situation, how can Fang Qingshan let the Seven Leaf Demon King achieve his wish?


Qi Fang Qingshan's heart moved, linking Wu Ding Wang Ding.


Wu Ding, Wang Ding shuddered, followed by a flash, and instantly appeared on the top of the blood sky, a reversal, buckled it down, and followed, in Bao Ding, the formation method was opened, and it was suppressed directly on the spot.

Although Wu Ding Wang Ding had just been taken over by the Seven-leaf Demon King, but for a while, his mana could not be refined.

Qi Fang Qingshan did not want to completely suppress the sword with the Five Prison Wang Ding, but only to delay for some time to win the pure Yang Feijian.


The Seven-leaf Demon King apparently did not expect this situation. When his heart moved, the blood sky broke through several formations of the Five Prison King Ding and broke out, but he was too late to explode the sword.

But seeing the flash of Junyang Feijian, all the actions of Qiye Demon are one. Although it looks the same as before, there is no light in his eyes.

It was Fang Qingshan who controlled Chunyang Feijian and directly wiped out the spirit of the Seven-leaf Demon King.

Since the last time, because he did not control the power, he directly used the Big Five Elements Extermination Needle to blast the Lord of the Dead Island into scum. This time, Fang Qingshan made a deliberate control.


The eighteen yin and yang devil standing on the periphery playing soy sauce originally laughed at Yan Yan, without any worries at all, thinking that Fang Qingshan was just a sun monkey in the hands of Buddha, and he couldn't afford the spray. The Seven-leaf Demon King finally planted in the hands of Fang Qingshan ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ But at this time, these demon kings also did not care about revenge for their bosses, and each turned and fled outside.

Nine Qiye Demon Kings are not Fang Qingshan's opponents, let alone them, not to mention that Fang Qingshan has a magic weapon-level killing treasure in his hands, which makes them lose their courage.

It's a pity that Fang Qingshan had been guarding them for a long time. When he saw his pure flying sword, except for his own people, there were only dead people.

The five-sprayed peach blossoms that had been sprinkled previously played a very good role at this time. Although these demon gods all have the cultivation of magical secrets, they are at most compared with ordinary true disciples, and there are no powerful babies in their hands for a short time. How to break through the defense circle of Wuyun peach blossom.

"Whoever moves again, I will give him a sword."

The voice of Qi Fangqingshan passed carelessly, but it fell into the ears of the Eighteen Yin Yang Demon King as if he had fixed himself, and everyone was motionless.

When Fang Qingshan saw this, the corners of his mouth could not help but slightly tilted, holding a pure Yang sword, and stroking it from time to time, turned around leisurely to the Eighteen Yin Yang Demon Road,

"Now there are two alternatives. One is that you surrender me so that you can live, and the other is that you continue to resist and run away, so you have only one way to go."

"How do you choose?" Fang Qingshan glanced lightly at eighteen people.

Twenty-eight yin and yang demons suddenly froze, looked at each other, and finally bowed down to the ground, bowing, "I'll wait to see the master."

Tian Mo is different from other people. They are naturally obedient to the strong, and they have long been accustomed to weak meat and strong food. Since the Seven-leaf Devil is defeated in the hands of Fang Qingshan, and they are facing life and death choices, there is no surprise in this choice.

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