Wanderer of Myriad Worlds

Chapter 1383: Manjushan

As with natural disasters, the same is true of dangerous places, which are also divided into four levels.

The difference is that the weakest of the natural disasters is the immortal start, and the danger is the same as the classification of natural treasures.

The weakest can only trap the mixed Yuan. It is the first level and also the mixed Yuan level. The strongest is like the dangerous place that the Taoist ancestors ran away in the past. The Emperor of God may accidentally fall. This is the fourth level. , Is God Emperor.

As for whether there is anything more powerful than the God Emperor level, the danger zone of the extinct natural disaster level, for the time being, seems to have not yet.

Even if it is the most top-level dangerous place of the emperor, the battlefield of the emperor has only reached the point of extinct natural disasters, and still makes the emperor unable to move at all.

However, like natural disasters and repairs, there are also strong and weak between dangerous places at the same level.

Weak, at least a little trouble for the early mixed Yuan, but just be careful, it should not be difficult.

As for the difficulty, it is very dangerous for the existence of immortality. Like this dangerous place in Wanjushan, it is somewhere between Mixed Yuan and Immortal.

The reason for this is because it is too dangerous for the hybrid level, it is almost a death, and it is too simple for the immortal level.

Too dangerous for the hybrid level is easy to understand, too simple for the immortal level, but it's not just about difficulty.

There is usually only one criterion for judging the level of a dangerous place, and that is to look at the degree of his threat.

The one who can threaten the mixed element is the level of the mixed element, and the one who threatens immortality is the level of immortality.

But in fact, in addition to the difficulty, there is another measure, which is interest.

The world is full of benefits, the world is full of benefits.

Even dangerous places are no exception.

Dangerous places are dangerous, but all beings still know that there are tigers in the mountains, and they tend to go to the mountains. It is not bold, but profitable.

Therefore, in addition to the disadvantages, that is, the standards for consideration, there are benefits and gains.

The disadvantages do not need to say more, it refers to the degree of danger here, and see if it can pose a threat to that level. The danger level of the mixed yuan level is generally only a threat to the modification of the mixed yuan.

Benefits and gains are the value of the treasures, special products, and even fierce beasts here. Generally speaking, the dangers of the Hunyuan level are all suitable for the Hunyuan realm, and have little use for the immortal realm. .

However, Wanjushan is a little different.

The benefits here are only confined to the Yuan. Even if there are some that are helpful to immortality, they are few and far between.

However, the degree of danger, not to mention the mixed Yuan, is the beginning of immortality, and even here in the middle, almost the end of a lifetime.

Pay and gain are not proportional.

Therefore, here is somewhere between the hybrid and the immortal.

It is also for this reason that, from ancient times to the present, very few people have set foot on Manju Mountain.

Too weak for the weak and too little for the strong.

The taste was tasteless, but it was a pity to abandon it. Wan Man Shan eventually became a chicken rib.

However, for the mosquitoes and the world tree clone, it is the best place.

First of all, because of the degree of danger, few people are willing to come here.

Less people come, less development, less development means more resources.

In other places, even though it is relatively easy or rich in products, it can't hold up many people.

Therefore, harvesting is the first benefit.

The second advantage is that fewer people come here, which means less competition and less competition, which means that they only need to focus on the danger area itself, instead of focusing more on people.

Dangerous, sometimes people are more dangerous than the ground. After all, it is difficult to draw a dragon and a tiger, and it is hard to know people and faces. Sometimes, for a little benefit, it is the father and the son.

The third advantage is that although the danger is dangerous, it is for others, but it is simple for the mosquitoes.

Don't look at them being not very high, but they can't stand the fighting force.

The most important thing is that they are sitting on the eternal sky, that is, ordinary ordinary immortal can suppress it. It is perfectly possible to run sideways and sideways.

Therefore, to them, Wanjushan has only harvest and no disadvantages, just like entering the back garden of their own home.

If this place doesn't come, where else?

Entering the dangerous place of Wanjushan is like entering another world.

The most obvious feeling is the beast roar. As soon as you enter it, you hear the sounds of one after another, Long Yin Daze, Feng Ming nine days.

Then, a faint breath blew forward, as if the ancient times were barren.

The red sun is like a huge fireball, burning the blazing flames, hanging the sky, beams of light like swords, radiating the earth, and spreading the heat all over the world. Vaguely a golden crow can be seen flying in its wings.

Yes, the Day of Manjushan is actually a Jinwu changed by fire. It is the most top-level existence of Wanshoushan, and it has reached the peak of immortality in the middle. However, he has been in a deep sleep period, as long as he does not provoke him, there is no danger.

When entering the Beast Mountain, the mosquitoes and the world tree clone can be described as an eye-opener.

Good guys, the mountain peaks are rising one after another, and there is a breath of wildness, either split, or sloppy, or high or low, like sharp teeth, such as long swords, and water and light, there is a kind of piercing eyebrows Fengrui.

From time to time during the presence of fierce beasts, his eyes were cold and stunned.

It took a quarter of an hour to enter the Wanju Mountain range, and it was less than ten kilometers ahead, definitely on the periphery of the periphery.

But there was a blood path, where to go and where to go.

Along the way, the mosquitoes saw a lot of treasures. Although it was only the first grade, and not to mention the second grade, the first grade is rare, but it was enough to surprise. After all, the cabbage in the bad street is not mentioned here, but there is almost one plant every few steps ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, it's shocking.

However, it is also surprising that the beast is directly proportional to the treasure of heaven and earth.

The ferocious beasts here are simply three steps and one post, five steps and one whistle.

And the repair is not low, basically above the mixed element, and many are still in groups.

Seeing this scene, the two mosquitoes had to be impressed. It is indeed the beast mountain range.

No wonder this place is deadly for the mixed realm.

Here is just the periphery of the periphery, but it is already so dangerous. Don't say that the early, middle and even late stages of entering the Yuan Dynasty, I am afraid that there is no means, not even the middle of Wanju Mountain.

However, for the world tree clone and mosquitoes, this is definitely an unprecedented treasure.

"Here it is."

The mosquitoes and the World Tree clones both gave out a surprise emotion.

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