Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 140: Withered Spring

"Jiuyang Holy Water, this is Jiuyang Holy Water!"

Qi Fang Qingshan held a bowl of non-gold, non-iron, non-jade and non-stone, his eyes shining.

But in that bowl, there was a liquid that kept flowing. This liquid showed nine colors. It was burning like a flame, like a fountain, and there was a rattling water. It was indistinguishable. Water or fire.

With this thing, the piece of the world tree can die in spring and become a small sapling again.

Although I want to grow back to the top stage, I do n’t know how much time it takes and how much resources it consumes, but this is the top spiritual root. It is the most precious treasure that can always accompany Fang Qingshan. Even if he breaks through the secret of longevity, he will Immortal, even Da Luo, all time and space are at ease, this thing is the treasure.

东西 Even if it is placed in a flood, it can rival the existence of top-level innate spiritual roots.

Qi Fang Qingshan believes that once this thing grows up, it will become the most precious thing in its own hands, except for the chessboards of the heavens.

Qi Fang Qingshan took out the world tree fragments.

得到 Since it has been obtained, Fang Qingshan has been continually practicing with his own energy.

Although 炼 did not refine, but it also gave the world tree fragments a trace of their own breath.

At this moment, Fang Qingshan played a trick with both hands, letting the world tree fragments float in front of himself, and then pointed into a sword, and gently hooked, the Jiuyang holy water in the bowl was shot like a clear spring, and fell straight into the world On tree debris.

The Jiuyang Holy Water is truly a treasure of heaven and earth, with infinite vitality.

But seeing a drop on the world tree fragment, it has an immediate effect.

Huh! laugh! laugh!

Jiuyang Sheng dripped on the wooden block, immersed in cold water like a hot iron block, making a gurgling sound.

The swell of Jiuyang's air was absorbed by the fragments of the world tree, and Fang Qingshan felt a little vitality in no time, just as after the horror, when the spring returned to the earth, everything revived, and the grass sprouted. Withered trees in spring!

With the continuous flow of Jiuyang holy water.

羸 This weak vitality gradually grew stronger. Over time, Fang Qingshan even saw a tiny green spore swelled slightly on the palm-sized shards. This seemed to be the bud, and the shell was about to be broken.

When I saw this, Fang Qingshan became more and more excited. He originally controlled the amount of holy water in Jiuyang. At this moment, he immediately let go of his hands and feet, throwing the debris of the world tree directly into the bowl, and soaked in Jiuyang holy water.


In a short time, it seems that the seedlings are spurred by hormones. The shards of the world tree, when they break out of the shell, sprout and take root.

强大 A powerful wooden property aura burst into full swing.

Fang Qingshan's practice of the Five Elements Zhenqi can also be regarded as a very powerful attribute of the Five Elements. However, the wooden attribute Qi is actually a little witch compared with this wooden Qi. Although this is just a sprout, but the quality and Words are many times higher than their own anger.

The Jiuyang holy water with this bowl is used as a nutrient solution.

The fragments of the world tree are one breath at a time.

For a while, the world tree fragment seemed to turn into a black hole, which was continuously devouring vitality, and at the same time let out a chaotic wood that was not green.

碎片 World tree fragments are like bamboo shoots after the rain. The crickets grow, sprout, shoot, and even grow leaves.

After a short while, it turned into a small sapling. Although it seemed to be fragile, it was faintly seen that it seemed to have the mighty power of the sky.

But when I saw this little sapling, the roots were firmly pierced into the void, as if drawing nutrients from the endless void, the leaves are oval, the texture is like a symbol, the texture of each leaf is absolutely different, Seems to be a sheet of scripture.

"Sure enough, it is a clever quest for heaven and earth!"

Looking at the small sapling in front of her, Fang Qingshan said with sincerity.

The reason why Qi is ingenious is that the world ’s tree trunks, leaves, and roots have formed a natural matrix ban, and they are constantly evolving, increasing, and growing.

The reason why it is said to be the creation of heaven and earth is that its roots have actually plunged into the infinite void, absorbing the millions of aura hidden in various unknown mysterious voids.

Deserves to stand up to the sky, connecting the world tree of Xianfan, penetrating the void of eternal life and all realms, like the blood of a human spine, reciprocating.

"It's a pity, I don't know what great shore this thing was!"

I felt the majestic thoughts and momentum on the world tree, and Fang Qingshan could not help but be enchanted by the world tree in its heyday.

However, even with such a powerful existence, he was finally robbed. Fang Qingshan couldn't help but feel like walking on a thin ice heart. On the way to practice, there were so many dangers that if he didn't pay attention, he would never get lost.

As soon as this thought came out, Fang Qingshan was shocked, and the whole person seemed to be transparent.

It is Fang Qingshan's state of mind that has improved and Daoxing increased. The bottlenecks that break through in the future will naturally weaken.

"Hey ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I didn't expect this unexpected joy!"

Qi Fang Qingshan could not help laughing.

At the same time, I also thought that if it was not the world tree that was robbed, because of his strength, do n’t say yourself, it is the secret place of longevity. Fairies, Jinxian are just ants to him. How can they sit so precious?

Although World Tree wants to grow up completely, it takes more time than Xun Peng's eggs, but Fang Qingshan doesn't care.

The thing he has to consider now is that once the world tree grows, he may not be able to control it over time.

自然 Of course, this is not something Fang Qingshan wants to see.

I want the world tree to be completely for my own use. Only the world tree is fully refined.

At this moment, the world tree has just come back to life, and it is the most vulnerable time to come back to life.

Qi Fang Qingshan didn't dare to neglect, and the operation of the five elements of Zhenqi has infused his own radon into the world tree seedlings.

Followed by, Fang Qingshan knew the sword of God, and slashed towards his own Yuan Shen!

I stabbed, split into two!


I immediately spit out the blood.

However, Fang Qingshan can't care so much now, forbearing the pain, Fang Qingshan puts a smaller part of the original soul primordial spirit into the world tree.


In a short time, I saw the whole world tree seedlings startling. Between the branches and leaves flying, like a human hand, in the center of the trunk, there was a faint appearance of a human face. If you look closely, who is not Fang Qingshan?

However, he used the second elementary **** in He Shaqi's book and the destiny sword practice method in Jun Yang Jian Jue to turn the world tree into his own life and soul.

虽然 Although such a time will damage one's primordial spirit, it is worth it in the long run.

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