Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 139: Kun Peng Egg

I conquered the eighteen yin and yang demon kings, which means that I have eighteen magical secret realms. Although they are not outstanding in magical secret realms, anyway, they are also magical secret realms, and they are not alone.

Then, Fang Qingshan began to enjoy the fruits of victory, and waved his hand to put the Seven-leaf Demon King into the Five Prison King Ding, and then stretched out his hand toward the sky.

Chunyang Feijian is a killer, and it is ranked first-class, comparable to the best, and cannot be used lightly, unless one day he cultivated to break through the sky and change his life, even life.

Now that I have got the sky of blood, I also have my own equipment.

的 I have seen the power of this cutting weapon. If I hadn't had the protective body of Wuyun peach blossom, I am probably going to capsize in the gutter.

With this baby, it is enough to use it until I break through the secret of longevity.

And this baby, like Wu Ding Wang Ding, has long reached the pinnacle of the rare treasure, only a step away from the Tao.

The blood sky is worthy of breaking through the existence of the Taoist device. Seeing Fang Qingshan's hand grabbing it, the blood sky seems to sense the crisis. Suddenly a rotation, avoiding Fang Qingshan's capture, the blade of light flashed, and it flew towards the sky, it seemed To escape.


Seeing this scene, Fang Qingshan could not help but hesitated.

Good guy, although he has not yet attained the Tao, the **** sky has already faintly given wisdom, with spirituality, and actually knows that he is going to benefit and avoid danger, which is a step further than Wuding Wang Ding.

As long as you add some good materials, some masters will re-forge it, break through the Tao, and be sure of it.

After all, like the **** sky, the Five Prison King Ding, and Wuyun Peach Blossoms, such precious treasures already have the foundation of Taoism, but it is spiritual wisdom.

Now that the wisdom of the blood sky is born, the breakthrough of Taoism is just around the corner.

Seeing this situation, Fang Qingshan was not shocked and rejoiced. He looked at the **** sky and was about to fly away. Fang Qingshan was not in a hurry. When his heart moved, Wuyun Peach Blossom suddenly burst into light. Instantly, a cloud of colorful smoke shot like a rope. The blood sky is usually bound.

The sky of blood is a magic sword, how can I wait for death? Even when it is fierce, the hair is bursting, the blade of light is like clusters, the strong **** gas fills all directions, and conflicts around, like the grand monkey in the heavenly palace. Can't even suppress it.

This is not to say that the five cloud peach blossoms are bad.

It ’s just that compared to the **** sky, Wuyun peach blossoms are less spiritual, relying on Fang Qingshan's urge. Of course, this is not the main thing. The main thing is that he previously absorbed the mist and sorrow of the **** puddles. The ten layers of force are not digested. It can only play five or six layers.


The more powerful the **** sky is, the more happy Fang Qingshan is.

However, it is imperative to first conquer it.

But see Fang Qingshan bent his finger on the pure Yang sword.


There was a crisp, old, magnificent, domineering sword sound.

Although there is no killing power, but the **** sky that is about to turn to heaven has stopped for a while, as if a mouse encountered a cat.

"Now that you have wisdom, let's talk."

Qi Fang Qingshan said lightly,

"Like them you have only two choices, either to surrender or I will wipe out your wisdom."

I said here, Fang Qingshan's eyes were full of anger, Chunyang Feijian buzzed, and it seemed that the next moment would be broken.

The **** sky suddenly trembled when he heard the words. Although he could not fully understand Fang Qingshan's words, after all, he had just given birth to wisdom.

But the instincts of blessings can still be sensed. In the face of Wuyun Peach Blossom 瘴 and Wu prison Wang Ding, the blood sky still dares to fight against it, but in the face of Chunyang Feijian, he dare not resist.

Especially Chunyang Feijian, like himself, is a full-time killing treasure. He even knows that such existence is so amazing.

So, like the eighteen yin and yang deities, before the survival, the blood sky also surrendered.


Seeing the blood sky finally surrendered, Fang Qingshan grabbed it in his hands and played with it.

"Congratulations, congratulations!"

Twenty-eight yin and yang deities also had great eyesight, congratulations, and then scrambled to say,

"Apart from the treasures of the Seven-leaf Demon King, there are many treasures in the castle. I'll wait for the owner to take them."

"it is good!"

When Fang Qingshan heard the words, his eyes suddenly lighted up, and he backed up the sky, and brought everyone to the shadow castle.

A horse is not fat without night grass, and it is not rich without wealth!

I thought that at that time, the abandoner of the Heavenly Demon Sect had let Fang Qingshan make a lot of money.

七 While Qiye Devil is the son of the demon god, Fang Qingshan has great expectations for his collection.

There are eighteen yin and yang demon kings who lead the way, Fang Qingshan naturally easily swept away the various medicinal materials in the castle and some precious ore in the warehouse.

In addition to this, Fang Qingshan was informed by these demon kings that from the main hall throne, he obtained a dome the size of a grinding disc. The dome appeared white, and it seemed to be densely painted with runes ~ www. wuxiaspot.com ~ blocked the vitality of the dome.

"Pengpeng eggs!"

I saw here, Fang Qingshan remembered that there was such a treasure in the hands of Qiye Devil.

It is rumored that there is a dragon egg in the Taiyi Gate, and there is an ancient dragon that is about to hatch. There is also a phoenix egg in the exquisite blessing land. There even seems to be an ancient Phoenix.

Nian Tianlong, Phoenix and Ning Peng are extremely powerful ancient gods and beasts.

It is a pity that this kind of ancient sacred animal was extremely difficult to hatch. Even after hatching, there will be no tens of thousands of years, or even hundreds of thousands of years, will not grow. You also need to eat a Xiandao school.

This Xunpeng egg in the hands of the Seven-leaf Demon was discovered by his father Jiuyin Demon inside a distant star in the outer sky. There were three in total. He won one and gave it to the Seven-leaf Demon. Unfortunately, now Fang Qingshan was made cheap for others.

"Well, you go out and conquer the demons, put them in the Five Prison King Ding, and use the Five Prison King Ding to devour the blood in the **** quagmire for food."

The Fang Qingshan is like a locust crossing the border. It scrapes all the valuable things in the castle, and then throws the five prison kings to the eighteen yin and yang devil, and lets them go out to conquer the demon.

Many of these demons are originally their subordinates, and whether they are used to refine the alchemy or urge the formation method are very good. In the principle of not letting the thief go, Fang Qingshan naturally will not let go of these resources.

"Yes, master!"

Twenty-eight Yinyang Demon King heard the words, respectfully took over Wuding Wang Ding, turned and left the castle, and went to conquer the demon.

However, Fang Qingshan shook his hands, dropped the five-cloud peach blossoms, and then took out a bowl from the storage space of the Seven-leaf Demon King.

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